It took a few days to make vim look like vscode


I started to contact Vim in 20 years. At the beginning, I probably wanted to pretend to be pushy, but later I found that VIM was quite good, especially after I got familiar with it, I formed my own workflow, which was much more convenient. I haven’t learned Vimscript, and basically all plug-ins are read official documents or other people’s configuration files, so I just take the code directly. I haven’t studied it carefully. Later, I came to know that LUa can be used for configuration, and I have nothing to do at home during the winter vacation. So I learned lua to configure Vim. I always think the best way to learn is to write code and borrow good code.

The first lua configuration vim was LunarVim. At that time, it was less than a few hundred stars, but now it is 7k star. I learned the vim configuration from ChristianChiarulli, the author of this library, and then recently he opened a new warehouse. How to configure vim using Lua: Neovim-from-scratch, so AT first I was constantly adding, and then I saw another library VapourNvim when I was learning its configuration, which was much simpler and easier to use. They all had accompanying videos, which I thought was the best part. After just a little bit of watching the video, looking at the official documentation, and looking at their configuration, I had the first version of SkCode.

In the end, SkCode was “copied” from NvChad(which is an excellent and very minimalist Nvim Lua configuration), so you could say SkCode and its code came from this repository. The code structure of SkCode is derived from NvChad, but SkCode is by no means a simple copy of the code, because with the accumulation of the code of the previous two libraries, some codes are optimized, unnecessary functions are deleted, and humanized key bindings are added, so SkCode appears.

The effect

The theme

Home page

Done automatically


The file tree

Fuzzy search

The environment

  1. neovim
  2. lazygit

The installation

git clone ~/.config/nvim
nvim +PackerSync
Copy the code

Why not use vscode?

  1. Once you get used to Vim, it’s really nice to be able to type with both hands without leaving the keyboard. It doesn’t mess with your thinking logic, especially if you have your own workflow, it’s incredibly fast.

  2. Vscode + nvim, I’ve tried it before, but it’s expensive to have to solve vscode key conflicts, learn vscode extra configuration, etc.

Thank you

  1. LunarVim
  2. Neovim-from-scratch
  3. VapourNvim
  4. NvChad
  5. Neovim IDE from Scratch with ChrisAtMachine
  6. Neovim Lua From Scratch with Neil Sabde