This is the 8th day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the event details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021

There are many good things on Gtihub, this article brings 10+ [resource collection] good library to share, if you feel good, immediately star ⭐️ collection! You’ll need it one day! Don’t wait until development uses wheels

Collection of collection library, this is collection king! (low low ◡)

1. Beautiful Docs

Beautiful – docs – ⭐ ️ 4.8 K

Documentation is a very important asset in software development, and writing “nice” documentation makes the development process much more comfortable! Beautiful Docs, as its name suggests, integrates some of the most Beautiful online documentation resources, including data structures, designs, styles, diagrams and presentations, as well as document generation tools to craft your development documents

2. The Art of Command Line

The – art – of – the command – line – ⭐ ️ 86.3 K

Many developers dread the use of the command line, but in fact, understanding and using the command line is a prerequisite for becoming a good programmer! The Art of Command Line is a library to help you take The leap and do just that!

3. The Book of Secret Knowledge

The book – of – the secret – knowledge – ⭐ ️ 38 k

This library contains a series of resources (a series of resource collections, manuals, cheat sheets, blogs, technical tips, one line of code, CLI/Web tools, and so on) to help developers do their daily work!

OS: Can you translate all of this into Chinese? It’s really nice!

4. On Talks…

Programming – talks – ⭐ ️ 5.6 K

Awesome – talks – ⭐ ️ 3.2 K

These libraries are a collection of well-planned technical presentations, categorized by programming language or “theory,” that can be used to delve into a wide variety of IT issues, including: computer science, architecture, design, object orientation, databases, and more.

5. Best Websites a Programmer Should Visit

Best-websites-a- Programmer -should-visit – ⭐️ 4.6k!

Good station resource collection king! Very comprehensive and wonderful, from websites that teach how to fix bugs to the best Youtube channels to news aggregators collected at…… Everything!

6. Design Resources for Developers

The design – resources – for – developers – ⭐ ️ 27.5 K

If you want to enhance your website’s user experience and enhance your knowledge, or if you are a UI designer or a full-stack developer, this collection of resources is a must! It includes designs for colors, fonts, images, vectors, and more, as well as Web UI libraries and design tools……

7. The Algorithms

TheAlgorithms/Python – ⭐ ️ 106 k

TheAlgorithms/Java – ⭐ ️ 37 k

Brush algorithm? So far, Python and Java are the most popular; In addition to algorithms, you can also find lots of content on machine learning, neural networks, linear algebra, or other topics!

8. Awesome Cheatsheets

Awesome – cheatsheets – ⭐ ️ 18.5 K

This is a library of knowledge checklists websites! Each site is well designed to cover career transition notes, become a memo to you at work, and be a good assistant to daily development! No matter what your language, or what professional, can learn here, improve!

9. Developer Roadmap

Developer – roadmap – ⭐ ️ 158 k

This does not say much, everybody should know! Developer development promotion route, everyone must see!! Roll up 🐶

10. On Interviewing…

Coding – interview – university – ⭐ ️ 167 k

The system – design – primer – ⭐ ️ 130 k

Tech – interview – faced – ⭐ ️ 53 k

The system – design – interview – ⭐ ️ 14 k

This kind of interview library is also very popular in Gtihub! It seems that the interview collection is not only popular in nuggets, which are popular, just need it! Here, there are a lot of interview resources, Ben Gua said a little bit of learning…

Small sense: most of the above resources collection is mainly in English, no Chinese, how much is not friendly, if these resources collection can be included in the digging gold translation plan, it is very good! ~ choose the right tools, is the beginning of success!!

It is our duty to recast the glory of resource pooling. EDG cow B ~ (broken voice)

The above! Feel good, click a like ~👍

I am Anthony Digger, the public account of the same name, day arch a pawn, day dig a gold, goodbye ~