1, Class – the dump

Function: Extract @interface and @protocal information stored in mach-O file using OC Runtime feature and produce corresponding. H file, through which you can view all classes applied, as well as their attributes, member variables and methods. Mach-o: It is a file format for executables, object code, dynamic libraries, kernel dumps, and is highly extensible. Class-dump-z: uses the same method as class-dump. It is an improved version of class-dump and is fast. Code.google.com/archive/p/n…

Download address: stevenygard.com/projects/cl… Then copy class-dump to /usr/bin and run the following command in Terminal to grant read, write, and execute permissions:

sudo chmod 777 /usr/bin/class-dump
Copy the code

Run class-dump to check the parameters:


class-dump -H WeChat -o wxh
Copy the code

The action object must be an unencrypted executable file, and the signed file needs to be shelled.

With the command to determine whether the executable is encrypted:

otool -l WeChat|grep cry
Copy the code

Theos install command line Tools on terminal

xcode-select  --install
sudo xcode-select -s/Applications/X**codeName**/Contents/Developer (specify XcodeName as default Xcode)Copy the code

Download address: github.com/theos/theos Change theos-master to theos and place it in /opt/

Ldid is a signature iOS executable that replaces Xcode’s coDesign in jailbroken iOS. Download the lDID: joedj.net/ldid Save the LDID to /opt/theos/bin and run the following command to grant the read, write, and execute permission:

Sudo chmod 777 /opt/theos/bin/ldid
Copy the code

4, configure CydiaSubstrate to run Theos automatic configuration script:

sudo /opt/theos/bin/bootstrap.sh substrate
Copy the code

Dpkg-deb is the standard format for jailbreak development packages. Dpkg-deb is a tool used to manipulate deb files. With this tool, Theos can properly package projects into deb files. Download the dm. Pl: raw.githubusercontent.com/DHowett/dm…. Rename it to dkg-deb, place it in the /opt/theos/bin/ directory, and run the following command to grant the permission:

sudo chmod 777 /opt/theos/bin/dpkg-deb
Copy the code

Theos NIC Templates comes with five built-in Theos project templates to facilitate the creation of multiple Theos projects. Obtain five templates: github.com/DHowett/the… After decompression in/opt/theos/templates/iphone /.

The above development tools are installed and may only be part of the development tools.