I want to ask myself why I want to learn PHP, what is PHP, what CAN I do after learning PHP, the future development, so how to learn a programming language, how to give learning advice.
PHP is a hypertext preprocessor learning language, it is a widely used open source multipurpose scripting language, it can be embedded in HTML, especially suitable for Web development.
PHP is a scripting language embedded in HTML documents executed on the server side. The language is similar in style to THE C language and is now widely used by many web programmers. You can develop interactive, dynamic web pages using PHP.
So how do you understand dynamic web pages? Here’s what follows:
What’s the difference between a dynamic website and a static website?
- Dynamic Site: a site that can interact with a database
- Static Sites: cannot interact with databases
And what do words like LAMP stand for? Common in PHP:
So what is a LAMP?
Expandable to say the following vocabulary, we need to understand step by step.
PHP environment setup (LAMP,LNMP,LNMPA)
: Linux+Apache+MySQL+PHP
: Linux+Nginx+MySQL+PHP
: Linux+Nginx+MySQL+PHP+Apache
: Window+Apache+MySQL+PHP
Integrated environment: WAMPServer, XAMPP, PHPStudy
Apache, web server
Apache is the world’s top web server software, it can run on almost all widely used computer platforms, because of its cross-platform and security is widely used, is one of the most popular Web server software. It is fast, reliable, and extensible with a simple API.
So let’s step into the world of PHP and understand its syntax.
Basic grammar
PHP document structure: 1. 2. Note that file names should not use Chinese characters or contain special characters
PHP style:
- The standard style
Here’s a code example:
<? PHP code snippets; ? >Copy the code
- Short style
Here’s a code example:
<? Code; ? >Copy the code
Note: You need to configure short_open_tag=On in the PHP configuration file php.ini and restart the Apache server
Here’s a code example:
<% code segment; % >Copy the code
Note: You need to configure asp_tags=On in the PHP configuration file php.ini and restart the Apache server
PHP syntax style examples:
<? php echo'this is dada show dada'; <! DOCTYPE html><html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>55555 - <? php echo 'hello world'; ? ></title>
<style media="screen">
color: <? php echo'5555'; ? >; }</style>
<script type="text/javascript">
alert('hello world');
<h1>this is dadada show time<? php echo 'dada'; ? ></h1>
</html><? Echo 'this is a dada'; echo 'this is a dada'; echo '<br/>';
echo 'hello world';
echo 'this is dada show time';
Copy the code
You need tools to learn PHP, and here is phpStorm, which is often used
Tell me aboutphpstorm
Installation and use of
Phpstorm is a commercial PHP integrated development tool developed by JetBrains that is ready to help users code, run unit tests, or provide visual debugging.
Enter the official website of PHPStorm and click the “downLoad” button to enter the downLoad page.
Finally, double-click the desktop icon.
PHP syntax
PHP file naming Considerations:
Considerations for variables:
Data type:
Special symbols:
The difference between single and double quotation marks
- Double quotes parse variables, single quotes do not parse variables
- Single quotation marks are fast
- Double quotes parse all escape characters, single quotes parse only
and\ \
These two escape characters
The meaning of curly braces
- Turn variables into a whole
- The first kind of
${variable name} Variable name
; - The second,
{$variable name variable name}
Temporary transformations are implemented in functional form
Intval (variable)
Converted to an integerStrval (variable)
Convert to a stringBoolval (variable)
To a Boolean type
Permanent transformation
(Variable, set type) Sets the type of the variablegettype
Retrieves the type of the variable
The variable library detects variable types
(variable) > test integeris_string
(variable) > Detect string typeis_array
(variable) > Check the array typeis_resource
(variable) > Detect the resource typeis_object
(Variable) > Test object typeis_null
(variable) > Detect null typeis_numeric
(Variable) > Detect numeric type
- Q: What is a constant?
