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The development of Tips
Some options for package size optimization
Edit: the devil seven seven
Due to the problem of length only show a picture of a comb after, the full article can view column:…
Reference links: Toutiao package size optimization, Apple Build Settings Reference, iOS IPA package volume optimization
The Bug
Edited by FBY Zhan Fei
IOS Developer Account Renewal “Your payment authorization failed…” The problem
The problem background
The iOS developer account renewal process is a bit cumbersome and only supports credit card payment, but it has been successfully renewed every year. This year, there have been many unsuccessful attempts to renew the iOS developer account, always prompting “Your payment authorization failed. Please check your information and try again, or try another payment method. Please contact your bank for more information.” , as shown below:
Here’s how to solve the problem of iOS developer account renewal “Your payment authorization failed…” The problem.
Problem analysis
Look for similar questions online and confirm and try the following:
- Try credit cards from different banks. Because the company has only one credit card that supports foreign exchange, and it has been renewed in previous years, it still cannot be replaced by other credit cards.
- Credit cards need to support dual currency. Every credit card used is Visa + Mastercard, which supports BOTH RMB and US dollars.
- Make sure the billing address matches the credit card information used. This problem was really not noticed before, so each card confirmed the billing address and tried again, still failed.
- It may be a system problem. Try again at another time. After more than a week, and tried the day and night, plus tried VPN, are the same result.
- Contact Apple customer service by phone. The reply is that there isa problem with the renewal of the Apple system. There are two suggestions: one is to make offline payment through customer service, and the other is to try to renew by using a credit card with UnionPay + Visa/Mastercard.
Two solutions
1. Offline payment
There are several differences between offline payment through customer service and online payment:
- The online price is 688 RMB, and the offline order is 99 USD because it mentions the HEADQUARTERS in the United States.
- Offline payment cannot provide invoices.
- Because the payment is made in U.S. dollars abroad, the bank of the credit card will deduct the corresponding fee, but the specific fee varies according to the bank and card type.
2. Online payment
- Make sure our credit card also supports UnionPay + Visa/Mastercard.
- Make sure your credit card has online payment enabled
- Make sure that the overseas payment function is enabled on the credit card. Some cards are enabled by default, while others are not (my bank of Communications credit card is enabled by default).
- The billing contact should be consistent with the cardholder’s information
Reference: Resolving iOS developer account renewal “Your payment authorization failed…” Question – Zhan Fei
Programming concepts
Starting in this issue, the programming Concepts module will introduce several concepts related to the front end. React Native and Vue are introduced in this issue. If there are any mistakes, please correct them.
On the front
Usually we say the front end has two meanings, one is specifically refers to the Web front end, its level with the mobile end; The other refers to the large front end, which contains the mobile end. Here we take to mean the Web front end.
The main technology of Web front-end is developed around HTML/CSS and JavaScript. Over the last decade, the web has become more dynamic and powerful thanks to JS. We’ve put a lot of server-side code into the browser. This has resulted in thousands of lines of JS code that link to various HTML and CSS files, but lack formal organization. That’s why more and more developers are using JS frameworks like React, Vue, Angular, etc., to organize code.
What is the React
React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook for building user interfaces. It has been opened on Github and has a high star rating of 169K. It is widely used in the front-end field.
It has these three characteristics:
- Declarative: React makes it a snap to create an interactive UI, creating a concise view of every state in your app, and efficiently updating and rendering the appropriate components as data changes.
- Componentization: Build encapsulated components that manage their own state and then compose them into a complex UI.
- Learn in one go, expand platform writing: No matter what technology stack you’re using, React can be introduced to develop new features without having to rewrite existing code. React can also use Node for server rendering or React Native for mobile application development.
Let’s take a look at the React example to get a sense of how React works. Our goal is to implement a front-end Markdown rendering with an input box and HTML rendered below. Here we use an external library called remarkable.
// React.Com a ponent is a built-in component that has a series of components
class MarkdownEditor extends React.Component {
// constructor, like init
constructor(props) {
/ / external libraries = new Remarkable();
// The binding itself changes
this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this);
// Default content
this.state = { value: 'Hello, **world**! ' };
// Listen for input box changes
handleChange(e) {
this.setState({ value: });
// Render the HTML
getRawMarkup() {
return { __html: };
/ / interface
render() {
return (
<div className="MarkdownEditor">
<label htmlFor="markdown-content">
Enter some markdown
dangerouslySetInnerHTML={this.getRawMarkup()} /> </div> ); }}/ / rendering
<MarkdownEditor />,
document.getElementById('markdown-example'));Copy the code
What is React Native
I am xiong Da
React Native is an open source framework for building Android and iOS applications using the React and app platform’s Native features. It is no longer a Web front-end framework, but a mobile framework. With React Native, you can use JavaScript to access mobile platform apis, and use the React component to describe the look and behavior of the UI: a set of reusable, nested code. Here’s a quick look at React Native’s architecture for mobile development:
It has these features: a cross-platform (JavaScript framework) virtual DOM, hot updates, limited iOS approval, Web developer-friendly, fast access, and almost native-like performance.
React Native’s disadvantages:
- React Native and Native interaction rely on only one Bridge, and JS and Native interaction are asynchronous, so functions that require a large amount of real-time interaction with Native may suffer from performance deficiencies, such as animation efficiency, which is inferior to the performance of Native.
- React Native always depends on the ability of Native, so it cannot get rid of the dependence on Native. Compared with the drawing UI of Flutter itself, React Native seems awkward.
