study hard and make progress every day

This article has included to my lot warehouse, welcome Star


How time flies! I have been writing this article for almost a year, and I want to share the tools I use and the pits I step on. In fact, I didn’t think about writing an article at first, thinking that I knew nothing and couldn’t write anything. Later, I decided to write after watching the video of CodeSheep. To be honest, writing an article has brought me a lot of harvest. In many cases, after learning something, I feel that I understand it, but it is not easy to explain it clearly in my own words. I will find that there are still many details that I have not understood. When I turn back to understand what I have not understood and write an article, I will improve myself again. In fact, writing an article is the process of checking loopholes and filling gaps. No matter how well the article is written, as long as it is written, there will be harvest, and then after a long time, when a lot of things are forgotten, it can also be taken out and reviewed. Just like me now, most of the notes I write are not in-depth notes, but these notes can be taken out for review in the future, which is also a consolidation when writing, and can also help my friends who are studying together, why not?

All the tools mentioned in this article can be found on Baidu, so I will not provide the download link.

What is the article written in

  • Markdown

Before writing this article, let’s take a look at Markdown, which is a lightweight markup language that implements specific styles with very simple markup. I didn’t know what Markdown was at the beginning, and I used Word for the first article “Integration of three SSM Frameworks”. It was not easy to write an article in Word, and the code was not nice to paste. Later, when I finished writing the article and prepared to post it on CSDN, I knew there was something so awesome as Markdown. A # is the first level title, two are the second level title, bold is the text with two *…… on each side Snippets and tables are also supported, and these simple markup can then be rendered to look pretty:

For more Markdown related content, please refer to the cainiao tutorial. Try not to write some complicated marks when writing, because different platforms have different support for Markdown, and some marks may not be recognized. For example, Zhihu does not support Markdown tables, so I will not post any articles on Zhihu now.

  • Typora

After knowing Markdown, it was time to consider what software to use to write articles. I started with Vscode, which uses the way of editing and preview at the other side. The disadvantage of Vscode is that there is no markup prompt, and some simple markup is really easy to type manually, but when I encounter complex markup, It’s not as comfortable as Word, like table tags, which are pretty hard to write (or MAYBE I don’t know, but the interface isn’t pretty).

The recommended, then looked at other bloggers know Typora this artifact, it adopt the way of what you see is what you get, written with the preview, rather than about part as Vscode, after finished the tag directly after rendering, and can be controlled by click the right mouse button to add the style, so that even if some tags do not remember or write complexities, You can use the right mouse button to operate.

I generally are simple markers directly click, complex right mouse button. However, Typora also has disadvantages, because it is real-time rendering, so the content of the interface will be a little bit slow, I wrote “hand to take you to learn CSS” when I wrote more than 20,000 fast 30,000 words, it was obvious to feel the slow, but also good, rarely write so many words.

Questions about pictures

Markdown is a plain text markup language, it is not like the Word insert images directly, only through the way of marking insert picture links, local image links or the cloud picture links can be, but the images stored in the local change device cannot see the pictures, can’t copy pictures also follow the past, so much trouble! So WHAT I do is I put my images in the cloud so that they can be displayed on any device that has an Internet connection.

  • Gitee

In the spirit of free sex, I started looking for a free map bed. Stability is the most important thing for free things. What if the picture bed collapses after a period of time? Just before I started to write the article, I read an article about how to use Github as a map bed for nothing, so I chose Github as the platform at first. However, after I used it for a while, I found that Github map bed has an embarrassing shortcoming, because Github server is not in China, so it is very slow to load pictures. In addition, due to network problems, Github images cannot be displayed when they are inserted into Markdown. They can only be displayed after the hosts file is modified. Therefore, sometimes some images cannot be displayed on platforms such as Blog Garden, which may use Github map bed. However, after modifying hosts for some time, MY Github could not be opened. At that time, I always thought that Github was blocked in China. Then one day, I found that another computer in my home could access Github without scientific Internet access. I changed it back to Github again. Github will not be able to use Github without changing the hosts image. Therefore, I put my eyes on the Domestic Gitee. After using Gitee, I found that it was really fragrant. The loading speed of pictures was very fast. However, Gitee also has disadvantages. The first is that the capacity of each Gitee account is only 5 GB, which is indeed a little small, but if one account is not enough, you can register several more, which is not a big problem. The second is that the size of each picture should not exceed 1MB, which can not be accessed through external chain. So compress images over 1MB before uploading them.

  • PicGo

Gitee can put pictures on Gitee, but it is too much trouble to upload pictures according to the traditional way of operating Git. Fortunately, there are already some people on the Internet who can simplify the operation of the magic device – PicGo. When used together with PicGo, Gitee is smoother than Dove. Some friends may not know how to operate it. Let me introduce it:

First register an account on Gitee, then create a warehouse dedicated to storing pictures, and then get the Token of the account: Click the profile picture in the upper right corner, and click Set in the popup drop-down box. Then click the private token on the left side of the setting interface, and click the “Generate new token” button in the upper right corner. Tick projects in the picture, and leave the others unchecked.

