This is the 16th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge. For details, see “…


Key points of this article:

  • positioning
  • geocoding
  • Determine if the target latitude and longitude are on the continent

Judge by latitude and longitude. Use Autonavi SDK for judgment. (Reverse geocoding for latitude and longitude if you enter the location manually)

I, geocode: geocode

  • Set autonavi SDK apiKey
    [AMapServices sharedServices].apiKey = @"xxx";

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1.1 Geocoding API service address…

1.2 Application Scenarios

  • Geocoding: translates detailed structured addresses into Autonautic latitude and longitude coordinates. In addition, the name of landmark scenic spots and buildings can be resolved into the longitude and latitude coordinates of Gaode.

1. Structured address: No. 6 futong East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing 116.480881,39.989410 2. Landmark building: Tian ‘anmen Square 116.397499,39.908722

  • Reverse geocoding: converts latitude and longitude into detailed structured addresses, and returns POI and AOI information in the vicinity.

Address description: 6 Futong East Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing

1.3 Structured address information addressRequest parameter requirements

  • Rules to follow: country, province, city, district, county, town, village, street, door number, estate, building, such as: Beijing Chaoyang District Futong East Street 6.

  • In addition, the API’s specific requirements for addresses are:

Definition of structured address: First, address must be a string of characters, including country, province, city, district, county, town, village, street, house number, estate, building name. According to the characters grouped together from the large area name to the small area name. A valid address should be unique. Note: National information can be selectively ignored in geocoding conversion of mainland China, Hong Kong and Macao, but address composition at the level of province, city and town cannot be ignored. The detailed address information of Taiwan Province cannot be returned temporarily.

  • If the request parameters are not accurate, handle the exception
            CRMgeoDto *dto = [CRMgeoDto mj_objectWithKeyValues:responseObject];
            if(dto.status.integerValue == 1) {// Obtain the latitude and longitude, if the failure, prompt [failed to obtain latitude and longitude, please enter the accurate business address!]
                void (^noLocationdataBlock)(void) = ^void(void) {
                    [SVProgressHUD showInfoWithStatus:@" Failed to obtain latitude and longitude, please enter the correct business address!"];

// responseObject: {
// status = 1;
// info = OK;
// infocode = 10000;
// count = 0;
// geocodes = (
/ /);
                    return ;
                CRMgeocodesDto *geocodesDto = dto.geocodes.firstObject;
                if([NSStringQCTtoll isBlankString:geocodesDto.location]){

                    return ;


                NSArray *array = [responseObject[@"geocodes"] [0] [@"location"] componentsSeparatedByString:@ ","];


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1.4 Format returned by the interface

  • The returned DTO model definition

  • location

            location = "114.468664, 38.037057,";

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2020- 04- 10 11:43:29.914038+0800 Housekeeper[943:136269] responseObject:  {
    count = 1;
    geocodes =     (
            adcode = 350503;
            building =             {
                name =                 (
                type =                 (
            city = "\U6cc9\U5dde\U5e02";
            citycode = 0595;
            country = "\U4e2d\U56fd";
            district = "\U4e30\U6cfd\U533a";
            "formatted_address" = "\U798f\U5efa\U7701\U6cc9\U5dde\U5e02\U4e30\U6cfd\U533a\U5bcc\U5927\U53a6";
            level = "\U5174\U8da3\U70b9";
            location = "118.620285, 24.908597,";
            neighborhood =             {
                name =                 (
                type =                 (
            number =             (
            province = "\U798f\U5efa\U7701"; street = ( ); township = ( ); }); info = OK; infocode =10000;
    status = 1;

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1.5 Determine whether it is in the mainland by inverse geocoding

To determine whether a target longitude and latitude in mainland China:…

Judge by latitude and longitude. Use Autonavi SDK for judgment. (Reverse geocoding for latitude and longitude if you enter the location manually)

II, positioning

2.1 Obtaining Location Information

  • Method of use
    [[ProjectMethod shareProjectMethod] SingleLocation:^(CLLocation *location, AMapLocationReGeocode *regeocode, NSError *error) {
        [[QCT_Common getCurrentVC] hideHUD];
        // Failed to locate
        if (error)
            if (error.code == AMapLocationErrorLocateFailed)

