Let’s go through this systematically.

1. Are the school courses of any use?

First of all, many students react that what they learn in school is useless. After 2-3 years of learning, they can’t even write a website or a background.

My answer is, yes, it does, and it does.

There is no doubt about this, whether it is the first programming language, data structures, operating systems, computer networks and so on. Only by laying these foundations solid, your mind will present a computer world, and your thinking concepts will become different from other non-computer students.

2. Why can’t you do a small project after studying two or three years of school courses?

This is the problem that most students have. You should understand that there are too many directions for computer development. The school cannot design a route for every student. Lab and other activities to guide you in the direction you like.

** In a word, what university studies is the computer foundation, and it is a very important foundation. As for what direction you want to develop in, it is your own choice, you should take the initiative to study the direction you like. Instead of a school forcing you to learn, you are an adult and need to learn to plan your own life. 支那

Is it promising to start learning front-end development in 2021? Is it too late?

(1) Promising, and not too late

Let’s take a look at the job listings.

** Now basic every company is the need for front-end programmers, try to ask which company has no website, no public number, small program. 支那

So it’s not too late to learn about the front end, but now the front end is moving towards the big front end approach, engineering. So learning will be harder than the previous front-end programmers, and now the company recruitment requirements for front-end engineers will be slightly higher, which requires us to learn more knowledge and skills.

(2) Why is the front end JavaScript? Are there any other languages? Will JavaScript become obsolete?

Now the browser is using JavaScript, and is a dominant, and small programs, Web applications and so on about the front-end development, are using JavaScript, so he will not be eliminated in a short time, unless the emergence of a new language or browser eliminated.

Will there be new front-end languages?

We’ll start with the browser’s rendering mechanism. First, JavaScript is a single-threaded language that shares a thread with DOM rendering. If a new language comes along and it’s single threaded, I don’t see the point.

If the rendering mechanism of the browser changes, supports multi-threading, and a new language comes along that is better than JavaScript, then JavaScript will slowly become obsolete, because it takes time for new technologies to come along and replace the old ones.

At this time we front-end programmers to learn this language is not good, programmers are required to learn new technology.

4. How to learn the front end of the first stage (1-2 weeks)

Learn HTML+CSS and be able to use these two things to create very simple pages, such as box models or text illustrations.

Recommend learning website rookie tutorial or W3school

Stage 2 (1-2 weeks)

Learn native JS and its method of manipulating HTML, note that if native JS, only understand native JS can quickly master various frameworks and their principles.

It is still recommended to learn the website rookie tutorial or W3school

Stage 3 (2 weeks)

Learn jquery and bootstrap framework, where the former is JS framework and the latter is CSS framework.

So this is the first framework that you’re going to learn learn it carefully, follow the examples in there and write each one manually

Stage 3 (2 weeks)

Learn jquery and bootstrap framework, where the former is JS framework and the latter is CSS framework.

So this is the first framework that you’re going to learn learn it carefully, follow the examples in there and write each one manually

The fourth stage (1 week) is completed

Learn HTML5 and CSS3, as long as you finish learning this thing, you can go to imitate Taobao or JINGdong home page, write a copy of Taobao or jingdong home page, at this time you will be full of sense of achievement, I feel so ha ha ha.

Stage 5 (2 weeks)

Learn mobile page layout

Introduction to cross-terminal WEB and mainstream devices, viewports, streaming layout, elastic box, REM, mobile terminal JavaScript events, common JS effects in mobile phones, mobile scrolling. Make your page adaptable in a mobile browser.

Stage 6 (4 weeks)

Object-oriented advances and learning about web requests (using the interfaces GET and POST), and the use of Ajax. Know what cross-domain is. Understand ajax introduction and asynchronous concepts, ajax framework encapsulation, XMLHttpRequest object detailed methods. Json and JSON parsing, JSONP solving cross-domain problems, using Ajax in jquery.

At this time, you can already get the address of each website through JSONp, and you can even make a page of the application to search for songs and play, although the page will certainly not be as cool as the official website of Kugou. But it has been accomplished enough.

Stage 7 (5 weeks) Qualified front-end developer

Now that you are a nearly qualified front-end engineer, we will learn about the mainstream development frameworks, learn about MVC/MVVM/MVW frameworks, choose one from React. Js, vue. js, angular. js, and use webPack to engineer and package the project.

The process may be difficult, but as long as you bite the bullet and keep learning, you will win.

In the learning process need to match a practical project, recommend some learning www.bilibili.com/video/BV1uf…

The eighth stage (4 weeks) is advanced

Node.js full stack development, to understand what Node is, and his role now, in fact, it can also be used as a background development language, and its syntax is particularly similar to JS, so for our front-end development engineers is really a good tool to understand the background operation.

Learning native NodeJS, Express, and KOA2, and understanding and working with Node.js will give your engineering mind a big boost.

With that in mind, you can start writing your own full stack project

Come on!!

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