- A constant, as opposed to a variable, cannot be modified during script execution
The system constant
: getphp
: Gets the operating system of the serverM_PI
The value of the
- Matters needing attention:
- Not preceded by the constant name
symbol - Start with a letter or underscore and use capital letters whenever possible
- Constants are defined and cannot be changed or undefined
- Constants can only have scalar values. Resources can be used, but are not recommended
- Constants are case sensitive by default
Checks whether a constant is defined
Magic constant
Get the line number__FILE__
Get the full path and filename of the file__FUNCTION__
The name of the function__CLASS__
Return to the file path
Connect our variables in the form of dots
Generate a verification code randomly
Let’s take a look at the following example code:
<! DOCTYPE HTML >< HTML >< head lang="en"> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title></title> <script SRC =" jquery-22.3.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head> <body> <? php header("content-type:text/html; charset=utf-8"); $str = ''; $rand = mt_rand(1000, 9999); $str.='<span style="color:rgb('.mt_rand(0, 255).', '.mt_rand(0, 255).','.mt_rand(0, 255).') ">'.mt_rand(0, 9).'<span>'; $str.='<span style="color:rgb('.mt_rand(0, 255).', '.mt_rand(0, 255).','.mt_rand(0, 255).') ">'.mt_rand(0, 9).'<span>'; $str.='<span style="color:rgb('.mt_rand(0, 255).', '.mt_rand(0, 255).','.mt_rand(0, 255).') ">'.mt_rand(0, 9).'<span>'; $str.='<span style="color:rgb('.mt_rand(0, 255).', '.mt_rand(0, 255).','.mt_rand(0, 255).') ">'.mt_rand(0, 9).'<span>'; ? > <label for="check"> Please enter verification code :</label> <div id="hiddent_val" style="display: none; > <? php echo $str ? ></div> <input type="text" name="check" id="check_val"/><? php echo $str; ? > <br/> <input type="button" onclick="javascript:check();" Value = "submit" / > < script > function check () {var v1 = $(" # hiddent_val "). The text (); v1 = v1*1; var v2=$("#check_val").val(); v2 = v2*1; if(v1==v2){ alert('true'); }else{ alert('false'); } } </script> </body> </html>Copy the code
Date function
Date function format code:
data($format[,$time=time()]) time(): Y: year, M: month, D: day, h: hour, I: minute, s: second W: Monday to Sunday 0 indicates Sunday. Date_default_timezone_get () date_default_timezone_set($timezone);Copy the code
Predefined variable
Predefined variables: defined variables in the system, including:
Variable to receive the formpost
Mode to send data$_GET:HTTP
Variable, receive to?
Data that is passed as a parameter$_FILES:HTTP
File upload variable$_SERVER
: Server and execution environment variables$_ENV
: Environment variables$_SESSION
: session variable$_COOKIE
Previous error message$GLOBALS
Super global, a built-in variable that is always available in all scopes
Switch… case
Let’s take a look at Switch… Example code for case is as follows:
<? php $a = 2; switch ($a){ case 1: echo 'a<br/>'; break; case 2: echo 'b<br/>'; break; case 3: echo 'c<br/>'; break; Default: echo 'default execution '; }Copy the code
For the sample
Let’s look at the following example code for:
<? $sum = 1; $sum = 1; $sum = 1; for($i=0; $i<101; $i++){ $sum = $sum+$i; } echo $sum; echo '<hr/>'; // for($I =1; $i<101; ${i++) if ($I % 2 = = 0) {echo 'this is can be divided exactly by 2:'. $I. '< br / >'; }}Copy the code
Learn the following examples – multiplication table code:
<? php /* 1*1=1; * 1*2=2 2*2=4 * */ for($i=1; $i<=9; $i++){ for($j=1; $j<=$i; $j++){ echo $j.'*'.$i.'='.($i*$j)."\t"; } echo '<br/>'; }Copy the code
Special flow control
Special process control – Example:
<? PHP //break for($I =1; $i<10; $i++){ if($i==3){ break; $I.'<br/>'; } echo '<hr/>'; //continue for($I =1; $i<10; $i++){ if($i==3){ continue; $I.'<br/>'; } echo '<hr/>'; Echo 'Here is the beginning '; goto jump; Echo 'here is the code below jump '; Jump: echo 'here is the code in jump '; echo '<hr/>'; Echo 'Here is the end ';Copy the code
PHP arrays
What is a PHP array? What is an array? – Array: a collection of data. In PHP an array is actually an ordered map.
Declared by array() :
An empty arrayArray (value 1, value 2...)
An array of contiguous indices starting at 0array(key=>value,key=>value...)
