Lluxury operation and maintenance development time

Why can think of this topic, because recently saw an advertisement: registered XX send 2048GB data. “It’s 9,012 years and someone still shares the family’s heirloom hard drive,” Yann MUSES. 2TB materials, even video have to see for a long time, let alone usually are documents and PPT materials, really want to see a lifetime.

We all know about the explosion of knowledge, and this is one manifestation of it. Most people can get enough information about a topic just by using the Internet. Because of this, very little of the information is often self-created. Most of the content comes from processing, borrowing, or even copying.

On the other hand, the data packages that can be transferred and accumulated to GB often have the following problems: either too old, or involved in too much, or too much duplicate content, or simply captured from the whole website forum. Yann is not saying that online packs are useless, but it takes a lot of effort to sift through them. Inappropriately, it’s panning for gold.

“I thought you were talking about the bookmarks bar in your browser, and what’s going on with someone’s web disk.” Sorry, let’s talk about bookmarks.

As a public account coolie, Yann keeps 200+ open pages on her computer all year round. Please do not question whether Yann is bragging, there is a chance to share an 8GB PC with three or four Chrome Windows open; Each window averages 7,80 TAB stories. For now, let’s take it as a given. With so many pages open, naturally bookmarks are used a lot. The browser’s built-in bookmarks feature is too much to add 100 or so items to, and the list drags down to take up half the screen. So, the first step that comes to mind is to sort by category, as follows:

Yann’s browser survived for a while, thanks to the digestion of bookmark sorting. However, as each directory neared 100 or so items, categorization became ineffective.

In desperation, Yann hunted around for bookmark management software. I found Toby, an app that turns web bookmarks into cards. You can define multiple categorization collections, as well as tags, organizations, and tags, which solves one of Yann’s big problems. The use effect is as follows:

Of course, one app can’t solve all the problems, so Yann takes a hard look and concludes with the following principles:

  • Do not mark bookmarks without limit
  • Distinguish between short-term and long-term tags
  • Only frequently used and very important urls are recorded in the bookmarks bar

Explain, often because do one thing, temporarily open a lot of web pages, many bookmarks are only temporarily used, each has only a part of the content available. Looking back and not sure if I would use it again, I had to bookmark it. Over time, it accumulates.

Here’s what Yann does now:

Short-run pages are collected into a temporary collection using Tody’s SAVE SESSION function, as shown in the screenshot with the timestamp representing the item.

Projects that are longer term, such as more than a week, are given a dedicated collection name.

At the same time, do not abuse bookmarks. All knowledge, firmly priority mark official website, followed by high weight, good content thematic website. Personal blogs, bits and pieces of knowledge.

Above is my browser bookmark management strategy, I hope to help you.

Plus, there’s a github star management tool for Yann. The projects marked with STAR have passed thousands, and there is also a state of “knowledge explosion”. For this, Yann uses the software Astral. You can synchronize the contents of the STAT, and then you can categorize.

Similarly, please don’t star at will.

That’s it for today, and now you can see why Yann rambled on about a lot of irrelevant stuff at the beginning. Whether it’s Tanshari or screening, don’t collect too much useless information. Carefully selected content can be paid knowledge; Unconscious accumulation, on the other hand, makes no sense.

The above.

Operation and maintenance development time

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