The introduction

34 years old, Beijing, annual salary 360,000 yuan after tax……

All the people in this city are busy living their lives, they are in a hurry, they are busy, they think time is money.

I looked down at them in the office building. It was hard to survive in such a big city. I was so busy that I forgot what I wanted to do in the first place.

At that moment my attention was caught by a man in a plaid shirt sitting in a garden street, eating bread, gobbling it up, and checking the time, like those in a hurry, for fear of missing something.

Bread has not finished eating, gulping mineral water, ran into the crowded streets, disappeared in my sight, I think his figure like a person, like, at the beginning of my……

In those days I

In 2014, I just came out of the black training class in Beijing, and it was difficult to get employment. I took my resume and ran around, stumbling, and got the same answer: “You go home first, we will inform you of the interview result.”

I don’t know if it was because I didn’t answer the interview questions well or if they saw through my project experience that wasn’t completely true. These waits are fruitless.

Back in the rental house, I lay exhausted in bed, facing the bills and the credit card bills, and I wanted to sleep forever.

But I can’t, I sit up, continue to apply to the company, continue to hit the wall, mortified in the street eating bread, control the time, I have forgotten my original purpose, I just want to survive in this city.

Everything pays off. I finally found a job. I cherish the hard-won chance and try my best to do it well.

At that time, the company would have a dinner party every month, the boss loved Japanese food, so the most common place we went was the Japanese food shop.

The first dinner, I eat carefully and uncomfortable, at that time to maintain their self-esteem, in order not to let others see that I was the first time to eat Japanese food, to see how others eat, and then dare to eat, I always think, must bring parents to a later, experience authentic Japanese food.

They don’t have to like it, but I have to let them know that these things exist, that they know what Japanese material is like.

Later I finally have the ability, I hold their hand, take them to those places, introduce these things to them, tell them how to eat, I firmly tell them, I will buy a house here, put down roots here, will be very capable.

I think one day I can proudly tell them that I have a house of my own in this difficult city.

The road of striving

After work, I found that I did not know how to solve the difficulties when working in the project. Compared with the people around me, I found that I lacked knowledge. At this time, I knew that my skills were inferior to others and I needed to make up for my shortcomings in many areas.

I also began to be afraid, afraid that they will because of these small things do not do well, will lose this very not easy to have employment opportunities.

I went to the big boys in the company to ask modestly, and also got their guidance, so that I began to walk steadily step by step, become more confident.

Because I know what I want and what I need.

But in my struggle on the road most afraid of receiving the phone call from home, often hear their caring voice, I have to hold back tears about to overflow eyes.

While worrying about work and bills, she responds that everything is fine.

I struggled in this city, trying to make something of myself, to make my parents live a good life.

Sometimes, in order to catch up with work on weekends, I would order a cup of coffee in a coffee shop and sit for the whole afternoon. Then after finishing my work, I would look at all kinds of people in the street through the window. Some of them have not found a job yet, and they are eating steamed bread and drinking water.

There are interns who just got a job, being criticized by their boss, and being on the move.

I always think I’m like the housewives who forget what they started out with, who carry food, eat too much, and catch the bus. I just took a different choice.

The heart of enlightenment

Study or work, some people a little effort, meet setbacks on the give up.

You get nothing. There must be a strong and abiding desire that permeates the subconscious mind to persevere, to try again and again, to reach the limit, otherwise you cannot succeed.

When faced with difficulties, he gives in and backs down, saying later, “If only I had tried harder, I could have done it.” Regret. The difference between successful and unsuccessful people lies in this.

Once, there was a new test girl in the company. In the face of a lot of difficulties, she chose to surrender and quit.

When I asked her the reason, she said that her family members said that she was too busy working here and did not want to make her too tired. Besides, her home was far away from the company and she had a headache when she went back and forth every day. I silently agreed.

I know that for her, she can find a new job, she can immediately choose to give up when she meets difficulties, she can be so capricious nonsense, because he is different from me. (There is no sexism or hatred of the rich.)

All roads lead to Rome, but some people are born in Rome, and she’s lucky compared to me.

Came to the big cities, in addition to the air is free, and all other things are put pressure on me, I have to be tough, but now I do everything is worth it, because now, I can secure foothold in the city, also know how to solve these difficulties, I really glad I didn’t give up, There is no big dream of one step into heaven.

Most of us have experienced this kind of psychology. Looks like you’re working hard, but you’re not making much progress. Envy cattle into millions of people a month, and their poor appreciation.

Oneself a cruel, a gnashing of teeth, whenever desperately a little, will immediately love yourself, wronged to tears.

If you think about it, you don’t seem to be working as hard as a normal person. This is the “something for nothing” mentality that most people have. Admit it, you just want to succeed and don’t want to work hard.

The last

I look back on the way I’ve come. At the beginning, I was a rookie who knew nothing, studying the four mysterious components.

By now, I’m working for a decent Internet company and I’m making over $300,000 a year, and I’m kind of a senior Android developer. I also learned a lot during this time.

But I think it is still not enough, because Confucius said, it is never too old to learn.

People should learn all their life, especially now is the era of knowledge explosion, but also should constantly enrich themselves, science and technology is increasingly developed and progress, the change of all kinds of things, only learning a variety of different things, in order to survive in a diversified society. Knowledge is power, can make oneself have good judgment, right and wrong, can have better processing ability. Rather than giving in when the going gets tough, for example, it’s optimized because the technology isn’t working. Is Android cool?

This is the story I want to share. I think I did not make earth-shattering events, nor humble to dust, I am willing to be ordinary, but never allow myself to admit defeat.

Looking back, at least I’m still doing what I love, right?

Here I also share a big man himself collected and arranged Android learning PDF+ architecture video + interview documents + source notes, and advanced architecture technology advanced brain map, Android development interview topic information, advanced architecture information these are my leisure will repeatedly read the quality information. In the brain map, each knowledge topic is equipped with detailed knowledge points and corresponding actual combat projects, which can effectively help you master knowledge and understand principles. Of course, you can also take to check and fill gaps, promote their competitiveness.

In short, it is also here to help everyone learn to improve and advance, but also to save the time we search for information on the Internet to learn, but also to share with friends around to learn together

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