You can declare indexed arrays and associations
Print the array with: print_r
Array or mixed array:
- Array keys can be integers or strings
- If the key name is not an integer or a string, the following cast is performed
- A string containing a valid integer value is converted to an integer
- A floating point integer is converted to an integer type
- Boolean
Convert to 1,false
Conversion of 0 null
Converts to an empty string- Arrays and objects cannot be used as key names
Dynamically and quickly create arrays
Create an array dynamically:
Name of the array[]
: index array with consecutive subscripts$
Name of the array[number]
: Specifies the array index$
Name of the array[String]
Associative array
Quick Array creation – Sample format:
range($min, $max[$step=1]); Quickly create indexed array Compact ($varname,...) ; Quickly create associative arraysCopy the code
Learn some examples:
<? php // $arr = array(); // var_dump($arr); $arr = array(1, 5.5, false, 'dada'); print_r($arr); echo '<hr/>'; //array(key=>value,key=>value...) $arr1 = array (5 = > 'dada, 6 = > 12, 9 = > false, 4 = > 4.4); print_r($arr1); echo '<hr/>'; // associative array, subscript string //username can be called our key name, $arr2 = array('username'=>'dada', 'password'=>123456, 'age'=>27); print_r($arr2); echo '<hr/>'; / / index + associated mixed use $arr3 = array (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 'username' = > 'dadaqianduan', 'addr' = > 'haha'); print_r($arr3); echo '<hr/>'; $arr3['username'] = 'dada'; print_r($arr3);Copy the code
Traverses the array through the array pointer function
Gets the key value of the element where the current pointer is locatedkey($arr)
Gets the key name of the element where the current pointer is locatednext($arr)
, moves the array pointer down one bit and gets the key value of the element where the array pointer is locatedprev($arr)
, moves the array pointer up one bit and returns the key value of the element where the current pointer is locatedend($arr)
Moves the array pointer to the end of the array and returns the key value of the current elementreset($arr)
Moves the array pointer to the beginning of the array and returns the key value of the current element
The array is traversed by foreach
Foreach (array as $key=>$val){}Copy the code
Iterate through the array with list and each
list($var[,$var...] )
: Assigns values from an array to variableseach($arr)
Returns the current key/value pair in the array and moves the array pointer down one bit
User list page
Example code for creating a user list page is in the following format:
<tr style="text-align:center;" > </tr> <? php foreach($userInfo as $val){ ? > <tr style="text-align:center;" > <td><? php echo $val['id']; ? ></td> <td><img src="img/<? php echo $val['id']; ? >" alt=""/></td> </tr> <? php }? >Copy the code
Adding a Message Page
Example code format for adding a message page is as follows:
</h2> <form action=" doaction.php? Act =add" method="get"> <table border="1" width="80%" cellPADDING ="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="blue"> <tr> <td> < td > < input type = "text" name = "username" id = "" placholder =" please enter your said "/ > < / td > < / tr > < / table > < / form > < / body >Copy the code
Submit reflection – doaction.php
<? php $username = $_GET['username']; $title = $_GET['title']; $content = $_GET['content']; $arr[] = array( 'username' => $username, 'title' => $title, 'content' => $content ); print_r($arr);Copy the code
Collecting message information:
$filename = 'text.txt';
$data = 1;
file_put_contents($filename, $data);
Copy the code
<input type="hidden" name="act" value="add"/> ? php $username = isset($_GET['username']) ? $_GET['username'] : ''; $time = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $act = isset($_GET['act']) ? $_GET['act']:''; If (file_exists($filename) && filesize($filename)>0){$STR = file_get_contents($filename); $arr = unserialize($str); } if($act == 'add'){ ... $arr = serialize($arr); file_put_contents($filename, $arr); }Copy the code
if($act == 'add') { $arr[] = array( 'username' => $username, 'title' => $title, 'content' => $content, 'time' => $time ); $arr = serialize($arr); If (file_put_contents($filename, $arr)){echo' add message '; }else{echo 'add message failed '; }; }Copy the code
PHP function
To summarize the nine common functions, let’s see what they mean and what they do:
Get the length of the string- Find string:
: Finds the first occurrence of the target string in the specified stringstripos($string,$search[,$offset])
: Search regardless of casestrrpos($string,$search[,$offset])
: Finds the last occurrence of the target string in the specified stringstrripos($string,$search[,$offset])
: search for the last location regardless of casestrstr|strchr($string,$search[,$before_needle])
: Looks for the first occurrence of a string, returning a stringstrrchr($string,$search)
: Finds the last occurrence of a specified character in a stringstristr($string,$search[,$before_needle])
: Search regardless of casestr_replace($search,$replace,$string)
