Ios-matting: Three ways to remove a range of colors from an image
December 7, 2023
by Nina Butcher
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Actual project scenario: remove the pure white background image of the picture and obtain a transparent bottom image for the jigsaw function
The following two ways of three treatments (do not know why think of kong Yiji), specific performance is not compared, if there is a big man can tell, grateful.
Core Image
Core Graphics/Quarz 2D
Core Image
Core Image is a very powerful framework. It allows you to manipulate images simply by applying various filters, such as changing vividness, color, or exposure. It uses the GPU (or CPU) to process image data and video frames very quickly, even in real time. In addition, it hides all the details of the underlying graphics processing, which can be easily used through the API provided. You don’t need to care about how OpenGL or OpenGL ES makes full use of GPU capabilities, and you don’t need to know how GCD plays a role in it. Core Image handles all the details.
The Chroma Key Filter Recipe is mentioned in the Core Image Programming Guide as an example of how to handle backgrounds
The HSV color model is used because the HSV model is more friendly than RGB for the representation of color ranges.
General processing process:
Create a cubeMap that wants to remove the color value range from the cubeMap to the target colorAlphaSet to0.0 f
useCIColorCubeFilters and cubeMap color the source image
Get the passCIColorCubeTo deal with theCore ImageobjectCIImageConverting,Core GraphicsIn theCGImageRefObject, throughimageWithCGImage:Get the resulting picture
Note: in step 3, you should not directly use imageWithCIImage:, because the resulting UIImage is not a standard UIImage. If you use it directly, it will not display.
- (UIImage *)removeColorWithMinHueAngle:(float)minHueAngle maxHueAngle:(float)maxHueAngle image:(UIImage *)originalImage{ CIImage *image = [CIImage imageWithCGImage:originalImage.CGImage]; CIContext *context = [CIContext contextWithOptions:nil]; // kCIContextUseSoftwareRenderer : CPURender /** Note that UIImage initialized by CIimage is not a standard UIImage initialized by cgImage-like UIImage * so if you don't use context to render, Can't display properly * / CIImage * renderBgImage = [self outputImageWithOriginalCIImage: image minHueAngle: minHueAngle maxHueAngle:maxHueAngle]; CGImageRef renderImg = [context createCGImage:renderBgImage fromRect:image.extent]; UIImage *renderImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:renderImg];return renderImage;
struct CubeMap {
int length;
float dimension;
float *data;
- (CIImage *)outputImageWithOriginalCIImage:(CIImage *)originalImage minHueAngle:(float)minHueAngle maxHueAngle:(float)maxHueAngle{
struct CubeMap map = createCubeMap(minHueAngle, maxHueAngle);
const unsigned int size = 64;
// Create memory with the cube data
NSData *data = [NSData
CIFilter *colorCube = [CIFilter filterWithName:@"CIColorCube"];
[colorCube setValue:@(size) forKey:@"inputCubeDimension"];
// Set data for cube
[colorCube setValue:data forKey:@"inputCubeData"];
[colorCube setValue:originalImage forKey:kCIInputImageKey];
CIImage *result = [colorCube valueForKey:kCIOutputImageKey];
return result;
struct CubeMap createCubeMap(float minHueAngle, float maxHueAngle) {
const unsigned int size = 64;
struct CubeMap map;
map.length = size * size * size * sizeof (float) * 4;
map.dimension = size;
float *cubeData = (float *)malloc (map.length);
float rgb[3], hsv[3], *c = cubeData;
for (int z = 0; z < size; z++){
rgb[2] = ((double)z)/(size-1); // Blue value
for (int y = 0; y < size; y++){
rgb[1] = ((double)y)/(size-1); // Green value
for (int x = 0; x < size; x ++){
rgb[0] = ((double)x)/(size-1); // Red value
// Use the hue value to determine which to make transparent
// The minimum and maximum hue angle depends on
// the color you want to remove
floatalpha = (hsv[0] > minHueAngle && hsv[0] < maxHueAngle) ? 0.0 f: 1.0 f; // Calculate premultiplied alpha valuesfor the cube
