
Recently I plan to start to do various optimizations in my spare time. Before this, I will compare the cache framework combed before to facilitate future records. Then make a record of application re-signing.

With this done, due to Swift’s constant optimization of API stability, as well as the brand new performance experience, we are going to start building a topic using the Swift brush algorithm one problem per day. It is also the beginning of learning Swift (PS: actually, IT took me half a year in version 2.3, but every time the system was upgraded, the Swift999 error report was too time-consuming, so the project could not run stably, so I did less later).

I have looked at the Cache of SDWebImage before, but there is no record, so I will take it for comparison this time.

NSCache, YYCache, PINCache, SDImageCache: NSCache, YYCache, PINCache, SDImageCache: NSCache, YYCache, PINCache, SDImageCache

  • Threads and locks
  • Respective complexity
  • Respective elimination strategies
  • Differences in frame design

SDImageCachesManager is a class that operates on a cache and adds tasks to the cache using _unfair_lock. I’m just looking at the cache section and I’m not looking at the rest. So I’ll just talk about SDImageCache and its internals here.

The body of the


NSCache: The NSCache function is enabled

  • _objects = [NSMapTable strongToStrongObjectsMapTable]. _objectsUsed to query
  • _accesses = [NSMutableArray new]; _accessesFor caching policy

There are two copies in memory, which are cached by default.


YYCache is divided into memory cache and disk cache to store different functions.

  • YYMemoryCache
    • Memory cache usage_lru = [_YYLinkedMap new];Use dictionaries and bidirectional linked lists. The memory is all there_YYLinkedMapthe_dicThe linked list is just through the node_prev, _nextProperty link, property modifier is__unsafe_unretainedSo it doesn’t take up memory.

  • YYDiskCacheStore in the databasekey.inline_data.filename.last_access_timeAnd so on.
    • When the datavalue >20kbThe time,filenameThere is a value (MD5 encrypted key value), which is written to the file when stored.
    • value< =20kbThe data is stored as a binary streaminline_data


  • PINCaching: This protocol defines the PIN interface. Will implement the protocol.
  • PINMemoryCache:
    • Five dictionaries are used in memory to store the same dictionarykeyDifferent information about.
  • PINDiskCache
    • _metadataIs a mutable dictionary that reads data from disk to_metadataDisk caching operations_metadataAnd disk data will be updated synchronously.


  • SDMemoryCacheIn the
/ / strong self - weak management. WeakCache = [[NSMapTable alloc] initWithKeyOptions: NSPointerFunctionsStrongMemory valueOptions:NSPointerFunctionsWeakMemory capacity:0]; OS_UNFAIR_LOCK #define SD_LOCK_INIT(lock) if (@available(iOS 10, tvOS 10, watchOS 3, macOS 10.12, *)) lock = OS_UNFAIR_LOCK_INIT; \Copy the code

That is, in the memory cache, there is no real holding of the stored object.(UIImage)

PS:SDMemoryCacheinheritanceNSCache, so all operations are taken from the parent class, and the child class does a layer of fault tolerance

  • SDDiskCacheIn the

Data was directly written into a file, and the file name was encrypted with MD5 Key to obtain 16 bytes. The file name was obtained by splicing the 16 bytes. There is a copy of the data in the file.

Threads and locks

NSCache: the system does not design a thread-safe cache class, which will affect efficiency and performance. Performance is a perennial topic.


  • YYMemoryCache:

    • Normal add, delete, change and check usedpthread_mutex_tThe mutex.
    • YYMemoryCacheGetReleaseQueueA global low-priority queue that controls which thread objects are released from.
    • _queue: is a serial queue that is called asynchronously when all clipping policies in the memory cache are triggered.
      • In a queue, usepthread_mutex_lockMutex for thread protection_lruTo protect thread safety when operating on _lru.
  • YYDiskCache:

    • Used when manipulating datadispatch_semaphore_tHandle thread safety.
    • _queueAsynchronous queue, asynchronous call. This parameter is used when the disk cache data is called back to block. In normal use, the disk does not need to be called back and only semaphores are used to ensure safe operation.