: Searches for another string in the specified string and replaces it with the specified stringstr_ireplace($search,$replace,$string)
: search and replace regardless of case
- String case
: Returns the string after lowercasestrtoupper($string)
: Returns the uppercase stringucwords($string)
Capitalize the first letter of a worducfirst($string)
: capitalizes the first letter of the word in the stringlcfirst($string)
: Lowercase the first letter of the word in the string
- ASCII characters
: gets the ASCII value of the specified characterchr($ascii)
: Gets the specified character according to ASCII
- Interception of a string
: Intercepts a stringsubstr_replace($string,$replace,$start[,$length]):
Replaces a substring of a string
- encryption
: Evaluates the MD5 hash value of the string32
A string of bitssha1($string)
: Evaluates the hash value of sha1 of the string, and returns40
A string of bits
- Filtering:
: Filters Spaces at both ends of a string by default. You can also filter a specified stringltrim($string[,$charlist])
: Filters the left end of the stringrtrim | chop($string[,$charlist])
: Filters the right end of the stringstrip_tags($string[,$allowTag])
: Filters HTML tags in stringsaddslashes($string)
: uses a backslash to reference special characters in a stringhtmlentities($string[,$flag=ENT_COMPAT])
: Converts all characters to HTML entitieshtmlspecialchars($string[,$flag=ENT_COMPAT]
: Converts special characters in a string to HTML entitiesnl2br($string)
: to the string\n
- Split/merge
Splits the specified string into arraysimplode | join($delimiter,$array)
Concatenate the key values in an array into a string with the specified delimiterstr_split($string[,$split_length=1])
Convert strings to arrays
- Commonly used functions
Inverted stringstr_shuffle($string)
Randomly shuffled stringstr_repeat($string)
Repeated stringstr_getcsv(...)
Parse the CSV string into an arrayparse_str($str[,$arr])
Parsing a string into multiple variables
The following contents are presented in table form
The table of mathematical function library is as follows:
function | instructions |
abs($number) |
Beg absolute value |
ceil($number) |
Into an integer |
floor($number) |
Drop the decimal part |
round($number,$percision) |
rounded |
pow($base,$exp) |
Power operation |
sqrt($number) |
The square root |
max($val1,$val2,..) |
For maximum |
min($val1,$val2...) |
For the minimum |
mt_rand($min,$max) |
Random number generation |
Datetime function library table is as follows:
function | instructions |
date_default_timezone_get() |
Get the default time zone |
date_default_timezone_set($timezone) |
Setting the Default Time Zone |
date($format[,$time]) |
Get the date and time of the server |
time() |
Get the current timestamp |
mktime() |
Gets a Unix timestamp for a date |
getdate($timestamp) |
Get date and time information |
gettimeofday($return_float) |
Get current time |
microtime([$get_as_float]) |
Returns the current Unix timestamp and subtlety number |
strtotime($time[,$now=time()]) |
Parses the date and time description of any English text tounix The time stamp |
Create an array operation
function | describe |
range($min, $max[,$step=1]) |
Quickly create contiguous index arrays |
compact($varname,$varname...) |
Quickly create associative arrays |
array_fill($start_index,$num,$value) |
Fills the array with the given value |
array_fill_keys($keys,$value) |
Populates the array with the specified key and value |
array_combine($keys,$values) |
Create an array with the value of one array as its key and the value of the other as its key |
Key-value operations are shown in the following table:
function | describe |
count() |
Count the number of cells in an array or the number of attributes in an object |
array_keys($array) |
Gets the array’s key name as a contiguous index array |
array_values($array) |
Returns the key value of an array as a contiguous index array |
array_filp($array) |
Swap key names and assignments in arrays |
in_array() |
Checks if a value exists in the array |
array_search() |
Searches the array for the given value, returning the corresponding key name on success |
arry_key_exists() |
Checks whether the given key name or index exists in the array |
array_reverse() |
An array of the horse |
shuffle() |
Scrambles the elements of the array |
array_rand() |
Randomly fetching the array’s key name |
array_unique() |
Removes duplicate values from the array |
array_sum() |
Counts the sum of the element values in an array |
Array pointer functions are as follows:
function | describe |
key($array) |
Gets the key name of the element where the current pointer is located |
current($array) pos($array) |
Gets the key value of the element where the current pointer is located |
next($array) |
Moves the array pointer down one bit and returns the key value of the element where the current pointer is located |
prev($array) |
Moves the array pointer up one bit and returns the key value of the element where the current pointer is located |
end($array) |
Moves the array pointer to the end of the array and returns the key value of the element where the current pointer is located |
