Before an application can be released to the Android platform, it must go through a signing process.

There are many ways to sign an APK package, and we recommend that you use the Jarsigner tool that comes with the JDK to do so. The command format of the Jarsigner tool is:

# Jarsigner command formatJarsigner -verbose -keystore [your private keystore path] -signedjar [signed file store path] [unsigned file path] [your certificate name]# Jarsigner parameter descriptionThe -keystore argument specifies the absolute path to your private key, for example: The c:\ myKeystore -signedjar parameter specifies the absolute path to the signed apk file. For example, c:\signed.apk [unsigned file path] specifies the absolute path to the signed APk file, which you downloaded from us. For example c:\meizuemptyapk-release-unsigned. Apk [Your certificate name] is the certificate name you set when you created the keyCopy the code

Example Command:

jarsigner -verbose -keystore ~/Workspace/mykeystore -signedjar ./meizuemptyapk-release-signed.apk ./meizuemptyapk-release-unsigned.apk meizu
Copy the code


Extracted from meizu developer application claim instructions