Considering that the team packaging and release process is time-consuming and affects the development efficiency, I recently experienced and practiced the automatic packaging tool Fastlane, and recorded the basic process and problems encountered. (pure record paste, no practice can see the problem part, experienced seniors can take a look at the question part to give advice
Installation and initialization
According to the document, run the following commands in the terminal in sequence:
Install the latest version of the Xcode command line tool
xcode-select –install
Install the fastlane
RubyGems sudo gem install fastlane -nv
Navigate to the project directory and run
fastlane init
Output after success:
If you look at the project directory, you will see a prompt like terminal data. The Fastlane directory has been generated and contains two files: Fastfile and Appfile. And Gemfile and gemfile.lock.
Configure Appfile and Fastfile.
Appfile is used to configure general information, such as app_identifier (Bundle Identifier) and appleID (Apple ID). If the command is not configured, the terminal prompts the user to enter information when running a command. If the developer account belongs to multiple teams, you need to specify team_name and team_id. If you want to upload to App Store Connect, you need to specify itc_team_name and itc_team_id. Different Lanes (a lane is a set of packaged action commands) can also be overridden to different values, for example for test and production versions.
For more information on Appfile configuration, see the Appfile documentation.
Fastfile is where the different lane behaviors are configured. Ruby is a little less familiar and intuitive, but it feels like Fastlane has built-in script functions (called actions) that do different specific things, such as the most commonly used build_app – which stands for compiling and packaging applications, There are also get_certificates (get certificates) /get_provisioning_profile (get configuration files) /get_push_certificate (get push certificates), etc. We then combine these Actions in each lane as needed, and call other lanes in the lane as well. For example, build_app can be configured with scheme/workspace/output_directory/output_name.
For more information about Fastfile configuration, see the Fastfile documentation.
As for lane specific how to write, as mentioned above, like stacking wood to combine each Action. As a Ruby plastic player, I basically follow suit.
Fastfile looks like this:
In the fastlane folder, a readme. md file will be generated, which is equivalent to a doc file, containing the names and descriptions of lanes and the corresponding Fastlane commands. You can copy the corresponding lanes and run them on the terminal.
Finally, navigate to the project directory in the terminal and run the corresponding Fastlane command.
Currently, it can automatically package and publish to Dandelion and submit to App Store Connect, and there are more advanced ways to use it, such as setting environment variables (only FASTLANE_APPLE_APPLICATION_SPECIFIC_PASSWORD, Because I don’t want to write it in the configuration file), and the use of plug-ins (only fastlane add_plugin pgyer was used when uploading to dandelion), there are custom actions that have not been practiced, and finally there are continuous integration tools, which can be practiced after business needs.
Problems encountered
1. Failed to build gem Native Extension is displayed during fastlane installation
Error message:
ERROR: Error installing fastlane:
ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
Building has failed. See above output for more information on the failure.
extconf failed, exit code 1
Gem files will remain installed in/ Library/Ruby/Gems / 2.3.0 / Gems/unf_ext - The Results logged to/Library/Ruby/Gems / 2.3.0 / extensions/universal - Darwin - 18/2.3.0 unf_ext - / gem_make. OutCopy the code
Found similar issue 338. This issue is a problem with nokogiri installation. I infer that mine is related to Universal Darwin-18. Searching the issue, I found an issue 13647 that was automatically closed, but there was no solution, which seemed to be related to the macOS Mojave system. The last comment suggested improving the documentation to explain the problem and said that he had given up using Fastlane. Kind of a slap in the face for Newbie. Laugh and live
Finally, I found a feasible method in issue 12905. It turns out that the version of Command Line Tools used by Xcode needs to be manually specified.
2. Use Action: get_build_number to report an error
Configure the Current Project Version & Versioning System in Xcode Build Settings as prompted by QA1827. And the info. In the plist CFBundleVersion & CFBundleShortVersionString, in order to make agvtool to work normally.
3. The Action get_info_plist_value path parameter is invalid
When configuring output_name, you want to add version and build after the user-defined name. Get_build_number Unlike get_version_number which can specify target, get_build_number is used instead by Action get_info_plist_value(path: value, key: Value) to obtain the CFBundleVersion in info.plist. If the plist file is not in the root directory of the project, you need to write the relative path of the plist file. The client development thinking: why fastlane does not prompt the file can not be found, directly prompt the invalid parameter.
An error occurred in the Running script ‘Run script ‘step
1. There are Slack actions in Fastlane that can automatically send notification messages after execution is completed. If no QQ/Wechat Action is found, is it feasible to customize QQ/Wechat Action?
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- Getting started with fastlane for iOS
- Upload App to Dandelion using Fastlane