_globalInstances: An NSMapTable object StrongToWeak, a path of the disk cache, and a YYDiskCache object. Operations for _globalInstances are also managed by Dispatch_SemaphoRE_T.


  • _operationQueue:PINOperationQueue object, traversed globally


  • _concurrentQueueAsynchronous queues, queues that perform priority tasks and additional tasks
  • _serialQueueSerial queues, queues that perform tasks primarily
  • _semaphoreQueueSerial queues are mainly queues that control the maximum number of concurrent tasks.
  • _groupThread groups, mainly for task blocking function.

The recursive lock pthread_mutexattr_t is used. The lock is mainly used for adding and removing tasks. PIN was also written about in detail in a previous article

  • PINMemoryCache

    • The synchronous interface: used in syncpthread_mutex_tMutex ensures thread safety.
    • The asynchronous interface: Adds a task forward_operationQueue
  • PINDiskCache

    • The synchronous interface: used in syncpthread_mutex_tMutex ensures thread safety.
    • The asynchronous interface: Adds a task forward_operationQueue


  • ioQueueA serial queue, add, delete, change, check asynchronous call.
  • SDMemoryCache.SDDiskCacheThere is no additional thread processing internally.

OS_UNFAIR_LOCK is used for SDMemoryCache to protect thread security.

The complexity of the

NSCache: The following is the complexity analysis for implementing the cache policy. If the cache policy is not executed, the default value is O(1).

  • increaseAdd directly, complexityO(1)
  • deleteDelete the element in the array before adding.O(n)
  • changeAfter query, delete first, then assign value to add.O(n)
  • checkQuery first, after finding, execute cache policy, remove first and then add.O(n)


  • increaseAdd directly to _dic, insert the list header complexityO(1)
  • deleteDelete the elements in the dictionary, delete the elements in the linked list, because it is directly processing the pointer before and after deleting the node, so the complexity isO(1).
  • changeExtract node from _dic, insert node into the head of the list, and assign to add.O(1)
  • checkTake node out of the dictionary, and the list inserts node into the head nodeO(1)


  • increaseAdd directly to _dic, insert the list header complexityO(1)
  • deleteDelete the elements in the dictionary, delete the elements in the linked list, because it is directly processing the pointer before and after deleting the node, so the complexity isO(1).
  • changeExtract node from _dic, insert node into the head of the list, and assign to add.O(1)
  • checkTake node out of the dictionary, and the list inserts node into the head nodeO(1)


  • increaseAdd weak to the disk.O(1)
  • deleteThe vm can be removed from the memory or disk based on the file name.O(1).
  • changeThere is no modification, just overwrite, and increment is a call.O(1)
  • checkThe file name can be queried in the memory or on the disk.O(1)

Elimination strategy

NSCache: Uses the comparator NSEnumerator *e = [_accesses objectEnumerator];

    1. Iterate to get the element, and then iterate through the array to get the oldest used data from front to back.
    1. Take the data and determine whether to join the removal queue based on the frequency of access.
    1. The removal strategy ends when the amount of data removed is sufficient to drop the element.


Here we will talk about YYCache author using recursive way, to do a timed cleaning of the cache, is recursive call method internal delay 5 seconds to continue recursion. The global queue is set to a low priority.

The difference is that there are serial queues in memory and asynchronous queues on disk

  • YYMemoryCache: A bidirectional linked list. Since it is a head insertion method, it is necessary to remove the tail node every time. When removing the node, it is necessary to remove the key from the _DIC group and modify the _next pointer of the previous node. LRU

    • When executed asynchronously, it is also executed in the serial queue and in the same queue as the add, delete, alter, and query.
  • YYDiskCache: Remove the database using the last_access_time field and order. Realize the LRU

    • When multithreading is removed, it is executed asynchronously on a concurrent queue on disk


  • PINMemoryCache:
    • So this is actually sorted, so let’s paste it
- (void)trimToCostLimit:(NSUInteger)limit { NSArray *keysSortedByCost = [_costs keysSortedByValueUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]; for (NSString *key in [keysSortedByCost reverseObjectEnumerator]) { //.... }}Copy the code
    • Sort from different dictionaries by value, then remove. Such as time, consumption, limitation of time and so on.
  • PINDiskCache:

    • from_metadataSelect obj from obJ, get key, sort by lastModifiedDate or other property, record keys. Then remove the local file according to the value in keys before removing_metadataData in.
    • Asynchronous policies are also queued, with the lowest priority set, and processed according to a unified task flow.


