Starting with Xcode 5, Apple requires a UUID certificate to ensure plugin stability. Therefore, after the Xcode version is updated, the UUID of the current Xcode needs to be added to the info.plist file of the plug-in.

The specific steps are as follows:

######1. Obtain the UUID of Xcode

Execute at terminal

defaults read /Applications/ DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUID
Copy the code

Or find Xcode in/Applications directory. The app, right click “show package Contents”, enter the Contents folder, double-click the Info. The plist open, find DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUID, a copy of the back of the string.

######2. Add Xcode’s UUID to the plugin’s info.plist using VVDocumenter as an example

If 1, open the xcode plugin has been installed in the directory: ~ / Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/xcode/plug-ins;

2. Select an installed plug-in like VVDocumenter-Xcode and right-click “Show package contents”.

3, find the info. The file, find DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs project, add an Item, the Value has a Value of Xcode UUID, before saving.

1, clone the repository from GitHub to local, open the project in Xcode, select the project name, under TAGETS select VVDocumenter-Xcode;

2, choose the Info, find DVTPlugInCompatibilityUUIDs project, add an Item, the Value has a Value of Xcode UUID before;

3, Build the project, VVDocumenter-Xcode will install automatically.

######3. Restart Xcode. When restarting Xcode, “Load Bundle” and “Skip Bundle” will be displayed.