WeeklyBlog project, the second phase of the collection of articles, the process of this period is more standardized, the review time is extended, to ensure that each article is high quality.

This installment is also packed with Android basics, source code analysis, solving real-world development problems, some indie developers, and a technical share from a Python veteran, as well as the first in a series of design patterns.

Source code analysis
  • HashMap (@allenwu)

    HashMap source code, JDK 1.7 and JDK 1.8 HashMap different implementation, at the same time introduced the specific role of hashCode() method, and related data structure analysis, some key points are given a detailed explanation.

  • SparseArray usage and implementation principle (@Joe)

    Source point of view in-depth analysis of SparseArray implementation principle, and analyzed its advantages and disadvantages compared with HashMap, each key process with a specific figure to explain the principle, very detailed. The source code series on his blog is awesome.

  • Flask Router mechanism and Python Decorator review (@ Hk reporter writing code)

    Flask, used by older Python drivers as a starting point for reading open source, is the first book in the series, and is a good place to consolidate many of the details in Python.

Design patterns
  • Design Patterns practice series 1 (@Brucezz)

    The first article of the design pattern practice series explains the design pattern with a small scene simulating the actual situation, and combines examples to understand the design pattern, explaining the original empty theory vividly and interestingly.

  • View event distribution mechanism (Android development art Exploration reading Notes) (@YONGyu0102)

    This article first from the text description to let the reader understand the concept of event distribution, first have a perceptual understanding, and then combined with the source code event distribution mechanism analysis, the source code of the key place are added in detail, to help readers understand, so that reading source code becomes no longer so terrible.

  • RecyclerView perfect implementation of drag, slide delete and undo delete (@Hymane)

    In this article, the driver uses the ItemTouchHelper tool class to perfectly implement drag-and-drop, slide delete and undo delete operations. The whole process is provided with detailed code and explained, which is worth a look for developers who need this aspect.

  • From registering as a Google Play developer to how to use the Google LVL Verification Service (@melodyxxx)

    Melodyxxx, the driver of this article, is a junior independent developer. Her Pure Weather has won a lot of praise in the domestic market and recently launched on Google Play. She has summarized a complete and detailed tutorial from her experience in launching it. From how to register as a Google Play developer to implementing LVL verification in your project, it was a great experience!

  • Framework source code – A bit of fun to learn about Retrofit

    Xie’s humorous source code analysis of how Retrofit converts interfaces into network requests and where they are actually made, with detailed explanations of key points in the source code, is a good study for developers who use Retrofit but don’t know how it works.

  • SetContentView (@melo)

    SetContentView looks familiar to Android developers, but is it? Melo driver from setContentView() method, step by step, a little bit of digging into the depths of the source code, at the same time with the actual project to verify the results of exploration, and give their own analysis. Here also recommend the site’s other articles, are of high quality.

  • BottomPopUpDialog Bottom popup (@shadow)

    In this paper, starting from the problems in the actual development, from the bottom of the pop-up implementation of the initial analysis of some of the problems in the actual development, and the small details, and smoke into a component, provide the necessary API to meet the needs of users, the late can consider together with the style of the diversity and more custom properties of the support.

  • Hot Fix: ClassLoader in Android

    In this article, we introduce the ClassLoader mechanism in Android and the differences between it and ClassLoader in JVM. From the source code analysis of several Android ClassLoader implementation, and through a simple practical example to verify the theoretical knowledge mentioned above.