            NSLog(@"locError:{%ld - %@};", (long)error.code, error.localizedDescription);
            NSString *UserInfo = error.userInfo[@"NSLocalizedDescription"];
            [selfshowHUDMessage:UserInfo? UserInfo:@" Location failed, please try again!"];
        // The location succeeded
        if (regeocode)
            NSLog(@"reGeocode:%@", regeocode);
            if (regeocode)
                if([ERPAMapLocationTool inChineseMainlandWithCLLocation:location regeocode:regeocode]){
                    // If the user is not in the mainland, the user is not allowed to change the location. The message "Your latest location is not supported!" is displayed. .

                    [self showHUDMessage:@" Your latest location is not supported within the scope!"];

                NSString *text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@ % @ % @ % @ "",regeocode.street,regeocode.number,regeocode.POIName];
                self.address = regeocode.formattedAddress ? regeocode.formattedAddress :@ "";
                ProvinceName (string, optional): provinceName, cityName (string, optional): cityName, areaName (string, optional): Longitude1 (String, Endogenous): Longitude2 (string, endogenous): longitude2 (string, endogenous): longitude2 (String, endogenous) Latitude, Nature (integer, optional): specifies the customer type, */
                // You need to save the latitude and longitude
                NSString*  lon = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f", location.coordinate.longitude];
                NSString*  lat = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%f", location.coordinate.latitude];
                // Keep it up. Update the TV
                weakSelf.longitude1 = lon;
                weakSelf.longitude2 = lat;
                [_tableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:@[[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:1 inSection:1]] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationNone]; [weakSelf setupk_API_Account_Merchant_UpdateMerchantGeo]; }}}];Copy the code
  • The realization of the SingleLocation
- (void)SingleLocation:(AMapLocatingCompletionBlock)completionBlock{
    // First determine the status, such as whether to authorize
    self.location = [[AMapLocationManager alloc]init];
// Determine whether the user has authorized the application to obtain location permission
// iOS developer detects whether location is enabled: showAlert
    if(! [QCTSession isHasLocationAuthorityWithisShowAlert:YES]) {
/ / [[QCT_Common getCurrentVC] showHUDProgressWithMessage: @ "positioning of..." style: MBPHUDProgressStyleAnnular];
    [[QCT_Common getCurrentVC] showHUDProgressWithMessage:@" Positioning..." style:MBPHUDProgressStyleNormal];

    [self.location setDesiredAccuracy:kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters];
    // Set the minimum timeout period to 2 seconds
    self.location.locationTimeout = 2;
    // Set the timeout period for the reverse geographical request to 2s
    self.location.reGeocodeTimeout = 2;
/ / [self showHUDProgressWithMessage: @ "positioning of..." style: MBPHUDProgressStyleAnnular];

    [self.location requestLocationWithReGeocode:YES completionBlock:completionBlock];
// [self hideHUD];


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  • Processing for kCLAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined [[AMapLocationKit] to use in iOS version 11 or more background location services, Need to implement amapLocationManager: doRequireLocationAuth: agency problems and solution method 】
/** 1, limit foreign location (optimized location permission check logic: mainly for iOS13 access location information added [next ask] scenario) : iOS13 added App location access "only allowed once" 1.1) : test method: First set [allow when using app], and then go to the system Settings to modify the location information permission to: [ask next time]. Go back to the app and update your location information. Before positioning testing authority, if it is kCLAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined, need to implement this method, to let users to choose. KCLAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined / / users do not have to choose whether you want to use location services (play box have no choice, or no bullet box) * /

- (void)amapLocationManager:(AMapLocationManager *)manager doRequireLocationAuth:(CLLocationManager*)locationManager
    [locationManager requestAlwaysAuthorization];

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  • Monitoring location status
- (void)amapLocationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didChangeAuthorizationStatus:(CLAuthorizationStatus)status {
    switch (status) {
        case kCLAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined:

        case kCLAuthorizationStatusDenied:
            [QCTSession setupkCLAuthorizationStatusDenied];

