I don’t know what to say when an app is suspended, I understand this feeling, especially when the app is at its peak, it can be said that the mood has fallen to the bottom, and it is difficult to recover for a time, and what we need to do is to start again, at least we have failed, success should not be far away.

Why was his app suspended?

The email will not specify the violation, but only the violation policy. The current reply is that the infringement is caused by the violation of counterfeiting policy. How should we deal with such situation?

Don’t panic, first of all, you must locate where you violated the rules, know where you violated the rules and communicate with the official through the email address, email generally takes one to two days to reply, this process must be patient, because only through the official channels to solve, your application is likely to be back on the shelf.

Again, we have to figure out what’s wrong with the app, because we can upload the app again, so we have to avoid the same situation when uploading the app again.

So how to reply to Google correctly?

There are a few points to note that at this time to see your email is a real person, so genuine this is basic, and then list your feel application may be in violation of regulations in place, good speaking some irregularities, again good on the one hand is application is suspended or complaint a chance to come back, not as account was suspended.

It is also important to note that if Google has replied that the original decision is correct and that it will not restore your app, then basically your app will not be restored, do not send email again, and do not get angry and cause more serious consequences.

What happens if the application cannot be restored?

Application is suspended and removed the two concepts, have been removed will not affect your account credit, you solved the problem to resubmit, I recently have an application was removed, I almost sent a dozen times before and after the update, to solve the problem, given Google mail tip is ambiguous, but you think repeatedly rejected risk can also be a complaint, That way, Google will review your app with human experts and tell you exactly where the violations are.

Back to the application suspension, at this point your developer reputation has been affected, that is, to focus on the account, the check will be more stringent, once the application is suspended again there is a risk of account suspension, and the latter is devastating, if the account is really suspended can read the following article:

Google Play is associated

If the account reputation has been affected, at this time it is best to get a new account to upload the application again, through the above communication with Google to determine the illegal content, then solve the problem to upload again on the line.

Look up at the stars and feel how small you are:

So how do we best avoid violations?

Is one of the most common tort, that is to say you use resource is copyrighted, unauthorized use is infringement, such as your application with the help of music, music most of them are copyrighted, and use the basic tort, then there is the picture resources, whether within the application or application description, or show figure, can’t you look related to applications and other application, Especially well-known apps.

Most applications are in imitation, appropriate imitation and do not have what problem, as there are too many names used on Google Play, see who do well, the function between them is also much overlap, this is no problem, we compete with each other, but your logo, do not want to be like everyone else, have application description can not directly copy, Use your own screenshots, in-app color schemes, and button positions to emulate the core value of a good product and provide derivative value.

Having said so much, I sincerely hope that any reader’s application is suspended. It is not easy for an application to get users from research to online, which is the result of every developer’s painstaking efforts. It may take half a year, or a year or even more, and once suspended, it can be said that there is nothing left.

If you are a novice, you can communicate with me more to avoid violations to the maximum extent. You can send text directly in the background of the official account, or click “About me” on the homepage of the official account and add my wechat to communicate. I will try my best to provide value to my readers.

The next article notice: in fact, a lot of friends asked me the question inside the article has the answer, and read the article to understand will be more comprehensive, because the article is the result of systematic thinking, and usually ask the question I may only answer a few words is not comprehensive, so I intend to put the public article to do some index, please look forward to!