This is the sixth day of my participation in Gwen Challenge
IOS basic principles + reverse article summary
This article focuses on OC object disassembly and disassembly of common types of blocks
OC disassembly
Create a Person class and initialize a Person object in the main function
@interface Person : NSObject
@property(nonatomic, copy) NSString *name;
@property(nonatomic, assign) int age;
+ (instancetype)person;
@implementation Person
+ (instancetype)person{
return [[self alloc] init];
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
Person *p = [Person person];
return 0;
Copy the code
- Run to view its assembly code
1. Static debugging
Obtain the address through adRP +add, and read x0 and x1 respectively
- Read x0 and read Person:
x 0x100c68eb0
+po 0x0100c68f98
- Read x1 and get the person method:
x 0x100c68e88
+p (SEL)0x01c019aef5
2. Dynamic debuggingVerify that x0 and X1 are consistent with static debugging results by executing the assembly step by step.And it turns out, through debugging, that it’s consistent, actually, here
X0, x1
Hidden parameter of(id self, SEL _cmd)
Let’s continue debugging assembly
- Click step into to enter directly
[Person person]
Method (note: the assembly code seen here is different for different iOS versions)- In ios13.4, alloc and init do not go objc_msgSend
- In ios11, you can see objc_msgSend, which is essentially calling the init method
Dynamic debugging for verification, the results as shown below, is consistentIf you look at x0 at this point, it’s already an instance object, because alloc has opened up memory, and space has been allocated. See this article for an internal implementationIOS – Underlying principles 02: Alloc & Init & New source code analysis
Question: why is the call different from version to version?– The system runs differently under different versions. Because the system has optimized alloc and init
- Then look down and click Step out to pop out [Person Person], which returns the value in X0
- Perform to
bl ... objc_storeStrong
Objc_storeStrong is the OC object decorated with strong. This function is called at the bottom. See this article for detailsIOS – Underlying principles 10: Strong&Copy & Weak Low-level analysis and method signatures and attribute abbreviations.
Question: Are we not using the strong modifier at this point?: The local variable p is a strong reference by default. And after this method is executed, it is equivalent to destroying PView the current
X0, x1
, which is equivalent toObjc_storeStrong (&p, nil)
, retain nil, equal to p (i.e. P =nil), p is released
- To view
The source code - purposeRetain +1 for a strong decorated object and release for an old object
- Why Pointers? Because the function is a value transfer, and inside the function you need to change the value of p
/* -id *location a pointer to an object is in essence &p (i.e. a local variable address) -id obj object */ void objc_storeStrong(id *location, id obj) {//prev = p, location = &p id prev = *location; If (obj == prev) {return; } //retain+1 objc_retain(obj); // Change the value of p to point to the second object *location = obj; // Release the old objc_release(prev); }Copy the code
The equivalent of
Person *p = p1; p = p2; P2retain +1Copy the code
So the implementation code for objc_storeStrong (& P, nil) in the above assembly is as follows
Objc_storeStrong (&p, nil) {id prev = p; if nil == p{ return; } objc_retain(nil); p = nil; // pointer to nil objc_release(p); // Free heap space}Copy the code
- So let’s do dynamic verification and find out
The Person object points to nil
[[self alloc] init] Optimization process
- In the original version (iOS9), this was the equivalent of two messages
- In iOS11, a message is sent
objc_alloc + objc_msgSend
- For iOS13.5.1 and up, objc_msgSend is no longer objc_msgSend
Person *p = [Person Person]; / / objc_msgSend x0, x1
Look at complex OC code through tools
Add some code to the OC code above, and then do the static analysis
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { Person *p = [Person person]; //objc_msgSend x0, x1 = @"CJL"; p.age = 18; return 0; }Copy the code
- CMD + B compiles the program, generates the Mach-o file, and finds it
- The analysis of the main function from the Hopper disassembly mach-o file is as follows
- Double click on the
, check the address of P, yes000000010000ce88
Is in the Data section
Open Mach-O analysis and find000000010000ce88
, is consistent with the display in Hopper
- Double click on the
Look at the disassembly of the Person method
Double click on the
Double click on the
, the address is 0x10000752aLook in Mach
, all method names are presentCString
In the
Block the disassembly
Define a block
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
void(^block)(void) = ^(){
return 0;
Copy the code
The purpose of disassembling a block is to locate the block quicklyinvoke
Since invoke is the implementation code, here is the assembly code for block
- To view
What is?: is a__block_literal_global
, it is aGlobal static block
(i.e., block,Do not reference block external variables
In theCompile time
You canDetermine the memory
Operations such as allocation exist in executable filesThe constant area
). Other details are also availableIOS – Basic Principles 30: Block basic principlesThis article
The following is the source block definition, is a structure
struct Block_layout{
void *isa;
volatile int32_t flags; //contains ref count
int32_t reserved;
BlockInvokeFunction invoke;
struct Block_descriptor_1 *descriptor;
//imported variables
Copy the code
Then debug dynamically to see the block’s memory structure
- Is it possible to check adRP + add is a block using Hopper?
The answer is yes– double click on the
– double click on the
To see theinvoke
– double click on the
View Descriptor, similar to the source structure of Block
What if the block refers to an external variable?
Define a block that refers to an external variable and look at the assembly code
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
int a = 10;
void(^block)(void) = ^(){
NSLog(@"block -- %d", a);
return 0;
Copy the code
1. LLDB debugging
- Below is a compilation of the code
- Verify that it is an ISA pointer to a block
adrp x10, 2
Get pointer address –ldr x10, [x10]
- Look at the block’s memory at this point and find invoke (invoke is implemented in code and needs to be called by
dis -s
(Print out an assembly of the code)
2. Static analysis
- The hopper static analysis is as follows, and the following is a disassembly of the main function
- Double click on the
Jump to the concrete implementation of invoke (not in main, a separate implementation)
- Double click on the
___block_descriptor_36_e5_v8? 0l
“Is a separate description
[[self alloc] init] Optimization process
In the original version (iOS9), this was equivalent to sending objc_msgSend twice
In iOS11, the message is sent objC_alloc + objc_msgSend once
For iOS13.5.1 and up, objc_msgSend is no longer objc_alloc_init
Disassembly analysis method:
Dynamic debugging through LLDB
Static analysis by Hopper + MachOView