reset($array) |
Moves the array pointer to the beginning of the array and returns the key value of the element where the current pointer is located |
each($array) |
Returns the current key-value pair in the array and moves the array pointer down one bit |
list($var,...) |
Assigns the value of the element in the array to the corresponding variable |
array_unshift($array,$value...) |
Inserts one or more elements at the beginning of an array |
array_shift($array) |
Ejects the first element of the array |
array_push($array,$value...) |
Pushes one or more elements to the end of the array |
array_pop($array) |
Ejects the last element of the array |
Array split and merge table is as follows:
function | describe |
array_slice($array,$offset) |
Interception of array |
array_merge() |
Merge array |
Use of custom functions
How do you declare functions? Take a look at the following code:
Function Function name ([parameter...]) ){function body; Return Return value; }Copy the code
Matters needing attention:
- The function name should contain no special characters and start with a letter or underscore followed by a alphanumeric underscore
- Function names should be clear and start with a verb
- Function names should be humped or underlined
- Function names cannot be the same
- Function names are case insensitive, but it is best to follow case when calling them
- Function arguments are not required
- The function returns Null by default, or a return value can be added by return
Now let’s look at the function arguments we put in:
Parameters are divided into parameters and arguments:
Parameter, which is declared when the function is defined. (Mandatory: The parameter must be passed when the function is called. Optional argument: use the default value if no argument is passed when calling the function;)
Argument, which is actually passed in when the function is called
Next, look at the scope of variables as shown in the following mind map:
Here is the difference between passing a value and passing a reference to a function:
- Changes made to a variable in the function body do not affect the variable itself
- Passing references Changes to variables in the function body affect the variables themselves
The callback function
What is the callback function?
When you want to perform multiple unrelated operations on a single object or value during development, callbacks are the best way to do this.
<? PHP function text1(){echo 'I am dadda '; } function text2($username){echo 'I am Nezha '; } // The callback function: the name inside the function is the argument we are passing in (); function callBack($call,$str){ $call($str); CallBack ('text2','dadaqianduan'); callBack(' dadaqianduan');Copy the code
Recursive function
What is a recursive function, where the function body calls itself
Example of writing:
function text($i) {
echo $i;
Copy the code
Anonymous functions
Anonymous function examples:
$str = function() { echo 'dadaqianduan'; }; $str(); $str1 = function($username) { echo 'dada'; echo $username; }; $str1 (' which zha ');Copy the code
PHP includes files
PHP files include: include,include_once,require,require_once, which includes the contents of one file into another file.
Reference file error is an error and a warninginclude
There are two warnings when referencing a file incorrectly- Error handling:
A fatal error is generated and the script stops - Error handling:
Only warnings are generated and the script continues
So use include!
The include or require statement retrieves all text, code, and tags that exist in the specified file and copies them to the file that uses the include statement.
The syntax is as follows:
include 'filename'; Or the require 'filename';Copy the code
PHP include example:
Let’s create a standard footer file called ‘dada.php’ as follows:
<? PHP echo '<p> '; ? >Copy the code
You then need to reference the footer file in another page as follows:
< HTML > <body> <p> php include 'footer.php'; ? > </body> </html>Copy the code
Require_once/include_once, and the require/include effect is the same, different is executed when will first check if the target content in have imported before, if the import, so will not repeat the introduction of the same content.
What is object orientation first?
It’s an idea, it’s a way of developing, it’s not actual code.
Speaking of object orientation, it is necessary to talk about the difference between object orientation and process orientation:
- In fact, process-oriented emphasis is on functional behavior (how one thing is done)
- Object orientation is the encapsulation of functionality into objects, emphasizing the functionality of objects (who does a thing)
- Object-oriented features: inheritance, encapsulation, polymorphism
Several ways to Orient:
Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) Object Oriented Design (OOP) Object Oriented ProgrammingCopy the code
Classes and objects
Speaking of object orientation is inseparable from the relationship between classes and objects: a class is an abstraction of a concrete transaction, and an object is a concrete instance of this class.
