Like the comment and hope it gets better and better with your help

Author: @ios growth refers to north, this article was first published in the public number iOS growth refers to north, welcome to the correction

Please contact me if there is a need to reprint, remember to contact oh!!

This is the fourth day of my participation in Gwen Challenge

In the previous article about iOS memory allocation, the author made a mistake in expressing, here to correct the article.

Studying the iOS memory allocation process is not boring. It can help you understand how Apple designs classes and improve your engineering skills.


In my article, Let’s Debug the iOS Memory Graph, I explained how to analyze Memory using the.memgraph file generated during application execution.

Thirdly, we continue to make use of the examples in the article to carry out corresponding analysis

I don’t know what went wrong before, would you say

The author in theLet’s debug the iOS Memory-Memory Graph”By analyzing the application.memgraphThe file proves that there are three types of memory in memory:tiny,small,largeSo if there isnanoType, why is this type in.memgraphNot in the documents?

Why is it.memgraphThe document doesn’tnanoPart of the

  1. Exists in memoryMALLOC_LARGE,MALLOC_SMALL,MALLOC_TINYMALLOC_NANO, which is the memory view of iOS.memgraphThe file describes the four memory types of iOS memory.
  2. Check the table belowMALLOC_ZONEIn part, we see itDefaultMallocZoneAs well asMallocHelperZoneIn the previous analysis, we know that this call was made_malloc_zone_callocFunction, is generated for the first timeDEFAULT_MALLOC_ZONEMALLOC_HELPER_ZONE
  3. .memgraphThe file is generated after an application with UIKit animations and embedded web pages has been running for a certain amount of time, so the summary information inQuartzCoreWebkit_MallocIs the APP about drawing part and web page memory allocation.

As we get deeper into memory, we get closer to its kernel. Here recommended reading Tencent technology to master Linux memory management, I hope you can help.

If you have any questions, please comment directly, and feel free to express anything wrong with the article. If you wish, you can spread the word by sharing this article.

Thank you for reading this! 🚀