c[0] = rgb[0] * alpha;
c[1] = rgb[1] * alpha;
c[2] = rgb[2] * alpha;
c[3] = alpha;
c += 4; // advance our pointer into memory for the next color value
} = cubeData;
return map;
Copy the code
RgbToHSV is not mentioned in the official documentation, I found the relevant conversion processing in the blog of the big guy mentioned below. Thank you
void rgbToHSV(float *rgb, float *hsv) {
float min, max, delta;
float r = rgb[0], g = rgb[1], b = rgb[2];
float *h = hsv, *s = hsv + 1, *v = hsv + 2;
min = fmin(fmin(r, g), b );
max = fmax(fmax(r, g), b );
*v = max;
delta = max - min;
if( max ! = 0 ) *s = delta / max;else {
*s = 0;
*h = -1;
if( r == max )
*h = ( g - b ) / delta;
elseif( g == max )
*h = 2 + ( b - r ) / delta;
*h = 4 + ( r - g ) / delta;
*h *= 60;
if( *h < 0 )
*h += 360;
Copy the code
So let’s try it out. How does it look to remove the green background
Using the HSV tool, we can determine the approximate range of green HUE values from 50 to 170
If you look closely at the HSV model, you may notice that we are unable to specify grey, white and black by specifying Hue angles. Alphafloat alpha = (HSV [0] > minHueAngle && HSV [0] < maxHueAngle)? 0.0 f: 1.0 f; Let’s try it out there. As for the code why RGB and HSV so conversion, please baidu their conversion, because the writer also do not understand. Oh, a tanager)
For those of you who are interested in Core Image, check out the big Guy series
IOS8 Core Image In Swift: automatically improves images and uses built-in filters. IOS8 Core Image In Swift: Real-time video filter
Core Graphics/Quarz 2D
The OpengL-based Core Image mentioned above is obviously very powerful, as is Core Graphics, the other cornerstone of the view. To his exploration, let the writer more understanding of the picture related knowledge. So here is a summary for future reference.
If you are not interested in the exploration, please directly skip to the part Masking an Image with Color at the end of the article
BitMap is described as follows in the official Quarz 2D documentation
A bitmap image (or sampled image) is an array of pixels (or samples). Each pixel represents a single point in the image. JPEG, TIFF, and PNG graphics files are examples of bitmap images.
32-bit and 16-bit pixel formats for CMYK and RGB color spaces in Quartz 2D
Going back to our requirements, for removing the specified color in the image, if we can read the RGBA information on each pixel, determine their value separately, if it fits the target range, we change its Alpha value to 0, and then output it as a new image, then we have implemented similar processing to cubeMap above.
The powerful Quarz 2D provides us with the ability to do this. Here is a code example:
Remember the drawbacks of HSV mode that we mentioned in Core Image? Quarz 2D directly uses RGBA information for processing, which well avoids the unfriendly problem of black and white. We just need to set the RGB range (because black and white are easy to determine in RGB color mode), and we can roughly encapsulate it. The following
Take a look at how we compare the white background
It looks good, but it’s not very friendly when it comes to gauze. Take a look at some of the photo tests I did
Apparently, if it weren’t for the white background, the “Raggedy” effect would be obvious. None of the three methods which I try is immune to this question, and it would be appreciated if any one of you knew a good one and could tell us about it. (Put both knees here first)
In addition to the problems mentioned above, this method of comparing each pixel causes errors in the values read during the drawing. But the error is almost invisible to the naked eye.
Masking an Image with Color
After trying to understand and use the previous method, I reread the document and discovered this method, which is almost like the gift of Father Apple. Go straight to code
Compared with RGB, HSV color mode is better for us to remove the color in the picture, while RGB is just the opposite. I chose the last option because I only needed to remove the white background in my project.