// [[QCT_Common getCurrentVC] hideHUD];


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  • Modify location did not open the clues setupkCLAuthorizationStatusDenied
+ (void)setupkCLAuthorizationStatusDenied{
// [[QCT_Common getCurrentVC] hideHUD];

    [LBAlertController showAlertTitle:@" Location service not enabled" content:@" Please enter the system "Settings" "Privacy" "location services" \" turn on the switch, and allow the use of location services" cancelString:@ "cancel" cancleBlock:nil sureString:@" Open now" sureBlock:^{

        // We need to add URL types in info.plist and set URL Schemes to prefs
        if([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString[[]]) {UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString]];
    } currentController:[QCT_Common getCurrentVC]];

    [LBAlertController showAlertTitle:@" Unable to use location" content:@" Please allow access to your geographical location in the \" Settings - Privacy - Location \" on your iPhone." cancelString:@ "cancel" cancleBlock:nil sureString:@" Go set" sureBlock:^{
        // We need to add URL types in info.plist and set URL Schemes to prefs
        if([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString[[]]) {UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString]];
    } currentController:[QCT_Common getCurrentVC]];


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2.2 Permission Judgment: Determines whether the user authorizes the application to obtain the location permission

  • Method of use
    if(! [QCTSession isHasLocationAuthorityWithisShowAlert:YES]) {

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  • isHasLocationAuthorityWithisShowAlert
//iOS Jump System Settings to open the location page+ (BOOL)isHasLocationAuthorityWithisShowAlert:(BOOL)showAlert{
    CLAuthorizationStatus status = [CLLocationManager authorizationStatus];
    // The location permission of the application is restricted
    // Refuse to get the location
    if (status == kCLAuthorizationStatusRestricted || status == kCLAuthorizationStatusDenied) {
        NSLog(At sign, "NSLog does not have access to geolocation.");
        if (showAlert) {
            [LBAlertController showAlertTitle:@" Unable to use location" content:@" Please allow access to your geographical location in the \" Settings - Privacy - Location \" on your iPhone." cancelString:@ "cancel" cancleBlock:nil sureString:@" Go set" sureBlock:^{
                // We need to add URL types in info.plist and set URL Schemes to prefs
                if([[UIApplication sharedApplication] canOpenURL:[NSURL URLWithString:UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString[[]]) {UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString]];
            } currentController:[QCT_Common getCurrentVC]];
        return NO;
    }else if (status == kCLAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined){// The user has not yet selected the application, if using the Autonavi SDK location can not execute. As long as the implementation amapLocationManager: doRequireLocationAuth: proxy method
        CLLocationManager *manager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
        if([manager respondsToSelector:@selector(requestWhenInUseAuthorization)]){
            [manager requestWhenInUseAuthorization];
    NSLog(@" Obtaining location permission normal ==============");
    return YES;

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2.3 Handling [Allow Positioning Permission Popup in Non-First Installation]

  • AppDelegate detects location permissions

Open the app prompt positioning permission pop-up, for iOS13 every time to ask the next time, for user experience to remove

{CLLocationManager *locationManager; } * /
- (void) setupgetUserLocationAuth{
    NSLog(@"setupgetUserLocationAuth: Location permission popup for non-first installation");
    if(! [self getUserLocationAuth]) {// Allow access
        locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
        [locationManager requestAlwaysAuthorization];
        / / create a CLLocationManager object, before using location service call requestWhenInUseAuthorization (). prompt[locationManager requestWhenInUseAuthorization]; }} - (BOOL)getUserLocationAuth {
    BOOL result = NO;
    switch ([CLLocationManager authorizationStatus]) {
        case kCLAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined:
        case kCLAuthorizationStatusRestricted:
        case kCLAuthorizationStatusDenied:
        case kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedAlways:
            result = YES;
        case kCLAuthorizationStatusAuthorizedWhenInUse:
            result = YES;
    return result;

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III. Determine whether the new location address is within the mainland

To determine whether a target longitude and latitude in the mainland…

Judge by latitude and longitude. Use Autonavi SDK for judgment. (Reverse geocoding for latitude and longitude if you enter the location manually)

see also

Official account: iOS reverse