How to define a class, class definition :(similar to the class keyword to define)
class Person{ } <? $userName = 'dada'; $userName = 'dada'; $userName = 'dada'; public $age = 12; $p = new Person(); echo $p->userName.'<hr/>'; echo $p->age.'<hr/>';Copy the code
Properties say, talk about the method, the following example:
<? php class Person{ public $userName; public $age; Public function eat() {echo 'I want to eat '; } } $p = new Person(); $p->eat();Copy the code
Object allocation in memory
In PHP, memory is divided into four categories:
- Data segment: used to store the program has been initialized and not 0 global variables such as: static variables and constants
- Code snippets: store functions, methods
- Stack space segment: Stores small data
- Heap space segment: Stores references to objects and data with large volumes
PHP access modifier
What are the access modifiers? As shown below:
Public, defaultprotected
The protectedprivate
An example of this code is as follows
<? php class Da{ public $userName = 'dada'; protected $age = 12; Public function eat() {echo 'I want to eat '; } } $da = new Da(); Echo $da->userName echo $da->ageCopy the code
Modified as follows:
<? php class Da{ public $userName = 'dada'; protected $age = 12; Public function eat() {echo 'I want to eat '; //$this echo $this->age; } } $da = new Da(); echo $da->userName echo $da->eat()Copy the code
Constructors and destructors
What is a constructor in the first place? The constructor is called when passing a new object.
What is the secondary destructor? Destructors must first take no arguments. Destructors are called before all references to the object have been removed or the display has disappeared.
<? php class Person { public $userName; public $age; Public function Person() {// echo 'I am a constructor '; Public function _construct($this->userName = $age) {$this->userName = $this; $this->age = $age; Public function _destruct(){echo 'destruct'}} $p1 = new Person('dada',12); echo $p1->userName $p1 = null; // The destructor is calledCopy the code
Set and GET magic methods
Understand the set and GET methods: SET provides a way to set a member’s properties to the outside world, and GET provides a way to access a member’s properties.
So the magic constants: _set and _get.
The following is an example:
<? php class Person{ private $userName; private $age; public function setAge($age){ // $this->age = 12; // $this-age == private $age; $this->age = $age; } public function getAge(){ return $this->age; } public function _set($key,$value){ $this->userName = $value; } public function _get($key){ return $this->userName; } $p = new Person(); // echo $p->userName; $p->setAge(16); echo $p->getAge();Copy the code
Isset and unset magic methods
When external callsisset()
Function is called automatically when it detects unreachable or nonexistent properties._unset
When called outside the classunset
Automatically called when an unreachable property is destroyed.
The following is an example:
<? php class Person{ private $userName; private $age; public $abc; public function _construct($userName,$age){ $this->userName=$userName; $this->age=$age; } public function _isset($name){echo 'when isset() is called to detect unreachable attributes or non-existent attributes '; return isset($name); // Boolean} public function _unset($name){echo 'when unset is called outside the class to destroy an unreachable attribute '; } } $p = new Person('dada',12); var_dump(isset($p->userName)); // echo '<hr/>' unset($p->abc);Copy the code
Here are the characteristics of inheritance in object-oriented inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism:
So what’s the point of inheritance? You can reduce code duplication by using inheritance through the extends keyword.
A code example is as follows:
<? php class Person{ public $userName; public $age; public function eat(){ echo 'dadaqianduan'; } } class Student extends Person{ } $stu = new Student(); echo $stu->eat();Copy the code
The keyword
Parent is used in inheritance with the following code:
<? php class Person { public $userName='parent'; public $age = 100; Protected function eat() {echo 'eat'; } } class Student extends Person { public $userName = 'children`; public $age = 12; Public function eat() {parent::eat().'<hr/>'; echo 'children'; } } $stu = new Student(); echo $stu->eat();Copy the code
Use the final keyword
Precautions for using the final keyword:
Keywords cannot modify properties- be
And methods cannot be inherited or overridden
Use the static keyword
Static is used to express the meaning of being static:
- be
The modified properties and methods are static properties and methods - Static properties and methods are characterized by the fact that they are not invoked through objects
- Properties and methods can be invoked by class names
The following code is an example:
class Person {
public static $i = 1;
public static function eat(){
echo '要吃饭';
echo Person::$i;
Copy the code
Self accesses static properties and methods inside the class via self:
The following code is an example:
class Student {
public static $i = 1;
public static function eat(){
echo self::$i;
Copy the code
The following example static binding can be used as follows:
<? php class A{ public static function text1(){ echo 'text1'; } public static function text2(){ echo 'text2'; self::text1(); } } class B extends A { public static function text1(){ echo 'B-A'; } } B::text2();Copy the code
Use the const keyword
Const, is a constant modifier. Constants must be capitalized, cannot be accessed through objects, and do not require the $sign.
