Developer Ecosystem Summit China is initiated by SegmentFault. It is a communication event for practitioners to D Marketing, Developer Operations and Developer Relations. The first China Developer Ecology Summit will be held in early June 2021 through offline meetings and online live streaming. It is expected that the number of participants will be no less than 20,000 online and offline.

How do you evaluate a company’s developer relationships? How do you organize a tech event that developers can enjoy? How to grow the number of developers more efficiently? How to make OKR more scientific for the developer ecosystem? How to define the boundary of To B/To D Marketing? How can early To D companies break the game quickly and win the trust of developers? …

Developers marketing personnel, community operators, technical evangelists and other practitioners, enthusiasts and researchers who are concerned about developer ecology are welcome to join us with your puzzles, questions, experiences and methods — the topic soliciting of China Developer Ecology Summit is officially launched!

Issues for

We have made a preliminary plan for the following directions:

  • Developer Growth
  • Developer Events
  • Technology content and enterprise technology brand
  • Developer/Open Source Community Operations
  • Career development for developers and eco-practitioners
  • Developer Experience and Developer Relationship

Specific forum division, speech style, whether selected, we will further communicate with you based on the application of the topic, we sincerely invite you to sign up for speech, submit the topic, and together with us, open, share, grow and achieve success.

Please note that the deadline for the first round of submission will be April 15, 2021. Please scan the QR code or click here to submit the submission.

At the same time, we will also release the first survey on the status quo of Chinese developer eco-marketers in 2021, which was released by SegmentFault Research Institute. So far, we have collected more than 800 questionnaires. If you have not participated in the survey, please click here to fill in the questionnaire. Help us to present more samples to the industry, more scientific research results.


Q: Who is this conference for? A: This conference is mainly for developers in the developer ecosystem, such as: To D/B Marketing, Developer Operations, Open Source/Developer Community Operations, Developer Relations Manager, Technical Evangelist, Documentation Engineer, Developer Experience Product Manager, etc. Developers are not the core audience for this conference.

Q: Which topics will be accepted for submission? A: Submissions will be accepted in the following areas: developer growth; Developer events; Developer content marketing; Developer/open source community operation; Developer ecological practitioner career development; Developer Experience and Developer Relationship. Since the main audience of this conference is not developers, technical topics will not be accepted.

Q: What is the time of the conference? A: The conference will be held on Saturday, June 5th.

Q: What is the specific format of the conference? Online/offline? A: We will decide the specific form at the end of your submission according to the wishes and schedule of the submission. But it is certain that this will be an online + offline comprehensive experience, with one main venue and several sub-venues.

Q: I have been in the industry for a while and would like to watch and learn. How can I sign up? A: At present, the activity is not open for official registration. If you are interested, please click here to register your basic information. We will contact you as soon as we open the registration.

Contact cooperation

Content cooperation and contact: Producers of the conference: SegmentFault Sifter COO, Developer Ecological Expert, Jiang Bo ([email protected]) Chief Editor of the conference: Principal of SegmentFault Sifter Content Center, Zhu Yadi (Na)

Media community cooperation contact: [email protected]

Corporate sponsorship contact: [email protected]