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Internationalization app related permissions popup box
Internationalization of I info.plist
1.1 Implementation Steps:
- Create a new.strings file
It’s called Infoplist. strings (the file name must be this)
- After the new building, click on the right side of the column
- Key step: click info.plist and choose Open as Source Code to view the original key we want to obtain permissions
/* Infoplist. strings SWTextTool Created by MAC on 2020/1/16. Copyright © 2020 kn. All rights reserved. */
"NSCameraUsageDescription" ="Currently you need to take a picture to edit the function. do you allow the camera to open?";
"NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription" = Do you want to save pictures to album?;
"NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription"="The current feature requires access to your album to edit the features. do you allow open albums?";
Copy the code
"NSMicrophoneUsageDescription" = "Allow this app to use your microphone for decibel detection and sound recording; audio is recorded locally only and is not sent to anyone, only for decibel detection and sound variation.";
Copy the code
1.2 Case: Internationalization switch in iOS APP
Case: login interface switch in both English and Chinese…
see also
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