Is iOS packaging boring? Once in a while is fine, but packing tests three or five times a day is boring. Try it!
I used to think automatic packaging was unnecessary, so I always used Xcode standard packaging and released it; Now I’m going through repeated testing and regression throughout the day, sometimes packaging and releasing three or five times a day, constantly telling test girls back and forth to pack and release and download, and sometimes girls get annoyed.
At the same time, the continuous repetitive build, archive, export, release test platform is boring. In addition to the computer card, slow response, hit a bag of one and twenty minutes to also delay a lot of time, so automatic packaging is imminent.
So we want to implement a line of command automatically package, publish, and then automatically send a message notification test.
Finally, we chose Fastlane, dandelion release test;
Now we only need one command to complete the boring packaging automatically, automatically issue, automatically send messages to inform the test, and the whole process can be completed in a few minutes, much less than before, really greatly improve the work efficiency;
Our operation route: Fastlane Automatic packaging -> Dandelion release test -> nail
Fastlane realizes automatic packaging and automatically publishes to dandelion platform
Dandelion: App publishing platform;
Dingding, the established development test group, every time after automatic packaging and release, the system robot will automatically prompt as follows:
Is it convenient? Everyone in the group knows, and we don’t have to tell anymore!
Then follow the steps to implement it…
Fastlane installation and configuration
Fastlane is based on the Ruby environment automation toolset. It's not a tool, it's a collection of tools that basically cover packaging, signing, testing, deployment, distribution, library management, and more for mobile development. The suite also supports integration with Jenkins, CocoaPods, XCTools, and other third-party tools.
- Install Xcode command line tools
xcode-select –install
If it has been installed, it will prompt that it has been installed.
xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates
Copy the code
- 2. Install Fastlane
sudo gem install fastlane
Parsing documentation for Fastlane-2.193.1 Done installing documentation for Parsing fastlane after 5 seconds 1 gem installedCopy the code
- 3. Fastlane initialization
fastlane init
CD Open the project directory and run fastlane init. The following information is displayed:
[13:21:46]: What would you like to use fastlane for?
Automate beta distribution to TestFlight 3. Automate App Store distribution 4. Manual setup - manually setup your project to automate your tasksCopy the code
Select 4 to manually set the project file. And then enter all the way
Then you can see some more files in the project directory:
Appfile and Fastfile are the files we need to modify.
- Appfile: Information related to your App.
app_identifier "com.XX.XX"
apple_id "appid"
team_id "teamid"
Copy the code
- Fastfile: describes the configuration information related to packaging. The initial content is as follows:
platform :iOS do
desc "Description of what the lane does"
lane :custom_lane do
# add actions here:
Copy the code
A Lane can be understood as a task, we package and publish to dandelion is a task, package and publish to App Store is also a task; Multiple actions can be added to a lane, i.e. specific operations. For example, the package method operation is an action, and the publish dandelion operation is also an action.
Fastlane has its own lanes that can do some additional operations at different stages:
Before_all is the code that is executed first before executing the script once, in which we can execute common things like git_pull, cocoapods.
After_all, after successful completion, processes the common post-logic.
Before_each, lane is executed once before each execution.
After_each is executed after each lane execution.
Error, any environment that reports an error will abort and execute once.
I want to publish to Dandelion, so the complete configuration is as follows:
default_platform(:iOS) platform :iOS do lane :hs_test do # add actions here: gym( clean: true, output_directory: './fastlane/build', output_name:"XX.ipa", scheme: 'XXX', configuration: 'Debug' # # # # # # # # # # # # SDK: iOS 12.0, # archive_path: ". / fastlane/Archive ", include_symbols: true, export_options: {method: 'development',# test package provisioningProfiles: {"" => "20210906_dev" # test package description file},}) updateVersionDes = "Mention dandelion version update information;" Pgyer (API_key: "dandelion API Key", user_key:" dandelion user_key" update_description: updateVersionDes) end EndCopy the code
Then enter it in the terminal
Fastlane HS_test fastlane HS_testCopy the code
Then we don’t have to take care of the rest, it will automatically help us deal with all the rest of the work;
Parameter Description:
- Gym: Fastlane packaging method, automatic processing of packaging, signature and other operations;
Clean: Indicates whether to clear the project before each execution. Output_directory: output file directory output_name: App name ‘scheme: App scheme configuration: The configuration to use when building The app. Defaults to ‘Release’ export_options: configuration item when exporting, related to issuing certificates.
I don’t use to other parameters also many specific see: gym methods and parameters configuration –
Now that the Fastlane configuration is complete, you can happily pack and see the generated IPA package in your working directory.
Dandelion set
Dandelion supports Webhook mechanism, which can distribute event message notification; Therefore, when we release a new version, we can send a message to Dingding or wechat to inform App version update.
Open the specified application and select “Beta Distribution” – “Webhook Setup” to create a new Webhook
Nailing set
Open Peggroup [Settings] – [Smart Swarm Assistant] – Create robot
Copy the Webhook URL
, to dandelion Webhook URL;
Now that the configuration is complete, we can implement a single command package and go to the free ^_^;
APP automation operation function is very powerful, can do a lot of, today is only the preliminary implementation of test environment automation packaging, more advanced usage is still to be explored.
Hi, I am [Light413] an iOS developer in Shanghai. This is my camp, I like to learn here, here to share. In the future, the article will be updated continuously, introducing the summary of iOS development learning and the summary of the experience of APP development. Give it a thumbs up if you like.