Singleton pattern both in the real world and in the programmer’s code is very common in the world, at the same time is also more common in the interview warm-up problem, not just because of the singleton pattern is important in the design of business logic code, and from the singleton pattern can lead to concurrent, locking mechanism and some other series of problems, Today we will discuss singleton patterns in design patterns.
Design patterns
Design patterns first appeared in the construction industry and began to emerge in the software development industry in the 1990s. Design pattern can be said to be decades of struggle in the front line of the predecessors summed up a set of software development rules of thumb, code design experience summary. Its goal is to improve code reusability, quality and robustness. (some data also improve the readability of the code, there is no denying the fact that the design pattern in some scenarios can indeed improve the readability of the code, but the author thinks that most scenarios in order to try to reduce the coupling between classes and class, improve the reusability of the code, is to some extent, at the expense of the readability of the code.)
We know that there are some important object-oriented design principles in software development design, including the following:
- The single responsibility principle: a class should have one and only one reason for its change. In plain English, a class should only do one thing well. The same applies to methods.
- Open closed principle: open to extension, closed to modification. This improves system maintainability and reusability. When the application requirements change, the original module is extended to meet the new requirements.
- The li substitution principle: This principle states that inheritance must ensure that the properties of the superclass are still valid in the subclass. To put it simply, the subclass of the superclass must also provide the properties of the superclass. The subclass can extend the functions of the superclass without changing the functions of the superclass.
- Dependency inversion principle: high level should not depend on low level, abstraction should not depend on concrete, concrete should depend on abstraction, that is, you should program toward interfaces, not toward concrete, which reduces coupling between classes.
- The principle of interface isolation is that interfaces should be small and refined, not large and complete, and clients should not need to implement all methods in an interface in order to use some of its functions.
- Demeter’s Rule: The least known principle, which states that two software entities in the software world do not need to call each other directly if there is no need to communicate. From the perspective of dependent objects, this means that you only rely on what you need to depend on, and from the perspective of dependent objects, only expose the methods that should be exposed.
- The principle of composite reuse: Composition over inheritance, using composition in preference to inheriting extended class functionality. Inheritance is chosen only when an inheritance structure is really needed.
These principles have been the methodologies of software development for decades, and design patterns are the best practices that have been guided by these methodologies.
In 1995, the GoF Quartet included 23 design patterns in the famous book Design Patterns: The Foundations of Reusable Object-oriented Software. These 23 design patterns can be broadly grouped into three categories:
- Creative design patterns: This category describes how objects are created and how they are separated from their use.
- Structural design pattern: This type of design pattern mainly consists of classes or objects grouped into a larger structure according to a certain layout
- Behavioral design patterns: This category describes interactions between classes or objects.
The singleton design pattern we will discuss in this article is one of the creative design patterns.
Singleton design pattern
Singleton design pattern is a pattern in which there is only one instance of a singleton class in the entire JVM process, from the time the JVM process is created until it is destroyed, and the class can create that instance itself.
Implement the premise of a singleton
To implement a singleton design pattern, you need to pay attention to the following three points:
- Constructors are private. This is essential, otherwise it would not be a singleton if the external constructor could be used to create objects arbitrarily.
- Internally holds a private instance of a static singleton pattern.
- Provides a public static method to get a singleton object.
Several implementations of singleton pattern
1. Hangry singleton
class Singleton1
private static Singleton1 instance=new Singleton1();
private Singleton1(a) {};
public static Singleton1 getInstance(a)
returninstance; }}Copy the code
The advantages and disadvantages
The advantages of this implementation is simple, you can see that only a few lines of code can be realized, the way can work well in multi-threading, to ensure thread safety.
The disadvantage is that the singleton class is created as soon as the object is loaded, and there is no lazy initialization, which can be wasteful and slow to start when creating instances is expensive.
How does hungry singleton design keep threads safe?
This problem is due to the Java class loading mechanism, which is explained at the end of this article. How is the creation of Static variables thread-safe
2. Hangry variation
class Singleton2
private static Singleton2 instance=null;
instance=new Singleton2();
private Singleton2(a){};
public static Singleton2 getInstance(a)
returninstance; }}Copy the code
This approach is almost indistinguishable from the hunger-style singleton design pattern above, and can also be thread-safe. As for why it’s guaranteed, see here. How is the creation of Static variables thread-safe
3. Lazy singleton design
class Singleton3
private static Singleton3 instance=null;
private Singleton3(a){};
public Singleton3 getInstance(a)
/ / 1
/ / 2
instance=new Singleton3();
returninstance; }}Copy the code
The advantages and disadvantages
This method is also relatively simple to implement, the amount of code is better, and this method uses lazy initialization, can avoid the waste of resources.
