Multifunctional small drawing board GitHub: Demo
Drag LXFDrawBoard into the project and import the header file lxFdrawboard. h. What brushes you need can be found in the Brush folder and used
Returns the description you want to add
- (NSString *)LXFDrawBoard:(LXFDrawBoard *)drawBoard textForDescLabel:(UILabel *)descLabel;
Copy the code
Called when descriptions are added or modified
- (void)LXFDrawBoard:(LXFDrawBoard *)drawBoard clickDescLabel:(UILabel *)descLabel;
Copy the code
The brush
The 2017-09-25 update
The eraser LXFEraserBrush

Pencil LXFPencilBrush
Arrow LXFArrowBrush
Linear LXFLineBrush
Text LXFTextBrush
Rectangular LXFRectangleBrush
Mosaic LXFMosaicBrush
Undo and reverse undo