Recently, many friends asked me: “Thirteen, you have written several Vue3 projects, do you think Vue3 can be used in the production environment?” Combine your own thoughts and what Utah live said, give some advice.

Don’t ask me!!!!!!! It won’t work unless the flower hands me.

I’m not a professional front end, so I can only offer a little immature personal advice, so I’m sorry if I’m wrong.

Is Vue3 ready for production?

The opinions in this article are my personal opinions and do not represent any official or authoritative views.

Can Vue3 be used in a production environment? The answer is yes, and yes.

However, if you ask whether all projects should be upgraded to Vue3, this is debatable.

At present, I have also written several projects and put them into production. However, it is not the main project of the company. Because I’m still learning and treading holes.

A Vue3 mall combat project Newbee-mall-vue3-app:

The open source address is as follows:……

A Vue3+Element Plus background management system project vue3-admin:

The open source address is as follows:……

From development to deployment, it is also very smooth, running for a period of time, but also relatively stable. Vue3 method extraction, code reusability has a lot of help, other advantages, is very smooth to use.

Only the foot knows whether the shoe fits

It depends on the company, the team, the developer. The easiest thing is for the front end team to evaluate and decide it’s ready to go into production. Try a couple of projects, get a feel for the whole launch process, step on the pit, instead of hearing someone suggest you use Vue3, you actually go to Vue3 to produce.

Therefore, it must be combined with the actual situation of the development team, the actual situation of the project to evaluate, here is the developer’s technical problems. Also, even refactoring previous projects with Vue3 takes some time, and the cost of that time has to be taken into account. Now many development teams, there is the problem of schedule inversion, there is not much time, there is no time, but also to spend time to learn and step on the pit, this is no problem to toss yourself, toss the team, so, to be careful.

Production on Vue3 is actually not that difficult. But it’s true that the ecosystem is still evolving, and some plugins are not compatible, so if you refactor and find this component, that module needs to be redeveloped. Well, destroy it.

Most of the problems can be solved, after all Vue3 is backward compatible, but there is also a need to consider whether you have enough energy and the development resources of your team.

When it comes to enterprise production projects, two things must be considered: development time and development resources. All enough, then go to open to do, encounter mountains, encounter water bridge. If resources aren’t so plentiful, take your time.

This is not to say that Vue3 is not good enough or can’t be produced, but the development habits and willingness of the developers, as well as whether the development resources of the team are sufficient, and the stability of the project, which cannot be directly mentioned.

It will certainly take some time for Vue3 to become ubiquitous

Can Vue3 be used in production environment?

Surely how long will it take for Vue3 to become ubiquitous?

I can’t estimate the exact time, and I’m not a prophet, but there’s a general feeling that it’s going to take some time.

As for the projects that are already online, they are mainly stable, and the performance of Vue2 is also good. These projects may not be upgraded to Vue3 immediately. The official also mentioned that a dedicated migration version of Vue3 will be developed, as shown below:

Plus, vu3 hasn’t been released for a year, and he’s still a kid!

To use another unfortunate metaphor, Java8 was released in 2014, and this year it’s 2021, and the Java version number has come to Java16. However, most people still choose to use Java8 as their primary development language. What is the majority?

The figure announced at the end of 2020 was 75%, as shown below:

I know that there is no direct analogy between the Java version and Vue2 or Vue3. Here I just take the example of Java8 to emphasize that “stable and adequate”, in fact, in enterprise project development, is also very popular two points.

So, really say spread, also need a period of time.

Compared with the back end, the front-end partners are always interested in new things, after all, there are too many things to choose from, and the knowledge of the front-end circle has been iterating too fast in recent years. It may not take too long for Vue3 to truly become ubiquitous, but the process will be gradual and gradual.

Rain Creek’s point of view

As for the question of whether Vue2 needs to be upgraded to Vue3, Utah also said in a live broadcast earlier, in his own words:

Upgrading is about cost.

The Vue2 is fine to use, but if the cost of upgrading is too high, there is no need to upgrade. If your project is stable and there is no compelling need for new features, take it easy when you can.

So, can Vue3 go into production?


How do?

Take it easy with the cost of upgrading.


So let the bullets fly for a while.

Together, we witnessed the ecology of Vue3 getting better and better.

If you can, you can do your part and participate in the ecological improvement of Vue3.

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