  • Since the NSCache inheritance.

The framework design

NSCache: is the memory cache design, to some extent, the official recommendation to use NSCache instead of NSDictionary. But API exposure and interface design are the basis on which many caching frameworks should be designed.

YYCache: From interface design to memory, disk and database, each class has distinct and independent tasks and perfectly realizes its functions. Very, very, very good framework for learning.

PINCache: Expose interfaces with protocols, expose aggregation externally, low coupling internally. Generally speaking, as all data is stored on disk, and the policy execution needs to be sorted according to the dictionary value, the performance is doomed to be not particularly good (unfriendly for small data, higher performance for big data).

  • So for a range of sizes of data, PINCache might be more efficient than other frameworks.
  • Also implemented to add, delete, change and check are constant level

SDImageCache: cross-platform framework, the design of cache to meet their needs. More suitable for internal use. KVO is used to listen for the setting of some properties such as costLimit.

Point of learning


It could be a very old design, a general feel or a sense of propriety in memory design. Like NSMutableArray, the system is not designed to be thread-safe, and needs can be handled by the lock itself. Or design a county safe dictionary ah, array ah, even NSCache to play.

Most thread-safe ideas are to use synchronous queues, to synchronize tasks or queue +barr functions. Or recursive locking. There’s a lot of information on the Internet that you can look at yourself,


High cohesion, low coupling, each class in the interface design can achieve the corresponding function, independent and same-sex.

  • You can see more test demo, do not know how to test performance, recommended to see.
  • For the removal thread that controls the removal object, I learned this when I saw it earlier. It looks so simple, but it’s so unobtrusive, it’s not so easy to imagine.
  • Different scenarios are used to test different locks, such as mutex in memory and semaphore in disk.


  • PINOperationQueueThis class encapsulates and handles threads.
  • It’s time to write your own Cache,setObject:forKeyedSubscript:``objectForKeyedSubscriptThese are the two methods that we have to implement in our shorthand. isdic[@”key”] = valueIt’s written this way.


  • First of all,SDImageCacheInside is using the sameSDImageCacheConfigEquivalent to a configuration class for all kinds of information to be passed, sort of likePINCacheWhich global queue is defined at the beginning and passed in.
  • Properties of thememoryCacheAs well asdiskCacheAre allid<Protocol>, different from other frameworks, can better protect internal data. It is not the class of the property that is controlled as a member variable. This is why it is possible to avoid calling specific classes directly when operating the cache externally.
  • SD frame picture encoding and decoding is a very good information, do their own storage can be taken directly to use.
  • Since I’ve only looked at a small portion of the cache, I won’t go into details here to avoid misleading you.

Supplementary os_unfair_lock

As shown in the figure above, when the thread is executing a time-consuming operation, the kernel code is entered, and the system call is made, although I do not know what the system call is, but the name should be busy etc.

How often do you see threads hanging and waiting?

  • IOS10 has replaced OSSpinLock.

  • Since it is a substitute for spin locks, then the essence is strong resources.

  • Since it is designed that way, an alternative lock should not violate the idea. If you want to suspend threads to release CPU resources and wait for signal processing, then mutex is perfectly fine. Why do you do this?

The documentation does not specify that switching between kernel-mode and user-mode causes a significant performance drain, and unfair locks enter kernel system calls while waiting. The principle should be the same as that of spin locks, but with priority inversion, the same access to the resource will continue until it is retrieved.

Maybe look at some locks on other systems, get some inspiration, and think about what the actual flow is like.

This code is in libsystem_pthread.dylib, which is a system dynamic library, and cannot be further developed. Look for information later.


This knowledge looks simple, but it’s actually the output and actual writing that are the most difficult. So a lot of things look easy, don’t say it’s easy until you try it, until you actually do it. Suggestions to prove with action, perhaps really not simple, just imagine very simple…