I’ve always had feedback from developers that my application switched languages, but the string fetched by the utility class didn’t change. This is a very simple problem. If you switch the language Context only for your Activity, it does not do the same for your Application. Multi-language switching can be completed with a single line of code, and language switching similar to wechat can be completed in minutes.
implementation 'com.blankj:utilcode:latest_version'
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Language related -> -> Demo
ApplySystemLanguage: Sets the system language applyLanguage: sets the system language isAppliedLanguage: indicates whether the language is set. GetAppliedLanguage: indicates whether the language is set. GetContextLanguage: getAppContextLanguage: getSystemLanguage: getContextLanguage: getSystemLanguage Language acquisition system updateAppContextLanguage: updated application context language attachBaseContext: if language is invalid in Activity# attachBaseContext invoke itCopy the code
The principle of
If we don’t set the application of the android: configChanges = “locale | layoutDirection”, then the applications is follow the change of the system language setting and change, For example, if your app is adapted to English (values-en-rus) and Simplified Chinese (values-zh-rcn), then if you go to Settings and switch to English, and return to your app, your Activity will be re-created. Set activityresourceConfigurationLocale to the current system language. This changes with the system language Settings, but the Application is not restarted, so this causes the problem mentioned earlier.
To solve this problem, just set Application#Resource# configurationlocale to the system Locale during the lifetime of Activity#onCreate, So how do you read the Locale of your system, and those of you who know the previous screen adaptation scenarios can probably figure this out as well: Resources.getsystem ().getConfiguration().locale, so that our Application is switched to the system language. Note that updating the locale requires compatibility with higher versions.
* Update the locale of applicationContext.
* @param destLocale The dest locale.
* @param consumer The consumer.
public static void updateAppContextLanguage(@NonNull Locale destLocale, @Nullable Utils.Consumer<Boolean> consumer) {
pollCheckAppContextLocal(destLocale, 0, consumer);
static void pollCheckAppContextLocal(final Locale destLocale, final int index, final Utils.Consumer<Boolean> consumer) {
Resources appResources = Utils.getApp().getResources();
Configuration appConfig = appResources.getConfiguration();
Locale appLocal = getLocal(appConfig);
setLocal(appConfig, destLocale);
// Since updateConfigure does not update the config immediately (if the local test is less than 1ms), subsequent polling is required to listen for changes and do other processing (such as restarting the application).
Utils.getApp().getResources().updateConfiguration(appConfig, appResources.getDisplayMetrics());
if (consumer == null) return;
if (isSameLocale(appLocal, destLocale)) {
} else {
if (index < 20) {
UtilsBridge.runOnUiThreadDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run(a) {
pollCheckAppContextLocal(destLocale, index + 1, consumer); }},16);
Log.e("LanguageUtils"."appLocal didn't update.");
consumer.accept(false); }}Copy the code
What about in-app language switching? We can restart our app or restart all activities, just like the system does, by setting the Locale of both the Activity and the Application to the language we set in Activity#onCreate. Of course, The Settings need to be saved, depending on whether you want to save them on the server or locally. The relevant code is as follows:
private static void applyLanguageReal(final Locale locale,
final boolean isRelaunchApp) {
if (locale == null) {
// True uses, because if you use apply, killing the application will not save the restart
UtilsBridge.getSpUtils4Utils().put(KEY_LOCALE, VALUE_FOLLOW_SYSTEM, true);
} else {
UtilsBridge.getSpUtils4Utils().put(KEY_LOCALE, locale2String(locale), true);
Locale destLocal = locale == null ? getLocal(Resources.getSystem().getConfiguration()) : locale;
// This is the function mentioned above
updateAppContextLanguage(destLocal, new Utils.Consumer<Boolean>() {
public void accept(Boolean success) {
if (success) {
} else {
// use relaunch appUtilsBridge.relaunchApp(); }}}); }private static void restart(final boolean isRelaunchApp) {
if (isRelaunchApp) {
} else {
for(Activity activity : UtilsBridge.getActivityList()) { activity.recreate(); }}}/ / tools call this function is in ActivityLifecycleCallbacks# onActivityCreated
static void applyLanguage(final Activity activity) {
String spLocale = UtilsBridge.getSpUtils4Utils().getString(KEY_LOCALE);
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(spLocale)) {
Locale destLocal;
if (VALUE_FOLLOW_SYSTEM.equals(spLocale)) {
destLocal = getLocal(Resources.getSystem().getConfiguration());
} else {
destLocal = string2Locale(spLocale);
if (destLocal == null) return;
updateConfiguration(activity, destLocal);
updateConfiguration(Utils.getApp(), destLocal);
private static void updateConfiguration(Context context, Locale destLocal) {
Resources resources = context.getResources();
Configuration config = resources.getConfiguration();
setLocal(config, destLocal);
resources.updateConfiguration(config, resources.getDisplayMetrics());
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Based on the above analysis:
- If the application is switched with the system Settings language, you can just rely on my utility class and it will automatically update it for you
In the language. - If you need to switch languages in the app, just call it where you switched languages
LanguageUtils.applyLanguage(Locale. The language you want to set [, false]); The second parameter, optionally passed, represents whether to restart the application. False represents an attempt to recreate all activities, and true represents an attempt to restart the application
Can; - Call if the in-application switching language needs to be changed to follow the system Settings language
LanguageUtils.applySystemLanguage([false]); // The parameters are the same as above
In fact, the function is very simple, but there is always a lack of people who can thoroughly analyze it, so as to do a perfect share, I hope this share can let you see this point, so as to improve your skills in the future.
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