Another year of graduation season, a large number of talent will step out of the ivory tower; Older workers, with their annual bonus, are considering moving to new companies. The most intense job hunt of the year has begun.

A senior HR of a large factory summed up a formula — offer= mentality ×(strength + interview skills)+ luck — to explain all the elements of getting an offer. So how to have these conditions, a good interview, this article slowly details.

Preparation helps you succeed in an interview

1. Ability is the deciding factor of offer.

In THE IT industry, whether graduates or job seekers with workplace experience, technical ability speaks for itself. The breadth of skills will determine the success of the job search, so you need to be familiar with several popular programming languages in order to deal with the interviewer’s questions. Technical depth determines the level of offer, whether you are a junior programmer or a senior engineer, and whether you are paid 10,000 yuan or 100,000 yuan a month.

Four years of college learning and career experience are preparing you for your next, better job. But there are also a few practice sessions to help you prepare for the upcoming interview.

There are job descriptions and requirements on the recruitment information released by each company. Read them carefully and make specific preparations. Depth of skills may take a long time to build up, but breadth of skills can be quickly absorbed. Based on the job requirements, make a summary and classification of my previous projects and technical accumulation, and then extend what I have learned as far as possible, and conduct targeted study and practice in the blind areas or some interview focus areas. Make sure you get the offer before you pursue the position and salary.

2. The key to an interview — the resume.

Any job seeker needs a good resume to show off their skills.

A good resume should be short and concise, and not too long. HR is not going to read every candidate’s long speech; Show your skills with hard data, rather than “I did a project and it went well”; The content of the resume should be adjusted accordingly according to the target position and the company.

At the same time, pay attention to the content of the resume can beautify the package but do not exaggerate, so that in the interview process by the interviewer after several questions, it is easy to be revealed. That, in turn, requires you to know every word of your resume by heart, and to speak fluently about your past experiences.

3. Know your enemy and be prepared.

Once you are invited to an interview, the first thing to do is to get to know the company, determine if it matches your objective, and then decide whether to accept or reject the invitation.

After accepting the invitation, you need to fully understand the job requirements. At this time, you can even communicate with the interviewer online to get enough information to prepare for the interview.

Finally, before the interview, you can also find any information about the interview company as much as possible through the home page of the other company or other channels, so as to have a concrete understanding of the culture, scale and business scope of the interview company, so as to adjust the state in line with the cultural temperament of the interview company and enhance the added value of soft emotion. Through the above preparation, improve the interview success rate.

Key points to know during an interview

IT practitioners of the interview, ordinary companies are generally 1-2 rounds, large factories up to 4-6 rounds, job seekers will not only interview one or two companies. In this process, job seekers rush from company to company, anxiously waiting for the results of the interview. This is when adjusting your mindset becomes very important. Job seekers should be moderately nervous, not anxious, and learn to relax, knowing that mentality and luck also play a key role.

Before each interview, it is not appropriate to give yourself such as “how to do the written test is too difficult, the interviewer will not be too strict, the question will not be very difficult” such negative psychological suggestion.

During the interview, you don’t need to be too low, just be respectful. The interview is a two-way selection process, the performance of the answer is too cautious, but will affect their normal state. Often, the interviewer is not a senior manager. In communication, full can be a bit bold, to be generous, on the contrary, can get better results.

If you encounter a rejection, take it easy, focus on your skills, learn from your experience, and approach the next interview without any burden. You can also choose some companies with low intentions to practice and accumulate experience at the beginning.

With a good attitude, on the day of the interview, job seekers can arrive at the interview company 10-15 minutes in advance, adapt to the environment before the interview, wear formal clothes as much as possible, and keep smiling and polite, leaving a capable and stable psychological impression on the interviewer.

Often at the beginning of the interview, the interviewer will ask the candidate to introduce himself, and then the interview has already begun. The main purpose here is to examine the basic qualities of job seekers (language expression ability, logical ability, etc.); Look for details that are missing or inconsistent in your resume and follow up. Also give yourself some time to build an initial impression of the candidate and think about follow-up questions.

It also gives the job seeker an opportunity to show himself or herself, and the job seeker can prepare his or her introduction in advance. In this process, in addition to simple introduction of basic information, it is necessary to introduce the overlap between previous work projects and the current position, and describe the details as much as possible. Secondly, you can also combine the understanding of the interview company. Briefly describe the expectation of the position, the identity of the company, personal career development plan, etc.

But if you get stuck in your introduction, don’t panic, calmly say “SORRY, a little nervous” to the interviewer, and then continue, the introduction should be consistent with the content of the resume, there is no information asymmetry.

Next comes the important part of the IT job interview — examining professional skills.

As a professional and technical personnel, do not need to be superior eloquence to deal with the interview, the answer is logical, concise and clear description of the answer to the question. Integral answer train of thought can spread out around 3 respects answer.

1. Explain clearly the business functions of the modules you have participated in.

Interviewers are sure to ask questions about the items mentioned in the resume. Candidates can start from “key functions and processes of business modules; The main domain model in the module; “Interaction with other modules, data flow” three aspects of preliminary preparation and answer.

2. Describe the main technical architecture of the participating system.

For entry-level programmers, companies generally don’t require much in the way of architectural skills and technical depth. But for “from a request in, to return to the front end”, the whole process, the technical points applied, need to be clarified. Candidates can answer questions in terms of “key functions and features of the technology/middleware and business scenarios using the technology/middleware”.

Demonstrate your ability to learn.

The rapid development of technology in IT industry also requires the learning ability of practitioners. Whether it is their own amateur research or practice in the work, can be used “what is the intention of the original behavior, action; What actually happened; What has been learned from it; Next, what actions can I take to prove my willingness to learn, ability to learn, and effect of learning, and then reflect my constantly improving technical ability.

The last part of the interview process is often a “hand-rip code,” or handwritten algorithm. Job seekers pay attention, do not in the interview after the question, write.

What is really examined here is the applicant’s ability to solve problems and ideas. What interviewers want to see is that candidates are willing to take questions apart; Active thinking based on the skills learned; Take the initiative to communicate with the interviewer and offer feasible solutions.

Finally, if you’re asked a question you can’t answer, just say no. Every programmer has his or her own knowledge holes, and it’s normal to have unanswerable questions, let alone fresh graduates. Knowing that it will not, to ramble to answer the point, on the contrary is a foolish behavior.

But if basic questions, such as how to hash tables, show difficulty or no answer, then the interview may be over.

In fact, any interview is also a process of learning and increasing experience from the industry predecessors. It is advisable to take notes or record every interview, and record every interview for review and reflection, so as to prepare for the next interview.

Finally, when job seekers enter the workplace, they are faced with not only busy work, but also continuous learning of new skills to improve their competitiveness in the workplace.