Student Management System
Example Database connection:
<? PHP header (" content-type: text/HTML. charset=urf-8"); $link = mysqli_connect('localhost','root','root') or die(' connection failed '); Mysqli_set_charset ($link,'utf8'); // open mysqli_select_db($link, 'dadaqianduan'); $query = "insert user values(1,'dada','12345') "; $res = mysqli_query($link, $query); If ($res){echo 'insert data successfully '; }else{echo 'failed to insert data '; }Copy the code
So mysqli operates on the database in the following steps:
- The connection
- Set character set
- Open the specified database
- perform
The query - Release result set
- Close the connection
If we need to rewrite the connection database each time we use it, we can encapsulate it:
Encapsulate array: config.php
<? php $config = array( 'host'=>'localhost', 'user'=>'root', 'password'=>'root', 'charset'=>'utf8', 'dbName'=>'dadaqianduan' ); define('DB_HOST','localhost'); define('DB_USER','root'); define('DB_PWD','root'); define('DB_CHARSET','utf8'); define('DB_DBNAME','dadaqianduan');Copy the code
The connection
<? PHP /** * connect * @param string $host * @param string $user * @param string $password * @param string $charset * @param Function connect1($host,$user,$password,$charset,$database){$link = Mysqli_connect ($host,$user,$password) or die(' failed to connect '); mysqli_set_charset($link,$charset); Mysqli_select_db ($link,$database) or die(' select_db '); return $link; }Copy the code
The connection requires passing an array
* @param array $config * @return object */ function connect2($config){ $link=mysqli_connect($config['host'],$config['user'],$config['password']); mysqli_set_charset($link,$config['charset']); Mysqli_select_db ($link,$config['dbName'] or die(' select_db '); return $link; }Copy the code
Establish a connection in constant form
@return unknown */ function connect3(){$link = mysqli_connect(DB_HOST,DB_USER,DB_PWD) or Die (' database connection failed '); mysqli_set_charset($link,DB_CHARSET); Mysqli_select_db ($link,DB_DBNAME) or die($link,DB_DBNAME); return $link; }Copy the code
The insert
/* array( 'username'=>'dada', 'password'=>'dada', 'age'=>'123456', 'regTime'=>'12345' ); INSERT user(username,password,age,regTime) VALUES('dada','dada','12','123123123'); */ /** * insert operation * @param object $link * @param array $data * @param string $TABLE * @return Boolean */ / insert function insert($link,$data,$table){ $keys=join(',',array_key($data)); $vals = "'".join("','", array_values($data))."'"; $query = "insert{$table}({$keys})values({$vals})"; $res = mysqli_query($link,$query); if($res){ return mysqli_insert_id($link); }else{ return false; }}Copy the code
The update operation
/* array( 'username'=>'dada', 'password'=>'dada', 'age'=>'12', 'regTime'=>'123123123' ); UPDATE user SET username='dada',password='dada',age='12',regTime='123123123' WHERE ID =1 */ ** * $link * @param array $data * @param string $table * @param string $where * @return boolean */ function update($link, $data, $table, $where = null) { foreach ( $data as $key => $val ) { $set .= "{$key}='{$val}',"; } $set = trim ( $set, ',' ); $where = $where == null ? '' : ' WHERE ' . $where; $query = "UPDATE {$table} SET {$set} {$where}"; $res = mysqli_query ( $link, $query ); if ($res) { return mysqli_affected_rows ( $link ); } else { return false; }}Copy the code
Delete operation
//DELETE FROM user WHERE id= /** * DELETE operation * @param object $link * @param string $table * @param string $WHERE * @return boolean */ function delete($link, $table, $where = null) { $where = $where ? ' WHERE ' . $where : ''; $query = "DELETE FROM {$table} {$where}"; $res = mysqli_query ( $link, $query ); if ($res) { return mysqli_affected_rows ( $link ); } else { return false; }}Copy the code
Querying all Records
/ query all records * * * * @ param object $link * @ param string $query * @ param string $result_type * @ the return array | Boolean * / function fetchAll($link, $query, $result_type = MYSQLI_ASSOC) { $result = mysqli_query ( $link, $query ); if ($result && mysqli_num_rows ( $result ) > 0) { while ( $row = mysqli_fetch_array ( $result, $result_type ) ) { $rows [] = $row; } return $rows; } else { return false; }}Copy the code
Gets the number of records in the table
