A beginner

The definition of beginner here should be someone who has no experience with programming or is new to the industry.

First of all, I don’t like watching videos, because the quality of most of the videos on the market is not very good. I often see one section, which is actually a little knowledge point, or it is too basic. In short, most of the videos can be said to be a waste of time.

I’d really recommend that you check out the Stanford iOS 8 and iOS 9 videos. IOS8 video netease cloud classroom can see the complete Chinese translation version. For iOS9, there is a repo on Github who is translating it. SwiftGG has taken over the translation quality. It should not worry about the translation quality, but it will take some time to see the complete Chinese version. ‘address. However, in my opinion, the two Stanford videos should be quite difficult for beginners, without programming experience to watch the first two sections should be confused.

Another video to watch should be sold on Taobao all kinds of training videos, but that kind of video after watching the time is really too much, if you really think you have the willpower to watch a few months of video, then you can really try.

Here’s a website I recommend, Boxue. The e video is short and fine, but the update is a little slow. Of course, this website out of the video may not be suitable for this stage of friends, we can go to see later!

So with that video out of the way, let’s talk about some books.

First of all, I recommend the only Chinese version of apple’s document “Start Developing IOS Apps now”, which is the OC version. Of course, if you want to learn Swift and English is also acceptable, you can learn this document: Start Developing IOS Apps (Swift).

After reading this document and following through, I recommend learning from Raywenderlich’s primer

iOS Apprentice

The book is in English, and the legal edition is not cheap. Of course, some places also have to sell, don’t come to the private letter to find me to go, anyway, not back to you ~

Here I would like to say that I personally think English is a necessary skill to learn programming. The most cutting-edge technology is basically available in English first. Poor English should not be an excuse for you to give up learning English materials.

After reading the above, and you really followed the tutorial step by step, you should be ready to move on to the next stage! Congratulations ~

The second stage

After the previous phase, you should be able to develop simple programs on your own.

To enter this stage, two programmer tools are recommended:

Please abandon Baidu, search a keyword out of the first is to promote the search engine. Google and SFO can basically solve your problems as a programmer. Of course, on Google you first get science to the Internet, here is not popular science this, FIR. Im recently reprinted a popular science this article.

Next recommended material!

If you’re learning iOS, you’re going to spend a lot of time working with the UI. At this stage, you can go through all the UI controls that you used in the tutorial. Apple docs are a treasure trove, and you can’t go wrong flipping through them. The document address

If you want to learn Swift, then SwiftGG translated Swift Chinese documents you are sure you can’t miss, currently updated to 2.2.

Next, I would like to recommend a textbook iOS Programming from a training institution abroad

iOS Programming

This book is written very good, of course, has been out of the fifth edition, but it is In English, English is not good friends should be a little tired.

At this time you can go to watch the Stanford video, take this book as an extension book, what whitebeard talks about, to learn the corresponding chapters of this book, after watching the Stanford video and learning this book, I believe your progress is quite huge.

Of course, if you don’t want to study this book, you can also find other beginner books, because I haven’t read the others, so I won’t introduce them here

The third stage

At this stage, I believe you should have developed a strong interest in programming and have a good ability of self-learning. Next, I would like to introduce you to GitHub, the world’s largest gay dating website

The site is packed with people and has plenty of open source code to learn from. Learning open source is the best way to improve, and I will write about my repO collection when I have time.

Enter recommendation book link!

For those of you learning Swift, read Ray’s Swift Apprentice

Swift Apprentice

Objc Chinese translation of two Swift books


Cat god’s 100 essential Swift Tips

100 Essential Swift Tips


If you want to learn animation, you can read the following books

IOS Animations by Tutorials by Ray


IOS Core Animation

iOS Core Animation

A Guide to iOS Animation by KittenYang

A Guide to iOS Animation

Finally, I strongly recommend Ray’s books


So did the new ios-10-by-tutorials


Advanced book recommendations

In fact, there are several books that are also suitable for advanced reading, such as meow God’s and Objc’s books.

Effective Objective-C 2.0 52 Effective Ways to write High quality ios and OS X code

Effective Objective-C 2.0 52 Effective Ways to write High quality ios and OS X code

IOS and OS X multithreading and memory management

IOS and OS X multithreading and memory management

CFHipsterRef: Low-Level Programming

CFHipsterRef: Low-Level Programming

NSHipster, Second Edition: Obscure Topics in Cocoa & Swift

NSHipster, Second Edition: Obscure Topics in Cocoa & Swift

Website recommends

The website is not much, can often go to read the articles of the four websites, is a great help to personal improvement

Making Repo recommended

Updated continuously ~

This article will continue to update, you can also recommend good information to me.

Finally, please don’t ask me how to buy books or can send books, not back!!