After clicking the submit button, you will be asked to input your password, and then you will get the Token.

Note that the token is displayed only once, please save it in time, otherwise you can only regenerate it.

By default, PicGo does not support Gitee graph bed, so you need to download the Gitee plug-in first. However, before downloading the plug-in, node.js must be installed on the computer, otherwise the plug-in will not install. I did not know this at the beginning, so I have been unable to install the plug-in. That’s one of the reasons I didn’t use Gitee in the first place. Open the interface of PicGo, click the plug-in Settings on the left, then search Gitee, install the plug-in circled in the picture, and wait for the plug-in to complete installation.

The first repO is used to set up the repository to which you want to upload the image. The second branch is used to set up the branch, and the second branch is used to set up the branch. The third token is filled with the private token just obtained, and the fourth path is filled with the folder path, which is the folder you want to upload pictures to. It is suggested to create a separate folder for each article, so as to facilitate management. The folder path should not contain parentheses, and some platforms such as CSDN cannot resolve parentheses. The link of the picture cannot be resolved by pasting it in CSDN. And then I’m gonna say OK,

PicGo Settings can set the shortcut key to upload pictures, and then copy the picture you want to upload, and then click the shortcut key to upload, the picture will start to upload, success or not will be prompted, if the link to upload a successful picture will be automatically saved in the clipboard, directly to Typora paste.


  • ScreenToGif

This is a tool to record GIF images on the computer, sometimes to demonstrate something, may use GIF, through this tool can easily record the computer screen into A GIF image, you can adjust the recording area, also can adjust the number of frames recorded. You can record not only the computer screen, but also the camera and the artboard. After recording, you can easily edit the GIF, which is very useful.


This is an online video to GIF picture tool, sometimes need to record the picture of the phone, you can record the video through the phone’s own screen recording software, and then upload the video to this website into GIF, and this website is free.

  • ProcessOn and the draw. IO

ProcessOn I mainly use for flowcharts and mind maps, but the amount of storage is limited, so you have to sign up for membership. XMind is also good for mind maps. IO can draw a variety of images and save them to platforms like OneDrive and Github.

  • drawing

Yes, yes, it is Windows own drawing software, although the function is not much, but simple editing pictures can be, such as adding text, modify the size, circle part of the content and so on, this I usually use or quite many.

Backing up to the cloud

After writing the article, you should consider the problem of backup, after all, there is a risk of loss saved in the local, who do not want to work hard to write the article suddenly disappeared. I started by saving my posts to Github when I wrote them, but that was still too cumbersome, and I wondered if there was a platform that was easier to use. Later, I considered youdao Cloud Note, a cloud note-taking product, which supports Markdown. It is not afraid of losing articles when writing with it, but the writing experience is far from that of Typora. Later, I wondered whether I could use Typora to edit articles in Youdao Cloud Note. Research, also can really, youdao cloud notes in the article will have a local file on the computer, as long as find a local file, then with any editor to edit and click save when you will be automatically synchronized to the server of youdao cloud notes, and youdao cloud notes and similar to the git version control function, it stores the content of every editor, If you accidentally delete something, you can roll it back, which is pretty Nice!

Now there is a problem, how to quickly find the local file for an article? There’s a local file search app called Everything on Windows, but it’s not the one I’d recommend because it has an ugly interface. I usually use uTools, which installs a variety of plugins and uses them to do different things. There are two plug-ins: local search and QuickTypora.

Local search is based on Everything, but is more comfortable than using it directly; QuickTypora opens Markdown files recently edited with Typora, so the process is 👇

Finally, set the automatic saving in Typora to realize the automatic saving of writing articles to the cloud. However, youdao Cloud Note should always run in the background during writing articles, otherwise the articles may fail to synchronize.

Publication of articles

After writing the article, you can publish it on various platforms. Now I mainly publish on wechat public account, CSDN, Blog Garden and Nuggets. Except for wechat public account, the others all support Markdown, so you can just copy and paste the article in Markdown format.

Wechat official accounts do not support Markdown, but don’t worry, there is a website for format conversion: After converting through this website, you can paste it into the wechat public number, and there are all kinds of good-looking styles to choose from. A downloadable version has recently been made available, but the download version costs money and online use is free.


Well, the above is all the tools I usually use when writing articles and the way to use them, some of which I slowly find out by myself, and some of which are recommended by others. Everyone uses different habits, now this set of tools I use or quite handy, so I recommend to everyone. Give me a thumbs up if you like it! And share it with those in need!

Code word is not easy, if you can, give me a like, favorites, follow

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This article has been uploaded to my Github repository DayDayUP:… , welcome to Star