Is this cover familiar?

Is your feed like mine lately, like this?

** “VPN over the wall was caught, has a large scale of administrative punishment” ** the news is spreading recently! For us programmers, it is also shivering, because there are a lot of learning materials, technical documents and other content has been more difficult to access the state. In order to better study and work, most people have the need to “climb the wall”.

Suddenly spread that this illegal, but also by large-scale administrative punishment, is naturally scared the majority of programmers!

So is this really the case? Today, let’s find out!

Below is a picture of the administrative penalty query page in the viral article, which lists the administrative penalty information of many individuals using non-legal channels for international networking:

From the picture, we can get the following information:

  1. Information source is zhejiang Provincial People’s Government, Zhejiang government affairs service network

  2. The search criteria uses the case name: channel

  3. Search results will be penalized between August 20 and August 31, 2020

Since we come to find the truth, so might as well follow this clue to search for their own bai!

Query link is as follows:…

Below is DD’s search, with the same search criteria as above, from August 1, 2020 to today.

As you can see, there is only one related to climbing the wall!

At the same time, it’s not punishment, it’s revocation?

Click on the concrete to see:

The reason for canceling administrative punishment is actually: push error, cancel push

So is it possible that the previous wave, in 2020, was a miscalculation? And then another wave of deletes and undoes? Of course it’s just a shot in the dark! Those who know the actual situation can comment on the story behind it.

Here is a PDF of Ali’s “LeetCode brush answers”. Click here to collect it directly!

Although, we confirmed through the search and no network viral so many administrative penalties exist, but it does not mean that we can wanton “over the wall”! After all, in ** “Interim Provisions of the People’s Republic of China on The Management of International Networking of Computer Information Networks” ** clearly stipulates that “computer information networks directly connected to the international network must use the international inbound and outbound channels provided by the national public telecommunication network of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. No unit or individual may establish or use other channels for international networking.” If you violate the above regulations, the public security organ will order you to stop networking, give you a warning, and may impose a fine of less than 15,000 YUAN. Illegal gains, if any, shall be confiscated.

Well, today’s sharing is over here, I hope today’s content can bring you a different understanding and thinking. If you think this article is good? Then point at the end of the article to see, share to the circle of friends to support DD bai!

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