Apple Developer Center

Developer account opening

Developer account Opening an account is skipped

Create the AppID identifier

  • Go to the Apple Developer Center and click On Account

  • Click Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles

  • Create AppIDS Identifiers, click the left menu bar Identifiers, and click the + button.

  • chooseApp IDs, then clickContinuebutton

  • After reconfirming the information you have filled in and checked, clickRegisterButton (the ID must be the same as the appID when HBulder was packaged)

  • To this appID to apply for good, successful registration effect.

Create a publishing certificate

Creating a development certificate is similar. We create a publishing certificate that can be used by multiple apps (this certificate can be used with all the profile files required for appID creation and publishing). Creating a profile will be covered later.)

  • Select a certificate type when creating a certificate. The following figure shows two types of certificates: software and service.

Select software certificates when packaging. Select a service certificate to be pushed. On demand, I select iOS Distrbution(App Store and Ad Hoc) and click Continue.

  • Click on theChoose FileUpload the CSR file. For details about how to create a CSR file, see the following steps. After selecting the CSR file.

  • Open the system built-inKeychainAccessCreate a CSR file. Menu – Keychain Access – Certificate Assistant – Request a certificate from a certificate Authority.

There’s a magnifying glass in the upper right corner of the MAC, and you can click on it and search for KeychainAccess. When you open it, you can see the KeychainAccess in the upper left corner of the screen

  • Fill in theUser email addressandCommonly used nameAnd selectSave to disk, click on theContinue toButton. The extension of the certificate file is.certSigningRequest. Repeat the previous steps to upload the CSR file.

  • Go back to the page and put the generated. CertSigningRequest suffixTo upload the file, clickContinue.

  • Click to push the effect picture of successfully creating a certificateDownloadButton to download the created certificate with the suffix.cerFile.

  • Click left keystring – Login – Type certificate, find the certificate you just imported, right click Export.p12Certificate and set a password for it,thenp12The certificate is generated.

If not, drag the downloaded xxx. cer into the table below. You need to set the certificate password when exporting the certificate. This password will be used when the certificate is needed in the future.

Pay attention to:Apple Push Services: The name is the generic environment push certificate

Apple Development IOS Push Services: Naming is the development environment push certificate

Creating a Profile

This is the certificate profile file used for HBuilder cloud packaging

  • Apple Developer Center.Certificates, Identifiers & ProfilesIn, select the left sideProfiles, click on the+new

  • I have issued a certificate, select thisDistributionIf the pre-release test is selectedAd HocIf you want to go to the App StoreApp Store, click on theContinueButton.

1. Take a look at the App Store selection process

  • chooseapp ID, click on theContinueButton.

  • Select the certificate

This certificate is the one created in Certificates and used to generate p12 files. The P12 files to be packaged in the future and the profiles to be generated now use a single certificate.

  • Fill in profileName and click Generate.

  • DownloadYou can download the profile file and use it.

2. Let’s look at the process of selecting Ad Hoc

The flow of Ad Hoc is roughly the same as that of App Stroe, except that it doesn’t make sense

  • When you go to Configure, take an extra step and select the device.

Select all devices, if you haven’t added devices, it’s empty here. Or if you want to add a new device (here’s how to add devices)

  • Add device inDevicesBelow is all of our devices, click+Number add device

  • After filling in the information, click Continue. Then you can choose from the previous step.
  • When all other processes are created, clickDownloadYou can download the profile file and use it.

HBuider packaging

For details, see iOS Certificate Configuration Guide and iOS application shelving process

App Stroe launch process will be updated later