Summary of # # # #
Audio and video capture is the first link of live broadcast architecture and the source of video
- In fact, video collection has multiple application scenarios: such as two-dimensional code development
Audio and video collection includes two parts:
- Video acquisition
- Audio collection
In iOS development, it is possible to capture video and audio synchronously, and it is very simple to use
Related collection API are encapsulated in AVFoundation framework, import the corresponding framework, to achieve the function
#### Collection procedure ##### Collection procedure Text description
PS: If you have done QR code development, you should be familiar with the relevant steps (very similar)
Import the framework
- The API is mainly in the AVFoundation framework, so it needs to be imported into the framework first
Creating a Capture session (AVCaptureSession)
- This session is used for the input source & output source after the connection
- Input source: camera & microphone
- Output source: Get the corresponding audio and video data outlet
- Sessions: Used to connect input and output sources
Set video input source & output source
- Input source (AVCaptureDeviceInput) : Input from the camera
- AVCaptureVideoDataOutput: You can set up the proxy to get data in the proxy method
- Add input & output to the session
Sets audio input source & output source
- Input source (AVCaptureDeviceInput) : Input from the microphone
- AVCaptureAudioDataOutput: You can set up the proxy to get data in the proxy method
- Add input & output to the session
Add preview layer (optional)
- If you want the user to see the captured image, add a preview layer
- This preview layer is not required and can be collected without adding it
Just start collecting
- The collection begins by calling the startRunning method of the session (AVCaptureSession)
##### Code parsing
- Overall code steps
- Function 1 (Set video input/output)
- Function 2 (Set audio input/output)
- Add preview layer
- Comply with the protocol and implement the proxy method
##### implementation code
- Integral step code
1. Create a capture sessionletsession = AVCaptureSession() // 2. SetupVideoSource (session: session) // 3 Set audio input and output setupAudioSource(session: session) // 4. Add the preview layer setupPreviewLayer(session: session) // 5. Start scanning session.starTrunning ()Copy the code
- Function 1 (Set video input/output)
// Set the video source (input source & output source) fileprivate func setupVideoSource(session: AVCaptureSession) {// 1. Create input // 1.1. Get the Guard for all devices (including front & rear cameras)let devices = AVCaptureDevice.devices(withMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo) as? [AVCaptureDevice] else { return} // 1.2. Remove the front cameralet d = devices.filter({ return $0.position ==.front}).first // 1.3. Create the input device Guard with the front cameralet videoInput = try? AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: d) else { return} // 2. Create an output sourceletVideoOutput = AVCaptureVideoDataOutput() // 2.2. Set up the agent and the execution queue for the agent method (get the collected data from the agent method)letqueue = videoOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: queue) // 3. Add input & Output to session // 3.1. Add input sourceifSession.canaddinput (videoInput) {session.addInput(videoInput)} // 3.2. Add an output sourceifsession.canAddOutput(videoOutput) { session.addOutput(videoOutput) } // 4. Assign connect to videoConnect = videoOutput.connection(withMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo)}Copy the code
- Function 2 (Set audio input/output)
// Set the audio source (input source & output source) fileprivate func setupAudioSource(session: AVCaptureSession) {// 1. Create input Guardlet device = AVCaptureDevice.defaultDevice(withMediaType: AVMediaTypeAudio) else { return }
guard let audioInput = try? AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: device) else { return} // 2. Create an output sourcelet audioOutput = AVCaptureAudioDataOutput()
letqueue = audioOutput.setSampleBufferDelegate(self, queue: queue) // 3. Add input & output to the sessionif session.canAddInput(audioInput) {
if session.canAddOutput(audioOutput) {
Copy the code
- Add preview images
