We are currently planning the details of the launch,

Look forward to witnessing the growth of iView with you!

IView 2019 product launch will be held at 14:00 on July 27, 2019 in Beijing, the capital.

Ticket address:


Live online address:


Active process

13:00 – sign in prominence

14:00-14:10 Review iView 2018

14:10-16:00 Launch the new iView product

16:00-17:00 Discussion and group photo

17:00 The meeting is over

Note: The above schedule is subject to the actual schedule on the day of the conference

Forum notice

As the venue can accommodate up to 150 people, 35 yuan to 50 yuan will be charged to prevent invalid registration, and all proceeds from the tickets will be donated to vue.js open source project.

For more information, please pay attention to iView’s official wechat official account:

The ticket information

1. The registration process: line, click the link in registration www.huodongxing.com/event/55004…

2. Registration notice: you can sign in with the electronic ticket

3. Ticket discount: 120 early bird tickets (35 yuan/ticket) and 30 ordinary tickets (50 yuan/ticket)

IView special sponsor

IView Sponsor of the Year

IView technical sponsor

IView Conference sponsor