The original answer is fromIs JavaScript’s type system a piece of shit?

I think it’s more like water. Doesn’t Brendan Eich at his level know what strong type is? No. It’s just to be more flexible, and to unleash the wildness of the programming ape. As Bruce Lee famously said:

A good martial artist is like water. Why? Because water is insubstantial. By that, you can’t grab it, you can’t punch and hurt it , so be soft like water and flexible. Empty your mind. Be formless,shapeless like water. You put water in a cup, it becomes the cup.You put water in a bottle, it becomes the bottle. You put water in a teapot , it becomes the teapot. Water can flow or crash. Be water, my friends!

A good martial artist is like water. Why is that? Because water is invisible. So you can’t hold it, and you can’t hurt it with your fists, so be soft and flexible like water. Clear your mind. Formless and formless, like water. Pour water into the cup and it becomes the cup. Pour water into a bottle and it becomes a bottle. Pour water into a teapot and it becomes the shape of a teapot. Water can flow quietly or lash violently. Be like water, my friend!

Kungfu secret you according to the above boxing kick to practice may not be able to practice, you have to realize, realize the essence, to really master this door kungfu.

The title of the main hair of this pair of type transformation, look like messy, actually looking at very smooth, play to a certain degree of JS developers, do “understand” the natural handy, that such as god palm for some people is just a deceptive broken book, to like his people, is the secret of sublimation skill ji. These “boxing” and taijiquan styles are as flexible and comfortable as “water”, but they also have certain rules.

The world is not weak than water, and the strong mo can win, with its beyond easy. Weakness is stronger than strength, and softness is stronger than strength. Why “lightweight” three words more and more keep love, martial arts strong light, can play more power.

This is not to say that TS strong type is not good, everything pay attention to each other, the scene is different, which is strong or weak uncertain, but blindly deny the type of JS I feel wrong.

Be water, my friends!