I went to see Nezha over the weekend and felt deeply. To sum up, this film wants to express that one’s own destiny is determined by oneself. No matter what one is born, one does not care about anyone’s opinion.

After watching it, I searched for the director of the film – Dumpling. Because I want to know what kind of director is responsible for such a film. The experience of the director must be the experience of Nezha to some extent. The director is from Sichuan, and those who have watched the film should have noticed that there are many Sichuan dialect in the film, which is very interesting.

Jiaozi was born in sichuan province in 1980. His real name is Yang Yu. He likes drawing since childhood and dreams of becoming a cartoonist. When he grew up, he followed his parents’ advice and studied medicine. In his junior year, he secretly taught himself graphics software, and the idea of turning to animation came to him. After three years and eight months of hard training, Yang yu made the anti-war animated short Hit, Hit a Big Watermelon, which won more than 30 awards and officially entered the animation industry.

This is a paragraph from the Internet, don’t know if you find a detail, born in 1980 in the dumpling for forty years old now, no one knows, before the age of forty dumplings such director, even if his last animation theme prize, never heard about this, by the familiar until the movie which zha, So what motivated him to build Nezha? It’s not easy to turn his fate around, but he just doesn’t accept it, and I think that’s what keeps him going.

The ending of Nezha’s film is also very burning. From being unrecognized to being recognized, from mockery to seriousness and then to admiration, the sentence deeply touched me: “Not accepting fate is my Destiny!” I see myself in this sentence. I think this is what the film director wants to say to the audience and also what the whole film wants to express. I recommend you to see it.

In reality most people are appointed, abundance, on the surface it is no problem, but in fact it is an excuse for a lot of people don’t work hard, just let it be the problem, no problem, this I’m sure I can’t do that, how his salary is so high, my life is not to, the in the mind some envy but again a bit self-abased, a few days later and forget the mood at that time, There was never any real action or effort.

Pay attention to my partner is doing Internet, industry in recent years, although not as hot as before, but still is the first high-paying industries, the Internet industry is still the most easy to change the fate of the industry, and I said before, using the Internet to enlarge own ability, let more people know you, you will be able to integrate more resources, through the Internet the most easy to change destiny.

I am rural people, although no great achievements, but say that the Internet has changed the fate of the I a little too much, I’m an otaku, also don’t love to talk, I certainly do not to do sales, there may be no Internet I will be in a restaurant as a waiter, I really worked for a period of time the attendant at the time of graduation from high school, experience and results do, or I could go home land, I don’t think I can farm either.

I am not appointed, head high, the Internet gave me the hope of not appointed, make me feel I have too many things to do on the Internet platform, there are many I can provide the value of so do with the Internet industry friends, everyone is lucky, even if there is no dream, don’t worry, the direction is right, hold on, the rest to time.

At the end of the article, I will talk about the progress of the product. At present, the website is finally online after several days of struggle. Thanks to the superb technology of the developers, I have also learned some Linux commands and learned to build PHP website programs in this process. The products are also recommended at the end of the previous article. The details will not be revealed, but I will announce the products in the future.

One of the co-developed applications is about to be completed recently, and the experience optimization part has been reached. Next, we are going to launch this application. In addition, the screent-breaking application that was launched before has just exceeded 1000 downloads, but the downloads are not high, but we will take our time and operate slowly.

When you accept fate, that you are old!

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