However, this approach only works well with a single thread and does not guarantee singletons when multiple threads are executing concurrently.
Why can’t this approach guarantee singletons when multiple threads are executing concurrently?
Take a look at the chart below:
When thread A executes getInstance and says instance is null, it goes into if, and it’s just about to create an object, it’s robbed of the CPU by thread B, and thread B executes getInstance and says instance is null. Thread A then retakes the CPU, and since we’ve already seen that, we’ll create A singleton, and we’ll create A thread object when thread B gets the CPU. This creates two objects.
4. Lazy singleton (thread-safe 1)
class Singleton4
private static Singleton4 instance=null;
private Singleton4(a){};
public synchronized Singleton4 getInstance(a)
instance=new Singleton4();
returninstance; }}Copy the code
The advantages and disadvantages
This approach solves the problem of thread safety mentioned above without introducing too much complexity in coding, and uses synchronized to ensure the synchronization of methods.
The disadvantage is that this approach does not perform well in the case of high concurrency. Even if a subsequent singleton has been created, the singleton must be unlocked every time it is acquired.
With the continuous optimization of Java for synchronized, lock upgrades and so on, the performance loss of synchronized has become less serious, but it is still simple but not elegant.
5. Lazy singleton (double check lock)
class Singleton5
private static volatile Singleton5 instance=null;
private Singleton5(a){};
public Singleton5 getInstance(a)
synchronized (Singleton5.class)
instance=newSingleton5(); }}}returninstance; }}Copy the code
The advantages and disadvantages
This method is an improvement on the fourth method, because when the singleton is created, there is no need to lock synchronization, only need to ensure the thread safety of the singleton creation process, this optimization method belongs to the granularity of refinement lock, lock only in the place of the lock.
The disadvantage is that the amount of code up, the need to synchronized and volatile guarantee, it is difficult to understand.
1, why do I need to check if it is null twice, and then enter the code block to create the object directly? Here’s another picture:
Because the if check is completed when multiple threads execute a synchronized block at once, the thread does not check when it acquires the lock, even if other threads have created the object. So when the thread gets the lock, it needs to check again to see if the other thread has completed the initialization of the singleton during the block.
2. Why volatile modifiers singletons?
Here’s a look at this code
instance=new Singleton5();
Copy the code
JVM object creation can be divided into the following three steps:
- First, find the Class conformity based on its fully qualified name and determine whether the Class has been loaded, validated, prepared, and parsed. If not, perform the above steps and then create a corresponding Class object for it.
- After ensuring that the class is loaded, a chunk of heap memory is cleared to perform initialization of the class.
- Creates a reference on the stack to the chunk of memory cleared in the heap.
The normal case is this, and then we say that as long as there is a normal case there is an abnormal case, and an abnormal case is when the JVM reorders instructions for actual execution based on performance, instruction flow, etc. After reorder then 3 possible in front of the two, which is likely 1 – > 3 – > 2, so in the case of multiple threads, thread a stack of instances of the class have references to that object has been created, then at the time of executing the above if judgment will return false to return object instance directly, However, the instance is not fully initialized, which exposes a singleton instance to the outside world that is not fully initialized, which can be dangerous.
So would volatile work? Yes, one of the uses of volatile is to prevent instructions from being reordered. By inserting a memory barrier, volatile prevents subsequent instructions from being reordered to the front, thus ensuring that the JVM actually executes in 1->2->3 order.
6, the enumeration
enum Singleton6
public void doSomething(a)
Singleton6.instance = singleton6.instance
public static Singleton6 getInstance(a)
returnINSTANCE; }}Copy the code
The advantages and disadvantages
The enumeration approach to singletons is recommended in Effective Java because it is simple to implement and thread-safe for multithreading. At the same time, it can be prevented from breaking serialization by other means, which we’ll discuss later.
Disadvantages: To find the disadvantages is that although this implementation method looks perfect, but the actual application is not a lot, is the discussion is more enthusiastic, but the application is not too wide.
How are enumerations made thread-safe?
Let’s decompile the above code to see what’s behind enumerations.
From here we can see that our INSTANCE is decorated with static final so that the JVM is thread-safe when the class is loaded. Static variable creation is thread-safe
2. How do enumerations prevent corruption?
As a caveat, there are two ways to break the singleton pattern: serialization and reflection. So let’s look at how enumerations prevent serialization from breaking the singleton pattern.
Let’s take a look at what normal serialization does.
