This is the 13th day of my participation in the November Gwen Challenge. Check out the event details: The last Gwen Challenge 2021.
Fans welfare: search # small program: iOS reverse, pay attention to the public number: iOS reverse welfare [digging gold booklet 50% discount code]
There is only one left, valid until 23:59 on November 30.
Application scenario: Print commodity price labels and transaction receipts
Features: automatic connection to the recently used printer, unified processing bluetooth status
The problem solved: the problem of RMB ¥garbled characters
Effect drawing: Price tag printing (product name support multi-line display)
Note printing (automatic realization of % NS automatic filling space function)
Resources from CSDN download demo source:
Method to switch the printing mode of Jiabo printer: Press and hold down the FEED and Pause keys, and then open the start button to start up.
I. Obtain the label print command
- (NSData *)price_tscCommand{
TscCommand *command = [[TscCommand alloc]init];
[command addSize:40 :60];
[command addGapWithM:2 withN:0];
[command addReference:0 :0];
[command addTear:@"ON"];
[command addQueryPrinterStatus:ON];
[command addCls];
CGFloat marg = 10;
CGFloat topY = 5;
[command addTextwithX:200 withY:0+topY withFont:@"TSS24.BF2" withRotation:0 withXscal:1 withYscal:1 withText:@" Trade Name"];// The height of the word is 30
/ / spacing of 10
/ / 0, Barcode
[command addTextwithX:30 withY:30+marg+topY withFont:@"TSS24.BF2" withRotation:0 withXscal:1 withYscal:1 withText:@ 2017.01.31 ""];
[command add1DBarcode:30 :70 :@"CODE128" :100 :1 :0 :2 :2 :@"1kn23456984"];
[command addTextwithX:47 withY:200+marg+topY withFont:@"TSS24.BF2"
withRotation:0 withXscal:1 withYscal:1 withText:@ 6666.81 "/"];/ / selections
/ / 1, the selections
UIImage *image = [CtrlViewController imageFromText:@ "selections" withFont:[UIFont systemFontOfSize:15] withColor:[UIColor blackColor]];
[command addBitmapwithX:30 withY:200+marg withMode:0 withWidth:15 withImage:image];
[command addPrint:1 :1];// M row n: column print two copies
return [command getCommand];
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1.1 Solve the problem of garbled characters of RMB ¥
/** convert text to UIImage for printing ¥to avoid garbled */+ (UIImage *)imageFromText:(NSString*)text withFont: (UIFont *)font withColor:(UIColor *)color
CGSize size = [text sizeWithFont:font constrainedToSize:CGSizeMake(MAXFLOAT, MAXFLOAT)];
CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0.0, size.width, size.height);
NSMutableParagraphStyle* paragraphStyle = [[NSParagraphStyle defaultParagraphStyle] mutableCopy];
paragraphStyle.lineBreakMode = NSLineBreakByClipping;
NSDictionary*attribute = @{NSFontAttributeName:font,
// set the background color to B white because the font is black
CGContextRef context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext(a);CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, [UIColor whiteColor].CGColor);
CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(;
//2, draw text into context
[text drawWithRect:rect options:NSStringDrawingUsesLineFragmentOrigin attributes:attribute context:nil];
// get the image from the context
UIImage *image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(a);UIGraphicsEndImageContext(a);return image;
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II. Obtain the ticket printing command
2.1 Store receipts: Use string formatting for typesetting
#pragmaMark-******** uses string formatting for ticket layout
+ (void) setupStoreListcommand:(EscCommand*)command name:(NSString*)name count:(char*)count price:(char*)price sum:(char*)sum {
// [count ]
[command addSetJustification:0];
[command addText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n",name]];
[command addSetJustification:2];
/** %3s, format output string, right aligned, more than 3 lengths, all output; %7.2s, output string accounted for 7 positions, right align, left fill space, output 2 characters; %-5.3s: output 3 characters, occupy 5 positions, align left and fill space right. %.4s, output only 4 characters, placeholder 4 positions, right aligned; * /
[command addText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%5s %8s %8s\n",count,price,sum]];
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2.2 To avoid garbled characters, use %n@ instead of %ns for formatting
NSString *text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%8@\t%8@\n",column1str,column2str];
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- Formatting not recommended
NSString *text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%8s\t%8s\n",column1str.UTF8String,column2str.UTF8String];
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2.3 Automatically realize the function of %ns automatically completing space
#pragmaMark-******** uses string formatting for ticket layout: 2 columns
+ (void) setupStoreListcommand:(EscCommand*)command column1Name:(NSString*)column1Name column1Value:(NSString*)column1Value column2Name:(NSString*)column2Name column2Value:(NSString*)column2Value{
NSString *column1str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@ % @ : % @ "",column1Name,column1Value];
NSString *column2str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@ % @ : % @ "",column2Name,column2Value];
[command addSetJustification:0];
/** %3s, format output string, right aligned, more than 3 lengths, all output; %7.2s, output string accounted for 7 positions, right align, left fill space, output 2 characters; %-5.3s: output 3 characters, occupy 5 positions, align left and fill space right. %.4s, output only 4 characters, placeholder 4 positions, right aligned; * /
// Char is unencoded and stores pure data
// kCFStringEncodingGBK_95
//NSString stores UTF8 encoded data, %s outputs ASCII data, UTF8 encoded Chinese characters output in ASCII mode, must be garbled.
