WLM3U is an M3U tool implemented with Swift.
Project address github.com/WillieWangW…
The sample
Clone the repository, execute the pod install command, and then run the sample project.
iOS | Swift |
9.0 + | 5.0 + |
The installation
WLM3U can be installed through CocoaPods by simply adding the following line to your Podfile
pod 'WLM3U'
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Parse the M3U file
let url = URL(string:"http://xxx.com/yyy.m3u8")! // M3U file URL
let size: Int = <#fileSize#> // Total size of all ts files
.attach(url: url, size: size, completion: { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let model):
model.name // yyy
model.tsArr // ts file array.case .failure(let error):
print("attach failure " + error.localizedDescription)
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Download the TS file described in the M3U file
let url = URL(string:"http://xxx.com/yyy.m3u8")! // M3U file URL
let size: Int = <#fileSize#> // Total size of all ts files
.attach(url: url, size: size)
.download(progress: { (progress, completedCount) in
progress // Current download progress
completedCount // Download speed (B/S)
}, completion: { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let url):
url // The directory where the ts file resides
case .failure(let error):
print("download failure " + error.localizedDescription)
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Combine the downloaded TS files into a single file
let url = URL(string:"http://xxx.com/yyy.m3u8")! // M3U file URL
let size: Int = <#fileSize#> // Total size of all ts files
.attach(url: url, size: size)
.combine(completion: { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let url):
url // The directory where the file resides after the merge is complete
case .failure(let error):
print("combine failure " + error.localizedDescription)
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Automatically get the total size of TS files
WLM3U supports automatic retrieval of the total size of all files by simply setting the calculateSize parameter:
let url = URL(string:"http://xxx.com/yyy.m3u8")! // M3U file URL
.attach(url: url, calculateSize: true)
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Get the size of the process is asynchronous, could be obtained by receiving TaskGetFileSizeProgressNotification and TaskGetFileSizeCompletionNotification size data.
Pause and resume a task
To simplify the interface, WLM3U does not have pause and resume concepts, they are the same as cancel and add, so:
When a task needs to be paused, cancel(URL: url) is called.
To cancel a task, call Cancel (URL: URL), obtain the task cache directory through Folder (for URL: URL), and delete it.
When you need to add a task, call Attach (URL: url).
When you need to restore a task, attach(URL: URL) is called. If the previous cache exists locally, the remaining files will automatically continue to be downloaded.
Listening state
WLM3U has several status notifications built in, which you can receive to process data:
/// A notification when the download progress changes.
public let TaskProgressNotification: Notification.Name
/// a notification when the progress of getting the total file size changes.
public let TaskGetFileSizeProgressNotification: Notification.Name
/// get a notification when the total file size is complete.
public let TaskGetFileSizeCompletionNotification: Notification.Name
/// a notification when the task is complete.
public let TaskCompletionNotification: Notification.Name
/// A notification when a task has an error.
public let TaskErrorNotification: Notification.Name
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Play the downloaded file
AVPlayer and WLM3U do not currently support playing local TS files. Here are two simple and viable alternatives.
GCDWebServer is used to build local services
Introduce GCDWebServer library:
pod "GCDWebServer"
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Create a local HTTP service to serve downloaded TS files:
let server = GCDWebServer(a)let path = <#folderPath#> // The local directory where the ts file resides
server.addGETHandler(forBasePath: "/",
directoryPath: path,
indexFilename: "file.m3u8",
cacheAge: 3600,
allowRangeRequests: true)
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Use AVPlayer to play ts files provided by the local service:
let url = URL(string: "http://localhost:\(server.port)/file.m3u8")
let player = AVPlayer(url: url)
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Convert TS files into MP4 files using FFmpeg
Introducing the mobile-FFMPEG-Full library:
pod "mobile-ffmpeg-full"
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Run the transcoding command:
let command = "-i 'ts file path ' 'path to save mp4 files '"
let result = MobileFFmpeg.execute(command)
if result == RETURN_CODE_SUCCESS {
// Transcoding is complete
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Then play the transcoding MP4 files directly.
The author
Willie, [email protected]