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream("Singleton.obj");
ObjectOutputStream out=new ObjectOutputStream(fout);
Singleton1 instance = Singleton1.getInstance();
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream("Singleton.obj");
ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fin);
Singleton1 singleton1 = (Singleton1) in.readObject();
Copy the code
The output is:
ObjectInputStream’s readObject() method and ObjectOutputStream’s writeObject() method.
public final void writeObject(Object obj) throws IOException
if (enableOverride)
writeObject0(obj, false);// Here is the key
catch (IOException ex)
if (depth == 0)
throwex; }}Copy the code
WriteObject calls writeObject0(obj, false); So let’s click in and see how this works
private void writeObject0(Object obj, boolean unshared)
throws IOException
boolean oldMode = bout.setBlockDataMode(false);
/ /... .
// Omit other code.
// remaining cases
if (obj instanceof String)
writeString((String) obj, unshared);
else if (cl.isArray())
writeArray(obj, desc, unshared);
else if (obj instanceofEnum) { writeEnum((Enum<? >) obj, desc, unshared);// Here is the key
else if (obj instanceof Serializable)
writeOrdinaryObject(obj, desc, unshared);
if (extendedDebugInfo)
throw new NotSerializableException(
cl.getName() + "\n" + debugInfoStack.toString());
throw newNotSerializableException(cl.getName()); }}}finally{ depth--; bout.setBlockDataMode(oldMode); }}Copy the code
We omit a lot of the other code here, except for the key parts, most notably in line 21, where Java’s serialization mechanism implements a separate method for Enum types, writeEnum((Enum<? >) obj, desc, unshared);
private void writeEnum(Enum<? > en, ObjectStreamClass desc,boolean unshared)
throws IOException
bout.writeByte(TC_ENUM);// This is a flag
ObjectStreamClass sdesc = desc.getSuperDesc();
writeClassDesc((sdesc.forClass() == Enum.class) ? desc : sdesc, false);
handles.assign(unshared ? null : en);
writeString(, false);
Copy the code
As you can see, serialization does not serialize any fields during the enumeration of the sequence, it just serializes the flag of the enumeration class (126), its description, and the name of the enumeration class. The corresponding readEnum method is also available
privateEnum<? > readEnum(boolean unshared) throws IOException
if(bin.readByte() ! = TC_ENUM) {throw new InternalError();
/ / read the class description information + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
ObjectStreamClass desc = readClassDesc(false);
if(! desc.isEnum()) {throw new InvalidClassException("non-enum class: " + desc);
int enumHandle = handles.assign(unshared ? unsharedMarker : null);
ClassNotFoundException resolveEx = desc.getResolveException();
if(resolveEx ! =null)
handles.markException(enumHandle, resolveEx);
/ / read the enumeration name + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
String name = readString(false); Enum<? > result =null; Class<? > cl = desc.forClass();if(cl ! =null)
/ / by name to find out the enumeration class + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")Enum<? > en = Enum.valueOf((Class)cl, name); result = en; }catch (IllegalArgumentException ex)
throw (IOException) new InvalidObjectException(
"enum constant " + name + " does not exist in " +
if(! unshared) { handles.setObject(enumHandle, result); } } handles.finish(enumHandle); passHandle = enumHandle;return result;
Copy the code
Here, focusing on the + sign, you can see that enumeration is done by its serialized name when deserializing. So this is Java’s mechanism for serialization safety of enumerations.
Enumerations are reflective.
First, enumeration types do not provide a constructor with no arguments. There is one constructor in their inherited parent Enum:
protected Enum(String name, int ordinal)
{ = name;
this.ordinal = ordinal;
Copy the code
So some of you might say, wouldn’t it be possible to create an instance by calling this constructor through reflection? Well… We also explicitly know that enumerations prevent reflection from creating objects. So let’s think about reflection creating an object and eventually calling newInstance(), so what does this method do?
public T newInstance(Object ... initargs)
throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException,
IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException
// omit some code...
if((clazz.getModifiers() & Modifier.ENUM) ! =0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot reflectively create enum objects");
// omit if code...
return inst;
Copy the code
As you can see, the enumeration is checked separately in the newInstance method, and if you insist on reflection creation, you will only receive an IllegalArgumentException package. So much for enumerations.
7. Static inner classes
class Singleton7
private static class SingletonHolder
private static final Singleton7 instance=new Singleton7();
private Singleton7(a){};
public static Singleton7 getInstance(a)
returnSingletonHolder.instance; }}Copy the code
The advantages and disadvantages
This approach is a more elegant way to implement the singleton pattern, which cleverly uses the thread-safety feature of the class loader to ensure the thread-safety of the singleton initialization. How Static variable creation is thread-safe and Static inner classes are only loaded the first time they are used, so lazy initialization is possible. And the coding is relatively simple.
The downside, I don’t know what the downside is, but let me know in the comments section if you do, but if anything, it’s that extra effort is needed to prevent serialization and reflection from breaking the singleton pattern.