React Native is implemented in JavaScript, so to use it on iOS, you need to install Node.js and use the Node tool to install React Native. Here’s a simple step:
Install Node using Homebrew
brew install node
# installation of yarn
npm install -g yarn
# create project
npx react-native init MoyuDemo
cd MoyuDemo
yarn ios
Copy the code
React Native Chinese, React Native principles and practices
What is a Vue
Content sorting: division size haiteng
Vue (pronounced /vju /) is vue.js. Author You Yuxi once answered in Zhihu that Vue is called Vue because it is a view layer library, and Vue is the French word for view. It is a set of progressive JS frameworks for building user interfaces.
Progressive means it is designed to be applied layer by layer from the bottom up.
This is the biggest difference between Vue and other JS frameworks. The progressive framework simply means: you can use only a part of me, not all of me. You can embed me as part of your app, not all of it. Vue allows you to use different Vue functions at different stages according to your actual needs, and build the application step by step with the smallest and fastest cost, rather than requiring you to use the whole family (VUE-CLI, VUE-Router, vuex, etc.) all at once.
You can check it out: Vue author Yu Yuxi: Vue 2.0, progressive front-end solution
Vue’s core library focuses only on the view layer, implementing responsive data binding and composite view components through the simplest POSSIBLE API
In HTML, the DOM is the view, and we separate the DOM from the rest of the HTML into a layer called the view layer. If the page has a lot of elements, it can be difficult to maintain the data and views that are all mixed up in HTML as in traditional development, so we need to extract the view layer and focus on it separately. Vue focuses only on the view layer and is a collection of views that build data.
Vue supports bidirectional binding of data. That is, data changes drive view updates, and view updates drive data changes. A simple API is all we need to achieve this binding relationship.
Vue allows you to split a web page into multiple reusable components, each containing its own HTML, CSS, and JS for rendering specific parts of the page, and then freely combine these components into a complete web page.
Vue is easy to use, flexible and efficient
- Easy to use: on the basis of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, can be used quickly
- Flexibility: A thriving ecosystem that can scale between a library and a complete set of frameworks
- Efficient: 20kB min+ GZIP running size, super fast virtual DOM, the most effortless optimization
A case in point
Let’s take a look at a small example written using Vue: an input box, a text, and the text can change according to the content of the input box:
HTML code:
<div id="app-6">
<p>{{ message }}</p>
<! Vue provides the V-model directive, which makes it easy to bind form input and application state in both directions.
<input v-model="message">
Copy the code
JS code:
var app6 = new Vue({
el: '#app-6'.data: {
message: 'Hello Vue! '}})Copy the code
Good blog
Edit: King Pilaf is here
This article is about APP performance
APM iOS SDK core technology revealed — from Github: Aozhimin
Ios-monitor-platform — from Github: Aozhimin
In the above two articles from Aozhimin, the author introduces performance monitoring solutions and also reveals how to use reverse techniques to analyze other people’s technical solutions.
Meituan Takeout iOS App cold launch governance — from Meituan technical team
Many of meituan’s earlier technical articles are still out of date.
Douyin Quality construction — iOS startup optimization “Actual Combat” — wechat official number: Bytedance technical team
This paper introduces the specific problems douyin encountered, which is very reference.
From exploration to practice, iOS dynamic library lazy loading record — wechat public number: 58 technology
The unconventional solution mentioned above is dynamic library lazy loading. This article introduces how to modify part of the code in APP to dynamic library and realize lazy loading. At present dynamic library lazy loading has a large number of applications in 58 group.
Douyin Quality Construction – iOS installation package size optimization Practice — wechat official number: Bytedance technical team
According to our statistics, 58APP iOS12 and below still has a considerable number of users. The section migration mentioned in the article has indeed played a large role in download optimization.
Revealed Apple App review team (the most complete version in history) — Nuggets: 37 mobile games iOS technology operation team
IHTCboy: The most complete version ever: The unveiling of apple’s App Store review team tells you about the origin of the App Store, how it grew to be so great today, how to automate: machine review + human review. How did the review speed go from 7-10 days to 48 hours today?
Learning materials
This is a community of WWDC note-taking abroad dedicated to collecting notes and articles on all Apple WWDC videos. The amount of new WWDC content that comes out every year is staggering, and it takes hundreds of hours to watch all WWDC videos. But sometimes watching these videos is the only way to learn how certain new technologies work and how to use them. The WWDC NOTES website can be used as a quick review of what’s on display, as a reference, or even simply as a time-saver. Everyone is welcome to contribute to WWDC NOTES !
Newbie Security List
A Github repository of learning materials about network security. It contains network security related blogs, tools, electronic books, online knowledge base, online vulnerability library, local build teaching, related documents and related training platform, has been 430 .
Tools recommended
Lemon to clean up
Software status: Free
The software is introduced
Tencent Lemon Clean Lite version – focuses on cleaning functions, including system/application garbage cleaning, large file cleaning, duplicate file cleaning, similar photos cleaning 4 aspects, currently also supports the status bar to view the current network speed information, to help you know the real-time Mac status.
The core function
- Convenient status bar clearing: You can directly view the real-time network speed on the status bar to learn about the network speed changes in a timely manner. Support quick cleaning, gently, no garbage.
- System/application garbage cleanup
- Large file cleanup: helps you quickly find large files that occupy more than 50M.
- Duplicate file cleaning
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