Initialize the
1. The commonly used:
NSMutableAttributedString *attrStr =[[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"text"];
2. Convert the content to data, initialize it to the required type, and then convert it to rich text.
Such as: Load the HTML text, string will contain HTML tags, initialized to HTML type NSMutableAttributedString * attrStr = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithData:[@”text<\html>” dataUsingEncoding: NSUnicodeStringEncoding] options:@{ NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute: NSHTMLTextDocumentType } documentAttributes:nil error:nil];
- There are three key NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute NSPlainTextDocumentType — — — — — plain text NSRTFTextDocumentType – rich text NSRTFDTextDocumentType —– Rich text with attachments NSHTMLTextDocumentType —– This can load HTML text
- NSDocumentTypeDocumentAttribute encoding conversion type NSPlainTextDocumentType NSRTFTextDocumentType NSRTFDTextDocumentType NSHTMLTextDocumentType
Rich text summary
Commonly used method
1. Gets the property information at the specified location and returns the same contiguous string range information as the property at the specified location.
- -(NSDictionary*)attributesAtIndex:(NSUInteger)index effectiveRange:(NSRangePointer)aRange
2. Comparison with another NSAttributedString returns a bool.
- -(BOOL)isEqualToAttributedString:(NSAttributedString *)otherString
3. Obtain the object Substring
- -(NSAttributedString *)attributedSubstringFromRange:(NSRange)aRange
4. Remove an attribute
- -(void)removeAttribute:(NSString *)name range:(NSRange)range;
5. Specify a substring in the range to iterate over the attribute information overridden on the substring
- -(void)enumerateAttribute:(NSString)attrName inRange:(NSRange)enumerationRange options:(NSAttributedStringEnumerationOptions)opts usingBlock:(void (^)(id value,NSRange range,BOOL stop))block
6. Traverse the property information and range information in the specified range
- -(void)enumerateAttributesInRange:(NSRange)enumerationRange options:(NSAttributedStringEnumerationOptions)opts usingBlock:(void (^)(NSDictionaryattrs,NSRangerange,BOOL stop))block
7. Start editing
- -(void)beginEditing;
8. Finish editing
- -(void)endEditing;
9. Splicing attrString
- -(void)appendAttributedString:(NSAttributedString *)attrString;
10. Insert attrString
- -(void)insertAttributedString:(NSAttributedString *)attrString atIndex:(NSUInteger)loc;
11. Replace
- -(void)replaceCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range withAttributedString:(NSAttributedString *)attrString;
12. Delete characters
- -(void)deleteCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range;
The Attribute properties
attribute | role | Value Object |
NSFontAttributeName | The font | UIFont |
NSParagraphStyleAttributeName | Paragraph styles | NSParagraphStyle |
NSForegroundColorAttributeName | The foreground | UIColor |
zebra NSBackgroundColorAttributeName | The background color | UIColor |
NSObliquenessAttributeName | tilt | NSNumber |
NSExpansionAttributeName | flat | NSNumber: flat ratio |
NSStrokeWidthAttributeName | Fill (Stroke, bold) | NSNumber: hollow for positive numbers (stroke), fill for negative numbers (bold) |
NSStrokeColorAttributeName | Fill color | UIColor |
NSKernAttributeName | spacing | NSNumber |
NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName | The underline | Enumeration: Default is NSUnderlineStyleNone |
NSUnderlineColorAttributeName | Underline color | UIColor |
NSStrikethroughStyleAttributeName | Delete the line | Enumeration: Default is NSUnderlineStyleNone |
NSStrikethroughColorAttributeName | Delete line color | UIColor |
NSLigatureAttributeName | cursive | NSNumber (0 or 1) |
NSShadowAttributeName | shadow | NSShawdow |
NSTextEffectAttributeName | Set text special effects. Currently, only plate effects can be used | NSString |
NSAttachmentAttributeName | Set text attachment, usually insert picture | NSTextAttachment |
NSLinkAttributeName | link | NSURL and nsstrings |
NSBaselineOffsetAttributeName | Base-line deviation | NSNumber |
NSWritingDirectionAttributeName | The text direction | NSArray<NSNumber *>* |
NSVerticalGlyphFormAttributeName | Horizontal or vertical text | NSNumber at sign 1 or at sign (YES) vertical at sign 0 or at sign NO level |
Paragraph styles (common)
NSMutableParagraphStyle *style = [[NSMutableParagraphStyle
style.lineSpacing = 10; / / space
style.paragraphSpacing = 20; / / distance
style.firstLineHeadIndent = 30; // Indent the first lineCopy the code
NSShadow *shadow = [[NSShadow alloc]init];
shadow.shadowOffset = CGSizeMake(2.2);
shadow.shadowColor = [UIColor orangeColor];
shadow.shadowBlurRadius = 1;Copy the code
NSMutableAttributedString *attrStr = [[NSMutableAttributedString
alloc] initWithString:label];
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, attrStr.length);
// Font slant
[attrStr addAttribute:NSObliquenessAttributeName value:@ (0.5) range:range];
// Make the font bold
[attrStr addAttribute:NSStrokeWidthAttributeName value:@ (- 3) range:range];
// Set the font
[attrStr addAttribute:NSFontAttributeName value:[UIFont
fontWithName:@"JingLeiFontName" size:16] range:range];
label.attributedText = attrStr;Copy the code
Ps: USUALLY I don’t post many articles, this is my first work in Jane Book, but I still feel happy when I see my brother Mark. When I have time, I will upload more articles and study with my brothers
Refer to the link
Rich text NSAttributedString and NSMutableAttributedString NSAttributedString use AttributeString attribute