With the iteration of the App, the App package volume will continue to increase, our project has been iteration for two years of time, the business becomes more and more complex, function also is more and more, so if you don’t check the size of the package of the App package experience only grow, long words not conducive to the maintenance of the App, so I do the first phase of the App package size to the technical requirements of thin body, Some experience to share with you to discuss ~
App bag body slimming
AppCode my first scheme is used for the construction of the static scan and use tools to scan a resource file, the effect can be, because is the first time to do package size optimization delete resources more so obvious effects, but are artificial, time consuming, can’t liberation of productive forces, and put forward the demand of the second phase, The goal is to be able to output the package size difference in each construction on the construction machine, so as to intuitively reflect the changing trend of the package size in each iteration of App. After referring to a lot of information, I decided to use LinkMap to achieve this, which is also a common solution in the industry
What is a LinkMap
Link Map File First acquaintance
The source code we write is compiled, linked, and finally produced into an executable file. At compile time, a corresponding.o file (object file) is generated for each class. In the linking phase, the.o files are linked together with the dynamic library. A Link Map File is a plain text File that records Link information, including the path of the executable, CPU architecture, target files, symbols, and so on.
Why understand Link Map File
Understanding Link Map files can help us:
Understanding the linking process When understanding Crash, I used the mechanism of Symbols to restore the source code to understand the memory segmentation and partition analysis of which class or library occupies a large proportion in the executable file, so as to simplify the installation package
Link Map File configuration
Click project, select Build Setting, search map, you can see the following interface. After Write Link Map File is set to Yes, a Link Map File in TXT format is generated in the default path after Build is complete. Click Path to Link Map File to set the build Path in Debug or Release mode.
Analyze package size using LinkMap
In fact, it is to parse the LinkMap file output by Xcode during compilation and obtain the Symbols part in it. We can add up the sizes of the classes with the same number to calculate the size occupied by each class or library. In the Object Files section, you can find the corresponding class according to the class number.
LinkMap based analysis package size specific scheme
At present, I have put the relevant script on my GitHub, welcome your guidance, at present, there are many open source libraries of this kind of scheme, I myself also refer to other people’s open source libraries and materials, writing this article is just to record my daily learning and get the opportunity to communicate with you to learn ~
This article explains in detail the structure of LinkMap and the role of the relevant section, it is worth learning, I am also through learning this article to learn the relevant knowledge ~…
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