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  • Canteen to technical weekly address:

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Technical information

1. State of JS 2021 survey results are out

  • The most commonly used feature is the null-value merge operator??

  • The most used technology is ESbuild

  • Highest satisfaction of technology Vite

  • Most interested in technology Vite

  • The most popular project overall was Elm

Summary of official Conclusions

Since the first survey in 2016, the percentage of people using TypeScript has risen from 21% to 69%. Front-end frameworks React and Vue dominate. Vite has a 98 percent satisfaction rating. Many new projects (Deno, Rome, Astro, Remix) are backed by venture capital firms, which may provide a viable alternative to the fragile open source funding environment.

As JavaScript enters its third era and opportunities for aspiring open source developers and entrepreneurs continue to emerge, let’s look forward to the future.

  • The third age of JavaScript

Some advice

  • According to UVU, the indicators in the State of JS survey have some flaws.

Formula: The number of users who have used X and will use it again/all the users who have used X

This formula is better for new projects, but one factor is missing: project longevity. Some older projects, like Browserify and Gulp, accumulated more “used but never used” users, but at the time they were the only choices and important milestones in the history of the front-end.

People see only vague trends in the chart and lose nuance.

Others have suggested that when a project becomes obsolete or a new version is released, there will always be a subset of people who prefer version 1 and the score will be lower.

Some jokingly call it a “hype rating” rather than a satisfaction rating.

What do you think about State of JS?

2. 2021 Official Rust Survey results

The results in this paper,

In a survey of 9,354 respondents from around the world, performance and security were the main reasons people chose Rust. Only 4% said they had not used Rust at all.

2021 is one of the most important years for Rust, and the community is thriving with the establishment of the Rust Foundation.

Challenges ahead:

  • IDE experience

  • The language would be too complex

  • Community development

3. Chrome and Firefox versions will hit 100

When Chrome’s version number first reached 10 a long time ago, it went from one to two digits, and the user-Agent parsing library had a lot of problems. This article summarizes the release timeline, Chrome and Firefox strategies to mitigate the impact, and recommended actions.

  • Chrome release timeline
  • Firefox release timeline

4. GitHub can now draw a flowchart

GitHub has integrated the graphics plugin Avi into Markdown, and now you can draw flowcharts.

  • S03e05 S03E05 Operating Manual

5. Vue new document introduction

  • Diablo mode
  • Responsive adaptation to the mobile end
  • Options API/Composition API toggle
  • Interactive tutorial
  • The new sample
  • Improved API search
  • Improved TS guide
  • Updated Reactivity in Depth, Rendering Mechanism and other sections
  • .

Technical data

1. In-depth understanding of Vite core principles

If you want to understand some of the core principles at the Vite source level, this article is a good place to start. Contains:

  • Vite core process
  • Principle of thermal renewal
  • Principle of precompilation

2. Learn more about React Native’s new architecture

React Native will open source their new architecture in 2022.

  • Bridge will be replaced by JSI
  • Fabric, the rendering system, replaces the current UI Manager
  • Turbo Modules
  • CodeGen

3. Create a Zustand-like state management library (video)

Daishi Kato teaches you how to write a state management library.

Zustand is Star’s fastest growing React state management library in 2021. Zustand has elegant API design and functional philosophy, and most features are common features of React. Before Huang Ziyi also published relevant source code interpretation articles in the community, very recommended learning.

  • Zustand source code interpretation

4. New generation JS date/time API Temporal tutorial

There are many disadvantages of Date copied from Java: no API for developers to switch time zone information, unreliable parser behavior, missing computing API, no support for non-Gregorian calendar…

TC39 found Maggie, the author of momoent. Js library, and she was responsible for the core design of Temporal, which made up for the defect of Date.

5. Ask what the interviewer said after the interview

The project has been trending on GitHub recently, and we’ve compiled some of the best questions you can ask your interviewer. It currently has the following sections:

  • Duties and responsibilities
  • technology
  • team
  • Ask a future colleague
  • The company
  • Social problems
  • conflict
  • business
  • Work remotely
  • Office Layout
  • The ultimate question

Take a look at it before the interview to give yourself credit and gain more information at the end of the interview.

Good article recommendation

1. 60 lines of code to implement the React event system

2. GitLab CI from entry to practice

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