// Add preview layer fileprivate func setupPreviewLayer(session: AVCaptureSession) {// 1. Create preview layer Guardlet previewLayer = AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer(session: session) else { return} // 2. Set the layer properties previewLayer.frame = view.bounds // 3. The layer is added to the view of the view. The layer. InsertSublayer (previewLayer, at: 0)}Copy the code
- Comply with the protocol and implement the proxy method
extension ViewController : AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate, AVCaptureAudioDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate { func captureOutput(_ captureOutput: AVCaptureOutput! , didOutputSampleBuffer sampleBuffer: CMSampleBuffer! , from connection: AVCaptureConnection!) {if connection == videoConnect {
print("Video data")}else {
print("Audio data")}}}Copy the code
##### Stop scanning
- For example, if the user is no longer direct, we need to stop scanning
- Remove the preview layer (you definitely don’t need the preview layer anymore)
- Stop scanning (call session stopRunning method)
- Set session to nil (object no longer used, pointer null)
@IBAction func stopScanning() {// 1. Remove previewLayer? .removeFromSuperLayer () // 2. .stoprunning () // 3. Reset object to nil session = nil}Copy the code
#### Switch lens & Focus & write file ##### Switch lens (front & rear camera)
Switching steps
Animate the switch process
Gets whether the current camera is front or rear
Take out the opposite camera (front before, back this time)
Retrieve the device with a new camera (AVCaptureDevice)
Create a new input from the device (AVCaptureDeviceInput)
Remove old input& add new input
- Note: Before modifying the session configuration, call enable modify configuration option, and after the configuration is complete, call submit modify configuration option
- session? .beginConfiguration()
- session? .commitConfiguration()
Save the new input
The code is as follows:
@IBAction func switchScene() {// 0. Execute animationlet rotaionAnim = CATransition()
rotaionAnim.type = "oglFlip"
rotaionAnim.subtype = "fromLeft"RotaionAnim. Duration = 0.5 view. The layer. The add (rotaionAnim,forKey: nil) // 1. Verify that videoInput has guardlet videoInput = videoInput else { return} // 2. Get the current shotletposition : AVCaptureDevicePosition = videoInput.device.position == .front ? .back : .front // 3. Create a new input Guardlet devices = AVCaptureDevice.devices(withMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo) as? [AVCaptureDevice] else { return }
guard let newDevice = devices.filter({$0.position == position}).first else { return }
guard let newVideoInput = try? AVCaptureDeviceInput(device: newDevice) else { return} // 4. Remove old input, add new input session? .beginConfiguration() session? .removeInput(videoInput) session? .addInput(newVideoInput) session? .commitConfiguration() // 5. Save the new input self.videoInput = newVideoInput}Copy the code
##### Write file
Procedure for writing files
Create an AVCaptureMovieFileOutput object
- Used to write audio and video files
Add the movieFileOutput object to the session output
- Writing a file is also an output
Set the stable mode of the video
- If this parameter is not set, problems such as video frame hopping may occur
- It is usually set to automatic
Began to write
When recording is complete, stop writing
The code is as follows:
Create, add, and set code
// Add file outputletmovieFileoutput = AVCaptureMovieFileOutput() self.movieFileOutput = movieFileoutput session.addOutput(movieFileoutput) // Get the connection of the videoletConnection = movieFileoutput. Connection (withMediaType: AVMediaTypeVideo) / / set the video mode of stable connection? . PreferredVideoStabilizationMode =. Auto / / write video movieFileoutput. StartRecording (toOutputFileURL: outputFileURL, recordingDelegate: self)Copy the code
- Stop writing code
// 0. Stop writing self.movieFileOutput? .stopRecording()Copy the code
- Listen for start and end events in the proxy method
extension ViewController : AVCaptureFileOutputRecordingDelegate { func capture(_ captureOutput: AVCaptureFileOutput! , didStartRecordingToOutputFileAt fileURL: URL! , fromConnections connections: [Any]!) {print("Start recording.") } func capture(_ captureOutput: AVCaptureFileOutput! , didFinishRecordingToOutputFileAt outputFileURL: URL! , fromConnections connections: [Any]! , error: Error!) {print("Stop recording")}}Copy the code