Is it difficult to learn Java on a zero basis? Self-study?

To answer this question, we should answer in many ways. First, who is better suited to learn Java? If only from the interest, then everyone can be competent, just like Jiang Ziya’s 70 years of exploration career. At the age of 47, Liu Bang rallied the people in Peixian county to respond to Chen Sheng-Wu-Guang’s uprising. The ancient age is equivalent to our present age of sixty. Qi Baishi, a painter, is also famous for his sudden change of painting style at the age of 56.

Therefore, it is never too late to learn, just like young editors who meet people with different academic backgrounds and different purposes to learn Java programming, including junior high school students, doctoral students, business executives and so on. So from the perspective of learning, the Internet is a very inclusive field, as long as you have the intention, a computer at any time. You can learn.

And then some people are sour. Why do all the PhD students come to study? Everyone has a different purpose, others are not for employment, but also for scientific research, in order to improve themselves, in order to interest!

Age bottlenecks in learning Java

If learning Java is your ticket to the workplace and your primary livelihood skill, you do need to consider age. If you are young, congratulations. Java is the best time to learn in the best years of learning, memory, and comprehension, such as college students. College students, middle school students, secondary vocational students, junior high school graduates, compared with previous study and future work, this period is the most substantial, energetic, family pressure is relatively small period, at this time should be as early as possible to learn!

After the age of 40 or 50, due to environmental and physical influences, people’s ability to remember and learn is significantly less than that of younger people. This is known as the age bottleneck. However, today’s economy is slightly better and people’s diets and nutrition are better, so learning Java, career bottlenecks can be put off until age 37 or 38.

Is interest in Learning Java important?

You don’t know if interest matters until you continue. Only when you study can you know whether interest is important or not. For example, Xiao Li knocked on the code, knocked on the code for a month, very painful, knocked on the code for three months, feel very strange, knocked on the code for a year, feel that the mention of knocking on the code is the big head, fever, there is a feeling of wanting to escape, called not interested.

If you can live with programmer loneliness and the more common overtime habits, and you don’t hate typing code for years or months, remember that as long as you don’t hate it, it’s called a hobby, because if you don’t hate it, you’ll stick with it. If you stick with it, you will naturally spend more time learning it and you will grow better.

Why don’t I say I hate it, because if I take interest as a career, I will focus less on it, which is inevitable, but as long as I don’t hate it, the work can go on.

Is Java expensive?

Truth be told, in the training industry, learning Java is more expensive than learning other design and testing courses, not only because it takes longer to learn, but also because it is more difficult. If you think tuition is expensive, you can find courses or crash courses online, but the effect is self-awareness.

Many people are thinking about some online learning, hesitating for personal reasons and considering some online learning videos. If you have a lot of self-control, xiaobian won’t stop you from learning online. But how many people actually watch the video to learn and ask the teacher questions? It’s not impossible, but without the atmosphere of drums and gongs, it’s easy to get distracted.

Can you teach yourself Java?

Of course, it is possible to teach yourself Java programming, but there are several things you must have for self-learning and success. First, self-study self-control and restraint, such as today’s plan, self-study for two hours, but when making a phone call, they decide to go out and have a good time. With the excuse that they are more tired today, they give up their study plan for the day. Such people, there are a lot of people, oh no, a lot, so self-educated people often spend a lot of money. More than the cost.

Recommended learning Java video: Java link website