/ get the number of records in a table * * * * @ param object $link * @ param string $table * @ return number | Boolean * / function getTotalRows ($link, $table) { $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS totalRows FROM {$table}"; $result = mysqli_query ( $link, $query ); if ($result && mysqli_num_rows ( $result ) == 1) { $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc ( $result ); return $row ['totalRows']; } else { return false; }}Copy the code
Get the number of entries in the result set
* @param object $link * @param string $query * @return Boolean */ function getResultRows($link, $query) $query) { $result = mysqli_query ( $link, $query ); if ($result) { return mysqli_num_rows ( $result ); } else { return false; }}Copy the code
Encapsulation of access to information:
* @param object $link
function getServerInfo($link) {
return mysqli_get_server_info ( $link );
* @param object $link
function getClientInfo($link) {
return mysqli_get_client_info ( $link );
* @param object $link
function getHostInfo($link){
return mysqli_get_host_info($link);
* @param object $link
function getProtoInfo($link) {
return mysqli_get_proto_info ( $link );
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Redis met
The mind map is shown as follows:
Redis is an open source (BSD-licensed), in-memory data structure storage system that can be used as a database, cache, and messaging middleware. It supports many types of data structures, such as strings, hashes, lists, sets, sorted sets, range queries, bitmaps, Hyperloglogs and Geospatial index radius query. Redis is built with replication, LUA scripting, LRU eviction, transactions and different levels of disk persistence, And provides high availability through Redis Sentinel and Automated partitioning (Cluster).
- Resident memory, superior read and write performance, far better than hard disk
- Support a variety of data formats, can achieve a variety of business needs
- Data can be automatically saved to hard disks, and services can be restored upon restart
Operate the Redis installation
Under the Windows installation download address:
Redis supports 32 and 64 bits. This needs to be selected according to the actual situation of your system platform, here we download redis-x64-XXx. zip to disk C, decompress, rename the folder Redis.
Open the folder as follows:
Open a CMD window and use the CD command to switch the directory to XXX :\redis run:
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And another
Windows, the original do not close, or you will not be able to access the server.
PHP+MySQL environment variable (phpStudy)
Set whether to take effect:
Composer is a PHP tool for managing dependency relationships. You can declare dependent external libraries in your own projects, and Composer will install these dependent libraries for you.
Click on the
Getting Started
Click download:
Windows quick configuration NodeJS
Command line for configuring taobao mirror source:
npm config set registry
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Windows Quick Configuration Bower
Install phpStudy on Windows
Use Tencent cloud server to download
Click on the install immediately
yum install -y wget && wget -O http:/ / download. Bt. Cn/install/install_6. 0. Sh & sh the sh
Copy the code
Domain name Resolution
Internal Server ErrorThe server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request. Please contact the server administrator at to inform themof the time this error occurred, and the actions you performed just before this error.
More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
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Htaccess is changed to the following
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{ENV:REDIRECT_STATUS} ^$ RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} ! -f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} ! -d RewriteRule . /index.php [L] </IfModule>Copy the code
(Optional, used to install Bower and LESS, also used for packing compression)Composer
(Optional, used to manage third-party extension packages)Bower
(Optional, used to manage front-end resources)Less
(Optional, for editing less files, if you need to modify CSS styles, it is best to install)
Pay attention and don’t get lost
Well folks, that’s all for this article, and the people here are talented. I will continue to update the technology related articles, if you find the article useful, welcome to give a “like”, also welcome to share, thank you!!