With the advent of the information age, many graduates will choose to learn the most popular IT industry technology to enhance their employment competitiveness. For them to learn IT is nothing more than two channels, the first is self-study, the second is to participate in training institutions.

Today, Le Byte xiao Le will analyze the advantages and disadvantages of self-study and systematic training, only for your reference.




(1) Can save a training cost, will not cause economic burden;

(2) The learning time is relatively free, and the learning progress can be controlled freely;

(3) If you can successfully stick to it, you can exercise your active learning ability and self-control.


(1) The time cost is relatively high. It will take at least one year and a half to reach the ability of employment from the preliminary exploration and collection of useful courses;

(2) Learning materials scattered, not systematic, easy to detour;

(3) In the process of self-study, it is difficult to solve the problems that you do not understand, or it takes a lot of time and energy to solve, which will lead to many people give up after learning. After all, self-study has no tuition fee, so it is very simple to give up.

(4) Self-study is difficult to learn norms, thinking and experience, it is also difficult to improve the project ability, employment will be difficult.

There are many people around who try to learn by themselves, but few of them stick to it and have any results. This is also in line with the 80-20 rule. The probability that one or two out of ten people can find a satisfactory job through self-study is very low.


System training


(1) Relatively small time cost;

(2) The learning course system is customized according to the market demand, and can be comprehensively improved from shallow to deep with the systematic courses;

(3) In the process of learning, if you don’t understand something, you can consult the teacher or communicate with other students at the same time, so as to solve the problems in the learning process in time, avoid detour, waste unnecessary time and energy, the learning process will be relatively happy, and the learning will be more motivated;

(4) There will be special exercises and phased tests after class, so that I can find my mastery in time;

(5) Able to improve my project ability, thinking logic, teamwork, communication skills, etc., project experience or portfolio, easy employment.


(1) Tuition fees need to be paid. The tuition fee is generally about 20,000 yuan now. On the line, anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000;

(2) Now the industry prospects are good, there are many IT training institutions, different levels, we must carefully choose to ensure their learning effect.



Now that knowledge is increasingly valued in the market, let alone IT, Le suggests giving yourself a test to see if you really love the new field and if you can teach yourself.

The test I’m talking about here is a test of your “three forces” : control, willpower, and problem solving.

Method is very simple, you can find some books/video, etc., think of yourself as the work of the students, at least eight hours every day to work (study) time, give yourself a day different tasks, to finish, but oneself to work overtime at night, looking for solutions, but it must be completed in the day, if you can insist on two months, also has the progress, so, I think you don’t have to go to training, You can teach yourself to improve your skills.

If you can’t stick to it, then I suggest you attend training, after all, a good learning atmosphere is very important. A group of like-minded students together to encourage refueling, you will reap more fun than self-study.

And the reason for that is very simple, because it’s very hard to find what you really love. Steve Jobs said that the luckiest thing for him was to know what he loved and what he wanted to do when he was young, and he wanted to create great products.