I’m sure a lot of people are saying that the ios industry is bad, that it’s getting harder and harder, that there are more people out of work than looking for work. Unemployment is equivalent to change industry, job-hopping is equivalent to lower their value. So, as an ios developer, are you ready to jump ship or change careers?

“New Year job-hopping burden is light, golden three silver four job-hopping season” this has been the consensus of the workplace. So when faced with job-hopping, how to successfully complete job-hopping, so as to achieve career success? Golden three silver four, talent job-hopping peak, what aspects need to pay attention to?

Do you work overtime every day, have endless bugs, do not have time to spend with their children, lovers, family. In the face of such a reality, whether you still insist on, insist on their own post, whether to think about changing industries, job-hopping. Face the real life, unemployed you, or want to change jobs you, are you really ready?

As a developer, it is particularly important to have a learning atmosphere and a communication circle. This is one of my iOS communication groups: 131915142 (a group is full), whether you are small white or big bull welcome to enter, share BAT, Ali interview questions, interview experience, discuss technology, we exchange learning and growth together!

We tidy up, no matter do ios development for several years can see, dredge and summarize their own ios programming road, programmer road, perhaps farewell to your programming road

Ios What skill level and age are you in, learn these, master these, you will define your own direction and career plan in this way:

1. Architect 2. Security attack and defense 3. Reverse programming 4. IOS advanced 5

I. iOS architect

Ios architects should understand “LBS integration framework Design”, “MVP Architecture Design (Advanced)”, “MVP Architecture Design (introduction)”, “OB-ORM framework design (advanced)”, “OB-ORM framework design (introduction)”, “PAY integration framework design”, “Payment solution”.

Ii. IOS security attack and defense


(1) introduction to ios reverse engineering (2) Reverse tools and theory (3) Project practice (4) Construction protection


(1) encryption and forensics (2) anti-forensics (3) runtime library security

Iii. IOS low-level development

(1) Audio and video processing technology (2) image processing technology

Iv. IOS advanced learning

(1) advanced multithreading (2) advanced network (3) advanced advanced

5. IOS cross-platform development

(1) HTML5 and (2) cross-platform development

Competing in the tough iOS market, without mastering and understanding some advantageous technical knowledge, how to compete with others, and how to conquer your interviewer. Those who have done it for three or five years are not necessarily involved in the technical knowledge inside. Maybe what you lack is a summary and a list of interview questions to practice on. A misunderstanding of many people, but also a blind spot: in my company to do projects, a lot of knowledge is not necessary, I feel iOS can be independent! But if you take a closer look, how many jobs are repetitive tasks over and over again? Does repetitive work lead to qualitative improvement? ! Proficiency increases, algorithm, underlying principle, architecture design is the real effort, because it is a hard work, fine work, most people dilly-dally, and then do not go in, but you steadfast a little bit, slowly gnawing, you will lead!

IOS development pay tips! An old programmer’s experience!

As a developer, it is particularly important to have a learning atmosphere and a communication circle. This is one of my iOS communication groups: 131915142 (a group is full), whether you are small white or big bull welcome to enter, share BAT, Ali interview questions, interview experience, discuss technology, we exchange learning and growth together!