As a iOS programmer, do you often feel that your App is always not so attractive, and today to teach you make a short video with AE, instantly your App will be amusing.

As an iOS programmer, have you ever felt that your App is always not so attractive? Today I will teach you how to make a short video with AE to make your App sexy in an instant.

— Qinxue Orchid

The final result course
The tutorial

First of all, we need to record a video of our App. This is very easy, and now iOS 11 comes with a screen recording, so I won’t go into it here. In addition, we need to prepare a strong background image, as follows:

After that, we open up after Effects. It’s very simple, we don’t use any third party plug-ins in this tutorial, but the most important thing isto use an Effect of “Composition”, and the path is: “Effect” -> “Distort “-> “Corner Pin”. See video tutorial for detailed operation.

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