All types of QOS or what is often called queue priority all types

ios 8.0QOS_CLASS_USER_INTERACTIVE specifies the quality of service of the task to be executed in the queue0x21QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED user interaction (you want to complete as soon as possible because the user expects the result0x19QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT, user expectation (do not put too long operation)0x15QOS_CLASS_UTILITY, default (not for programmers, used to reset the use of columns)0x11, utility (time-consuming operation, you can use this option) QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND0x09, the background QOS_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED0x00, iOS is not specified7.0Previous priority DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_HIGH2QOS_CLASS_USER_INITIATED High-priority DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT0QOS_CLASS_DEFAULT Default priority DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_LOW (2 -QOS_CLASS_UTILITY Low priority DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND INT16_MIN QOS_CLASS_BACKGROUND Background priorityCopy the code


  1. Enumerations after iOS8 can be found inqos.hThere is an official description of each enumeration
  2. The global queue priority category contains only the first five qos categories. QOS_CLASS_UNSPECIFIED is not in the priority of the global queue.
  3. QOS Quality of service