8. CAS singleton without lock
class Singleton8
private static final AtomicReference<Singleton8> cas=new AtomicReference<>();
private Singleton8(a){};
public static Singleton8 getInstance(a)
Singleton8 instance = cas.get();
boolean b = cas.compareAndSet( Singleton8());//++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
break; }}else
break; }}returncas.get(); }}Copy the code
The advantages and disadvantages
In this way, the AtomicReference in the Atomic package uses CAS to create objects, avoiding blocking locks and improving performance and concurrency in some scenarios.
This approach has a number of drawbacks. First, if multiple threads execute to the + line at the same time, only one thread will be able to cas successfully, but multiple threads may create new Singleton8() objects without successfully replacing them, which may cause memory waste. If the CAS fails, CPU resources are wasted and system throughput is reduced.
9. Container singleton
class Singleton9
private static ConcurrentHashMap<String,Singleton9> map=new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
private Singleton9(a){};
public Singleton9 getInstance(a)
if(! map.contains("singleton"))
map.putIfAbsent("singleton".new Singleton9());
return map.get("singleton"); }}Copy the code
The advantages and disadvantages
This approach uses container classes to hold singletons, while ConcurrentHashMap is thread-safe, and HashMap can be used in scenarios where thread-safe is not required.
However, the disadvantage is also obvious, in order to create a singleton, you must maintain an additional container object. This is suitable for situations where a large number of singletons need to be managed uniformly.
Existing problems
As mentioned earlier, apart from enumerations, the above singleton design patterns have two common problems, namely that singleton patterns are easily broken. There are two ways to break the singleton pattern:
- Serialization breaks the singleton pattern
- Reflection break singleton mode.
Prevents reflection and serialization
Let’s first look at how reflection should be prevented from creating objects for types other than singletons implemented by enumeration. Reflection can break serialization because reflection accesses the private constructor to create an object by calling its newInstance() method. In this case, we can add a member variable flag inside the class. To prevent a second call to the constructor.
private Singleton1(a)
throw new RuntimeException("Cannot be called by reflection!");
Copy the code
To prevent serialization, Effective Java tells us to simply implement the readResolve method, like this
public Singleton1 readResolve(a)
return instance;
Copy the code
Why is that? ReadObject ->readObject0->checkResolve(readOrdinaryObject(unshared))->readOrdina ryObject
The reason is found in this method:
If the object implements the readResolve method, then the object’s readResolve method is called.
Singleton in Spring
The singleton design pattern we implemented above is considered from the perspective of the JVM, with our singleton class holding only one instance object from creation to destruction of the JVM process. Spring’s singleton is considered from the perspective of the container. From the time the container is created to the time it is destroyed, Spring guarantees that only one instance object of the singleton class will remain in the container. Spring’s container layer for the singleton pattern implementation is through the above ninth, namely the container singleton implementation, this is easy to understand, because Spring needs to manage a large number of singleton objects, these objects need to be centrally managed, so the container implementation is a better way. Spring also uses HashMap as the underlying container for holding singleton objects and gets them based on the id of the object (called bean in Spring), which means that Spring singleton objects are not thread-safe and Spring considers them to be different objects whenever the bean ids are inconsistent.
Given all the singleton design patterns, which one do we use? The author thinks hunchman singleton design pattern and its variation, static inner class pattern and enumeration are all good choices. In view of the current discussion of enumeration method is more enthusiastic, but the application is not too extensive, in general, the choice of which or should be based on the specific scene to choose the most appropriate implementation.
How is the creation of Static variables thread-safe
The thread-safe creation of static variables is guaranteed by the JVM for us, starting with the JVM’s classloading process. We know that in Java classes are loaded from somewhere (hard disk, network, etc.) into JVM memory by the classloader. The process of loading a class into memory until the object is created is generally divided into loading, validation, accuracy, parsing, and initialization. In the preparation phase, class constructor methods are called to initialize static variables, as well as static fields. In doing so, let’s look at what the ClassLoader, or ClassLoader, does.
The class loader, through its loadClass method, loads the class bytecode file at a specified location into memory and creates the corresponding class object as an entry point to the method area’s raw data for that class. So what does the loadClass method do? ,
protectedClass<? > loadClass(String name,boolean resolve)
throws ClassNotFoundException
synchronized (getClassLoadingLock(name))
// First, check if the class has already been loadedClass<? > c = findLoadedClass(name);/ /... Omitted a series of class-loading code.
returnc; }}Copy the code
As you can see, loadClass uses synchronized to ensure thread-safe loading. Static variables are initialized just as a class is loaded by the Classloader, so the JVM can guarantee thread-safe initialization of static variables and static fields.