As we all know, if an iPhone wants to download a store, it must go to the APP Store to download it. However, Apple’s official review of apps is very strict, resulting in many apps cannot be launched normally. , so most APP operators have found a new way to jailbreak to solve the problem. However, after a long time, I found that although the APP could be downloaded, it often appeared to flash back or the APP could not be opened, which made people very headache. Actually don’t need this, because there is a better way than the jailbreak is available for you to choose, is the sign of iOS, iOS signature no escape, only need to provide IPA package can be the signature, the signature after can be directly through the qr code or links to install on your phone, it only takes a few minutes of time can be completed. So what is an iOS signature?

IOS signature is also known as Apple signature, APP signature or IPA signature, refers to no app source code, no need to go through the App Store review, only need to provide the original IPA installation package to achieve the application software on iOS devices installed and used, apple signature applications can be directly sent to users through the distribution link to download.”

IOS signatures are classified into TF signatures, super signatures, and enterprise signatures based on their stability.

Tf signature is through the closed way apple audit, but there is no normal shelf audit strictly, majority is there some bugs to meet the requirements of the official APP can realize closed, but sign by the APP need to download in testfligjt, valid for 3 months, stability is higher, basically won’t appear off sign.

Although TF signature is stable, not all apps can do TF signature, and the price is relatively high. The download limit is 10,000 times, and many APP operators seldom choose TF signature.

Super signature is a private account used by individuals who develop accounts to sign. The number of devices that can be debugged is up to 100. The stability of super signature is much better than that of enterprise signature, and it is the first choice of APP operators with many small users.

But because the signature market is now a mix of fish and dragons, many accounts are abused and blocked, leading to the super signature will now be signed off, off is no way to sign, plus the super signature is charged according to the number of downloads, for users with large resources, the cost is very expensive, it is not recommended to choose.

Signature used by enterprise developer account generated P12 certificate to sign, according to the use of the certificate of signature independent version, divided into enterprise version signature stable version, enterprise signature sharing three signature form, such as enterprise independent version signature used is rare certificate, by controlling the APP downloads to ensure that the user long-term stability of the APP. Enterprise signature Stable edition has moderate stability and price, and is the most popular signature method for users. Shared version is the use of shared certificate, stability is the worst, a few days to sign off, after signing off there is no way to sign do not recommend you to choose.

Therefore, iOS signature is the best jailbreak free signature tool for APP, but no matter which signature method you choose, you should be careful to choose a reliable signature service provider to cooperate.

The above is about the APP jail-free signature tool related elaboration, I hope to help you, finally, xiaobian also wish you the future APP promotion road can be smooth, earn pot full of pot full!