This is the New Year, the New Year, itsCoder will have a new plan, the WeeklyBlog project will continue.


  • RxJava thread switch source code some experience and thinking (@ Xie Sandi)

    The driver to give the reader a questions about thread operator, let the reader himself to think first, then simple introduced several basic class/method RxJava role, on this basis, the combination of source, analyzes the ins and outs of the thread and thread transform principle, finally gives the answers to questions, theory combined with the actual combat, the analysis of the great, Learning, finally suggested that this article had better have a certain use of RxJava or theoretical basis, because the principle of thread transformation is mainly based on RxJava that several key classes and methods, understand the several classes and methods, and then learn this article will be a lot easier.

  • Beautiful gear drawing on GearMachine Canvas (@andyXiALM)

    An actual combat relatively strong article, the realization of a cool gear animation of the official website. You need to have a good understanding and proficiency in View coordinates, Canvas, Paint, and Path before understanding this article. After having the above foundation, you can follow the source code to achieve the rotation effect of the middle two gears, so it is easy to understand. I feel the difficulty of this animation is the calculation and understanding of various coordinates. At the end of the article, ValueAnimator can be used to help solve the problem when customizing animation values. Feels like a great way to introduce the problem step by step. Finally, it is very recommended that we take a look at the corresponding source code implementation of this article, the author’s code is very clean, very nice.

  • Android View Animation and Property Animation learning Notes)

    This article introduces in detail the use of frame animation, tween animation, and property animation scenarios, common methods, and may step on some pits. Some practical suggestions are given for using them. The second half of the article analyzed the source of the attribute animation, so as to know why. Animation itself is a difficult technology in Android, involving a lot of calculation and mathematics knowledge. But when it comes to hands-on practice and summing up experience, it can also be overcome.

  • Fake Focus effect with Google Camera (@Hymane)

    This article is written neatly and with clear ideas. The focus effect of imitating Google Camera is also very beautiful. This article introduces how to analyze and solve the problem of an animation effect in detail from beginning to end. Whether it is the effect imitation learning or the beginning of animation learning, this article is very worth learning.

  • Android 6.0 Runtime Permission compact Encapsulation (@melo)

    In this paper, starting from the practical problems, in the face of 6.0 dynamic permission application problem, have to write a lot of repeated permission check and application code, code as long as contact with “repetition” will produce “encapsulation”. The driver addressed this practical need by showing us a package of how to apply for permission, hoping to perfect it and make a pants out of it.

  • RecyclerViewDivider: RecyclerViewDivider (@monkey writing Code)

    Based on the revision of the official DividerItemDecoration, more customization options are provided to meet most demand scenarios and make RecyclerView dividing line more convenient to use.


  • Compile and package applications using Gradle (@allenwu)

    Gradle directory structure and build. Gradle build. build. Gradle Can also be based on content keyword Google search learning, for beginners is very good.

Design patterns

  • Design Pattern – Singleton pattern (@Jasonim)

    Singleton is one of the most widely used patterns, singleton must ensure the existence of only one instance, many times the entire system only needs to have a global object, so that we can coordinate the behavior of the whole system. In this article, the author introduces four common singleton patterns in detail, and analyzes their advantages and disadvantages, for common singleton, but not familiar with why students are a good article to supplement knowledge and improve.


  • 11 Top Websites for Designer Inspiration (@zetaoyang)

    Although do not design, but look more at ordinary times, still helpful to raising aesthetic. A lot of times like foreign websites because foreign websites are more concise, high quality.

The database

  • MySQL base group commit (@win_man)

    Group commit is one of the fundamental concepts of MySQL and is the foundation of distributed things in MySQL. The author details what MySQL does when such a feature is triggered. Can be said to be MySQL advanced must-read article.