High imitation love fresh bees

Source making

I’ve been watching swift’s growth since its 1.0 release. Swift is now mature enough to be used to develop full projects. Now it’s time to practice on swift.

Aixianfeng is a small e-commerce app. The pictures and data resources are from the open source project “iOS High Imitation Love Fresh Bee”. Firstly, thanks to the open source spirit of the original author. Some functions refer to the ideas of the original author, but most of them are rewritten with their own ideas, such as the division of view hierarchy, the encapsulation of code structure, the implementation of dictionary model and so on.

This APP is implemented by code. Use the language swift, Xcode Version 7.3.1 environment.

## Function module

1. Novice guide page: displayed when using the APP for the first time.

2. Ads: Use animations to modify zoom and transparency to create excessive effects.

3. Home page: wheel cast diagram, commodity collection, add commodity to shopping cart (add animation). Click on the product to enter the product details page, click on the wheel map to load the corresponding webpage. In the NavigationBar include scan, search, and select the shipping address item.

Home page effect and rotation map effect

4. Scan: QR code, bar code scan.

5. Select a shipping address: Change the shipping address.

6. Search

7. Lightning supermarket: two levels of tableView, the left tableView for classification, the right display details.

8. Shopping cart: display the receiving address, the list of goods in the shopping cart, and the current total amount. Click “Select” to enter the payment interface.

9. My:

9.1 My Order: Display order list, order status and order details

9.2 Coupons: Display the list of coupons

9.3 My Messages: Displays the system message list and user message list received by users

9.4 My Receiving Address: Add, modify and delete the receiving address information of users

9.5 My Store: a list of stores that users have collected

9.6 Share Le Xianfeng with friends: social sharing, not written yet

9.7 Customer service Help: Call customer service and list of frequently asked questions.

9.8 Feedback: Submit comments to the system.

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