// char tmp = [column1str characterAtIndex:0];
NSString *text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%8@\t%8@\n"[self addRightComplementspaces:column1str count:8], [self addRightComplementspaces:column2str count:8]].// NSString *text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%8s\t%8s\n",column1str.UTF8String,column2str.UTF8String];
/ / the String. Format (" % - 4 s % % % - 8 - s - 10 s - 4 s ", ""," 1243 kg ", "850000.00", "850000.00");
[command addText:text];
// Create your own way of automatically completing Spaces
+ (NSString*)addComplementspaces:(NSString*)str count:(NSInteger)count{
if (str.length>=count) {
return str;
NSMutableString *tmp = [NSMutableString new];
NSInteger tmpcount = count -str.length;
for (int i =0; i< tmpcount; i++) {
[tmp appendString:@" "];// Complete the space to the left
[tmp appendString:str];// Complete the space to the left
return tmp;
// create your own way of automatically completing Spaces to the right
+ (NSString*)addRightComplementspaces:(NSString*)str count:(NSInteger)count{
if (str.length>=count) {
return str;
NSMutableString *tmp = [[NSMutableString alloc]initWithString:str];
NSInteger tmpcount = count -str.length;
for (int i =0; i< tmpcount; i++) {
[tmp appendString:@" "];// Complete the space to the right
return tmp;
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III. Realize automatic connection to the recently used printer
- (void)connectLastPrint{
__weak __typeof__(self) weakSelf = self;
[KNConnecterManagerTool listenBluetoothpoweredState:^(CBPeripheral * _Nullable peripheral) {
return[weakSelf setupConnectPeripheral:peripheral]; }]; } - (void) setupConnectPeripheral:(CBPeripheral *_Nullable)peripheral{
if ([peripheral.identifier.UUIDString isEqualToString:KBLUETOOTH]) {
NSLog(@" If same, start to connect this Bluetooth");
[Manager connectPeripheral:peripheral options:nil timeout:50 connectBlack:^(ConnectState state) {
[Manager stopScan];
// Change the status
[self setupCONNECT_STATE_CONNECTED:peripheral];
return ;
[SVProgressHUD showInfoWithStatus:Please try to restart the Bluetooth printer.];
[selfconnectLastPrint]; }}]; }else{
NSLog(@" Device not found"); }}/** * disconnect */
- (IBAction)disconnectAction:(id)sender {
[Manager close];
#pragmaMark-******** Processing after successful connection to connectLastPrint
- (void) setupCONNECT_STATE_CONNECTED:(CBPeripheral*)peripheral{
self.connState.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@ % @ % @ "".@" Connection status: Connected",];
[SVProgressHUD showInfoWithStatus:@" Connection successful"];
// [SVProgressHUD show
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
//1. After the connection is successfully maintained
NSUserDefaults *user = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[user setValue:peripheral.identifier.UUIDString forKey:@"blueTooth"];
[user forKey:@"blueName"];
[user synchronize];
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The macro
#define kUserDefaults [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]
#define KBLUETOOTH [kUserDefaults valueForKey:@"blueTooth"]// Merchant connected to print
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IV. Frequently Asked Questions
4.1 Processing of iOS Bluetooth status [Processing of Bluetooth disabled and unauthorized]
- Processing of iOS Bluetooth status [Processing of Bluetooth off and unauthorized]
4.2 CBCentralManagerStateUnsupported
If the timeout time is too long, this problem can be caused by changing it to a smaller time, such as 2.
[Manager connectPeripheral:peripheral options:nil timeout:50 connectBlack:^(ConnectState state) {
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V、 see also
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