The truth is not to learn Java it is hard to find a job, is to find a job after basic will see degree, degree said this thing is important, because it determines your resume can be presented to the interviewer, if you don’t have enough degree is likely to resume in the first round was brush bottom go to, it doesn’t appear in front of the interviewer, so no later. There is also a saying that education is not important, that is, when you work in an enterprise, what you will see is not your education, but your ability and technology. The higher the ability is, the higher the remuneration will be. So, it can be said that the degree is not important, but, no degree is not.

To sum up, it is recommended that you first improve your degree, and then learn Java and other technologies, and then look for a job.

There are many ways to advance your degree, so ask a few people to see which one is best for your situation. Secondly, I will learn Java. Learning Java is a long process, not that I can learn it in one or two months. After all, it is a technology, and you can make a living by it in the future. So, the level of this skill, determines how much you get paid, this is a better job hunting skill. Now belongs to the era of big data Internet, the rapid development of computers, many medium and large enterprises need Java talents, it can be a high ceiling, it depends on your own efforts, and this industry is also the future evergreen, after all, it is the 21st century, everything is developing in a better direction. To share with you a learning Java course, I hope to help you to Java self-study tutorial >>> this is more suitable for zero foundation of people to learn, later there will be actual combat projects, a lot of practice, from shallow to deep learning.

So, for your own later it may be, for the current food and clothing worth mentioning, suggest you to promote academic record of schooling first. Any job needs the support of academic record!