As barriers to entry have fallen, the job of programmer has become younger and younger. If you look at Internet companies and top tech companies, you see millions of people in their early 20s pouring in every year. They are young, driven, and perhaps ambitious to change the world.

But to put it more simply, they can endure overtime.

It is always said that programmers are “eating a bowl of youth”, is there no way out for older programmers? Is it too old to work? But there are some people, with personal experience to all people cry: 30+ what? Coding I can!!

1. You’ll earn $5K a month for two years after graduation, and double your salary for one year after switching industries

When I just graduated, I didn’t have much ambition. I just wanted to have enough food and clothing. So I went to New York and became a mediocre bank clerk. For two years, my annual salary before tax was $8K, which amounted to more than $5K a month. Apart from rent, transportation and living expenses, I had no money to save.

Later also experienced several job-hopping, but do not last. As I got older, I belatedly began to try to make more money. Since one of my roommates was a programmer, my first idea was to transcode.

Changing careers is never easy. Let go of years of experience and contacts and do something new. I started in C# and spent hours and hours reading materials and finding study groups online.

However, the job is really hard to find, finally received a outsourcing, conscientious after the work found that they know too little. I spent more time learning Java, writing code until I fell asleep, and writing again when I woke up.

After that, I joined the autumn recruitment army. Although I had little work experience, I was admitted with good answers in the interview. The interviewer and I were about the same age. During the interview, we talked about our lives. We both had families and had a lot in common.

After entering the job, I found that compared with fresh graduates, our starting line is not much worse. The same amount of code, the same oncall, I have some experience in the way of the workplace, no longer need to adapt to social rules. Instead, I continued to learn database, JavaScript, WPF, React and other knowledge calmly.

A year later, I was making $18 million a year before taxes. Back when I was struggling to survive in the big city on less than half the money I make now, my life seems to have been rewritten. I am 31 this year. I thank myself for seizing the opportunity and resisting the pressure.

2. Stay-at-home mothers turn to CS and refuse to let themselves down

I was a graduate student in mathematics and had a decent job after graduation. Three years ago, my husband moved to the Bay Area and my family moved with him to take care of our children. I stopped looking for a job and became a stay-at-home mom. Although I now have a house, a car and a baby, I can’t bear to be patient. I often think of the time when I fought hard in the workplace.

After struggling for two months, I made up my mind to go to work. Because the husband is a code farmer, I also decided to transcode. Soon, I found a babysitter to take care of the kids and take care of the household chores, and I began my CS days at a community college. Surrounded by children ten years younger than me, it makes me feel more and more that time is no longer……

However, I have an advantage — my husband can tutor me at home. And in our community, there are several families with the same experience, the wife will also learn CS when their children go to school. When we got in touch, we hit it off. Every weekend “training classes” were organized: several husbands taught, and several wives followed.

Then came the process of sending out applications and getting rejected, which drove me crazy the most. You brush a lot of questions from companies and you don’t even get an interview.

Fortunately, I met a female HR who recognized my learning ability and gave me an interview opportunity. As it turned out, I lived up to her expectations — the company was small, but I got along well with my colleagues and my boss was pleased with me.

Transcoding has just begun, and I’m glad I made the decision.

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3. Code farming is not equal to youth rice, CS can also pension!

When I get to a certain age, I’m always being pushed to get a decent, secure job. Because I was originally a YouTube blogger living in New York City for six years. Daily life is about taking material during the day, editing at night, and watching your traffic all the time. I often have trouble thinking about what kind of creative ideas to make in order to capture people’s appetite. Gradually, I also feel a little powerless.

My cousin is a programmer, moved to New York, and I live near. After learning more from him, I found that there are also many transcoding practitioners in this field. Some enterprises are not too high threshold and do not need high intensity oncall. Although the salary is certainly not as good as that of the leading technology companies, it is heard that some pension enterprise employees in their 40s and 50s work less and less, but more and more money.

Later, I also through the class, advanced study, from the foundation of a little bit of learning. I asked my cousin to lead me to do projects one by one. Later, my friend who I knew when I was working in “we media” invited me to join my current company, which gave me a new starting career.

Yes, I have a regular life now, and I don’t have to stay up late making videos. And in the company and colleagues get along well, no longer can only chat with net friends. My job has just become stable, and my family members are also satisfied with my current situation. They all hope that I can retire in peace and stability, haha, but I think they have gone too far!

4. Despite your success, you can’t put code away

When I was in high school, coding was new, but I had a big dream of one day writing programs, like the cool geek gods.

Later, I went to the United States to study, and found that there is simply the paradise of computer and Internet, where I can experience the world’s top computer technology and engage in the job I have long dreamed of. Therefore, I decided to work in the CS field in the United States after graduation.

When I was about 12 years old, something happened to my family and I had to give up working as a programmer for 5 years. After settling down at home, I returned to the United States.

Once, I had a get-together with my former colleagues, who are now almost MGR level. When they told me about the recent changes in the company and the new framework they were going to launch, I was intrigued. After getting former friends to tag along on a project, that familiar feeling returned. That’s when I realized I really like coding, no matter how old I am!

The truth is, age has never stood in the way of progress, whether at 20 or 30. Everyone says 30 is a bad time for a programmer? There has to be someone who can show you