Share an iOS ecg drawing component YOECGChartView

Practice ecg, ECG report

Method of use

Supports import through Cocoapods

pod 'YOECGChartView', :git => ''
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Component Description

@property (nonatomic) int speed; /// Default paper speed 25mm/s (0.025s) @property (nonatomic) int sampleFrequency; @property (nonatomic) int sampleFrequency; /// Paper size 10 mm/mV (small size 0.1mV) @property (nonatomic) int voltagspectrum (even);Copy the code
  • The speed parameter can be modified to change the ecg wave wavelength
  • SampleFrequency parameter modification, can change the ecg wave frequency
  • Voltagspectrum parameters are modified to change ecg wave amplitude

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You can modify the preceding three parameters based on data collection parameters. Generally, the paper removal speed and specifications are fixed. You are not advised to change the parameters. Ecg test has 12 lead positions, and the voltage measured by each lead is different, leading to different fluctuations, which is a normal phenomenon.